Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Mar 16, 2020 – Mar 22, 2020:
We have a lot happening this week, with three planets (Mercury, the Sun and Saturn) and an asteroid (Pallas Athena) changing signs, a five-planet lineup in Capricorn and the first day of Spring.
Starting on Monday, Mercury — now in direct motion — re-enters Pisces, where it will remain for the next three weeks (until April 12th). It crosses its shadow point (the degree at which it went retrograde) on March 30th. Until that time, even though Mercury is now moving forward again, we can anticipate some of the residual affects of Mercury retrograde — including misunderstandings and miscommunications — especially since Mercury is in the sign most closely associated with the same.
Mercury is in both detriment and fall in Pisces. But there are many positive aspects associated with this combination. Things like heightened intuition, increased sensitivity, unparalleled compassion and a sense of being aligned with, and a part of humanity overall. Somethign we could all use a little more of in these trying times.
The Moon is in Capricorn on Tuesday, trining Uranus in Taurus in the early morning hours and then trining Venus (also in Taurus) later in the day. The Moon in Capricorn is not particularly sociable, but it’s not so good at staying close to home either. Fortunately these earth sign trines can make it a little easier to just chill as much as possible, and spending time focusing more on security needs.
By Wednesday it becomes a 1st quarter Moon (which is more aligned to home and family issues) that starts ticking off all those Capricorn planets one by one. It forms a pretty tight conjunction to Mars, Jupiter and Pluto, with Saturn just a few degrees away. It’s Capricorn and these are some bad boy planets, so frustration levels are bound to erupt. Keep in mind that Capricorn is tied to the government, authority figures and politics and these are the areas we’re likely to see this play out.
If you’re up in the early morning hours (starting around 3:30 am UT) and have a clear shot of the eastern horizon, you can get a good view of this stellium in real time. The Moon will rise first, followed by Mars and Jupiter, with Saturn coming up around 4:15 or so. Pluto is in there too (in between Jupiter and Saturn) but you won’t be able to see it with or without the naked eye.
The Sun and Saturn — both at anaretic degrees — are in sextile on Thursday, with the Sun at 29º Pisces and Saturn at 29° Capricorn. With this transit,you can put the finishing touches on something you’ve been working on for some time. It’s good for makinng plans and assessing progress that’s already been made. This aspect is both incredibly disciplined and productive, so if you want to get something done now is the time to do it.
The Sun / Saturn aspect is focused, disciplined, ambitious and goal-oriented. Bring these two planets together in a harmonious 60 degree angle (sextile) and you’ve got a fantastic recipe for success. And this is serious business: you may not feel like putting your party hat on, but you can get make some serious headway during this time.
The Sun moves into Aries on Friday, marking the onset of the Vernal Equinox, or first day of Spring (in the Northern Hemisphere: it’s exactly the opposite, ie Autumnal Equinox and first day of Fall, in the Sothern Hemisphere). The Sun in Aries signals a time to come alive and see the world through brand new eyes. It’s a time for embracing life fully, without fear or trepidation.
The Equinoxes are also tied to the need to find balance in our lives, with the days and nights of relatively equal lengths. The days get longer (in the Northern latitudes) as the nights get shorter from here on out. It indicates a time to reflect on what areas in our own lives are out of harmony and work toward bringing them back into sync.
With the Sun in Aries, there are now five planets in either their own signs (Venus, Saturn and Neptune) or in exaltation (the Sun and Mars). This adds up to some powerful planetary energy, especially with Mars conjuncting Jupiter on this same day. This aspect can boost your confidence and rev up your libido. This is a dynamic and action-oriented aspect, but because these planets are conjunct in Capricorn the focus is going to be more on structure and discipline. Even so, it will increase your drive to be productive and get things done.
Mercury trines the North Node on Saturday. This transit is all about developing a comfortable rapport with others. It’s about generating a meeting of the minds and communing with those who are on the same page. As the North and South Nodes are always in opposition, the North Node trines Mercury at the same time it sextiles the South Node. Think of this as a relatively painless give and take, where you’re contributing as much as you’re receiving.
We end the week on Sunday with Mercury sextiling Uranus just as Saturn leaves Capricorn and moves into Aquarius. The Mercury / Uranus sextile is great for brainstorming and thinking outside the box. It’s all about innovation, progress and change. This is a nice segue to the Saturn in Aquarius transit, as Saturn prepares to leave the more retrictive and reserved Capricorn behind.
Saturn’s ingress into Aquarius — for the first time since 1994 — signals a time of moving past outdated rules and regulations. It’s going to mark the onset of a period of time where we’re hopefully more open to seeing beyond our own backyards. As Aquarius is the sign associated with humanity at large, it’s going to be a time for seeing how we’re all connected to each other and how we can all commit to making changes for the greater good. Saturn is leaving one sign it rules (Capricorn) and moving into the sign it co-rules (Aquarius — along with Uranus) to get us thinking more radically and progressively about making the world a better place for all.
That’s it for this week. See you next week!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
Mar 16, 2020 – Mar 22, 2020
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Great overview. I appreciate your wisdom and skill. This is a momentous time, obviously, and I am glad I have found your insightful posts to help us all navigate through.
Thank you !! that means a lot especially, coming from you. If I recall you and I share a birthday, which means we’re both probably looking forward to Saturn moving out of Capricorn (at least for a little while). Thanks again for your kind words ❤