Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of September 9, 2024 – September 15, 2024:
This week starts with Mercury moving back into Virgo on Monday, after having crossed back into Leo (for a portion of its retrograde cycle) for the last 3+ weeks. Mercury is at home in Virgo — the sign it both rules and is exalted in — and because it’s now moving forward, all things Mercury are likely to be clearer, more precise and more succinct in the coming weeks.
This includes things like Communications and ideas, plans, schedules, mail (and email) services and calendars. It includes technical and communications- related equipment such as phones, radios, television, computers and satellites etc. And it includes all things related to short distance travel, such as cars, buses, subways, commuter trains, bikes and motorbikes, taxis and limos.
Mercury in Virgo is practical, analytical and detail oriented. So make sure that you dot your i’s and cross your t’s during this time.
Mars is now in Cancer and it mutual reception with Tuesday’s Scorpio Moon. Neither one of these bodies are comfortable in the signs they’re in, with both of them being in their respective “falls.” but the mutual reception helps a bit in that each of them helps to bolster the other ones more positive qualities.
As Mars is one of Scorpio’s rulers (along with Aries) it can help to assert some of the intensity and hypervigilance associated with the Scorpio Moon in a healthier and more productive way. And as the Moon is the natural ruler of Cancer, it can rehabilitate some of the defensive, reactionary and cantankerous energy associated with Mars in Cancer.
Venus inconjuncts Saturn on Wednesday, which may put a bit of a damper on things. It can bring internal conflicts to the surface and see you questioning your own value. You may have to confront feelings of personal inadequacy — questioning whether you are worthy or deserving of the things you truly want.
As with all inconjuncts, the key is finding a way to resolve these internal conflicts, which generally involves finding a happy medium between two competing desires. In this case it’s about taking an honest look at your personal deficits and turning them into something more positive.
On Thursday, Mercury officially crosses its Shadow Point, thus marking the end of this last Mercury retrograde cycle. There are also two notable transits on this day. Starting with Mercury sextiling Mars. This aspect is great for making plans and then following through with them. It’s all about being on the same page with those you are working with and getting things done with little conflict or aggravation.
Also on Thursday the Sun squares Jupiter, which can manifest as feeling so expansive and gregarious that you end up biting off more than you can chew or promising more than you can deliver. The combination of enthusiasm and benevolence can get you thinking you can do more than you really can. And while your heart may be in the right place, your inability to follow through can get you into hot water.
This aspect is known for over-indulging, over-extending and over-committing. In other words overdoing everything. You may be feeling so jovial and so overconfident that you have a hard time reigning in it and exercising any real discipline. This transit can also manifest as an exaggerated sense of self-importance, so make sure you’re keeping your ego in check too.
Friday’s inconjunct between Mercury and the North Node might see you involved in an awkward exchange with a friend or loved one. You may struggle to find the right words to express what you’re thinking, or you could find yourself misinterpreting something someone else says.
As any aspect to the North Node automatically involves a corresponding aspect to the South Node — in this case of semi-sextile or 30° aspect — it would behoove you to clear up any misunderstandings that have been carried forward from the past. This is a minor aspect so an apology isn’t generally necessary; this is probably more about explaining your position and clearing the air.
We tie up the weekend on a positive note with Venus trining Jupiter on Sunday. This aspect is warm, gregarious, benevolent and kind. It can see you feeling generous and so good about yourself that others respond in kind. Those feelings of goodwill are infectious and can result in opportunities that come to you through unexpected channels.
As Venus is tied to love, beauty, harmony and personal values, all of these things may come easily to you today. Money may also flow to your more easily today as it’s also ruled by Venus. As Jupiter is tied to generosity, gratitude and luck, you may find yourself feeling particularly benevolent, but don’t overdo it.
That’s it for this week. See you next week!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
September 2, 2024 – September 8, 2024
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