Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of September 16, 2024 – September 22, 2024:
This week starts with Venus opposing Chiron and Mars squaring the North and South Nodes on Monday. The Venus / Chiron opposition describes a need to establish clearer boundaries and identify your own personal values reverberates. Are you struggling with doubts and insecurities about your own self-worth? Or are you striving to let go of associations that have held you back or prevented you from achieving personal fulfillment? These are Venus opposite Chiron motifs.
And then there’s the Mars / Nodal Square which can be volatile and unpredictable. In classical astrology, any planet squaring the Node is seen as being “at the bendings.” It’s said to indicate crisis, with emphasis on the concept of fate. As Mars represents energy, action and drive, this can be a high energy transit that manifests that translates as combative or explosive energies. Things can get heated — in both your personal relationships and on the planet — as Mars is also still out of bounds.
There’s a Full Moon — a Super Moon — Lunar Eclipse — in the early hours of Wednesday, at 25° Pisces 40′. September’s Full Moon is known as the Full Corn Moon in Native American traditions.
Neptune plays a big part in this particular eclipse as it’s in it’s own sign, conjuncting the Moon and in opposition to the Sun. The Neptune involvement suggests a need to clear away the confusion and uncertainty while exposing misinformation.
Because it’s involved in an eclipse, it can act as a powerful conduit for change. The Eclipse brings a greater awareness to whatever is no longer working for you so that you can release or transform it. It brings to light that which has been suppressed or hidden — even from yourself — along with the incentive to make changes.
At the same time, Mercury opposes Saturn, a sort of “rain on your parade” aspect that can see you looking at the glass as half empty rather than half full. Here we have the planet ruling thoughts and ideas (Mercury) in conflict with the planet ruling restrictions and limitations. It can manifest as an existential crisis, but only if you let it. Since oppositions are always about “forced integration,” you want to think about ways to satisfy both of these energies.
Saturn opposite Mercury can see you questioning the value of your ideas. You may feel more self-conscious during this time, or more hesitant to put yourself out there. But by integrating these energies — as in clearing out the cobwebs in your mind and making informed, practical decisions — you can get a lot accomplished.
But the Sun trines Uranus on Thursday, which can set the stage for better things to come. This aspect is great for flying your freak flag in a socially acceptable way. If you think that’s an oxymoron, consider that the Sun is tied to your life force, will and self-expression, while Uranus is tied to thinking outside the box.
It’s associated with being progressive and innovative, as well as broadening your range. This aspect encourages you to march to the beat of your own drum and to express your own unique identity in ways that inspire rather than shock.
Friday’s Venus inconjunct (150° aspect) to Uranus couldy put a strain on your love life by pitting your need for freedom and independence against your desire to connect intimately with another. This aspect underscores the potential for missing (or misreading) important social cues.
Relationships of all types may be unpredictable during this time, forcing you to be more accepting of other people’s quirks and to let go of expectations of your own. As with all inconjunct aspects, the key to rebalancing this energy is adjusting your own perceptions and adapting your own approach.
On Saturday, the opposition between the Sun and Neptune perfects, while Mercury squares Jupiter. The Sun / Neptune opposition (also touched on above) can cloud your judgment. This aspect produces tension between your ego and will (Sun) and dreams and fantasies (Neptune). It can manifest as a lack of clarity or worse, delusions and self-deception. It’s good for getting lost in the moment and allowing your fantasies to come alive. But not so good for facing reality or seeing your situation clearly.
The Mercury / Jupiter square can indicate a tendency to want to overdo things — as in over-committing, over-indulging and over-extending yourself. Be careful not to make promises you can’t keep or annoy others with your outlandish ideas. With these two planets (which rule opposing signs) in hard aspect to one another, the potential for them to be at war is indicated. But as Mercury is dignified in Virgo and Jupiter is debilitated in Gemini, Mercury is likely to “win.” Even so, this is an impulsive aspect that brings with it the potential for biting off more than you can chew.
On Sunday, the Sun moves into Libra, ushering in the Autumnal Equinox (Spring Equinox for those in the Southern Hemisphere). From a symbolic standpoint, the Equinox is associated balance and harmony. It’s also associated with reaping what we have sewn and harvesting what we have grown. It speaks of conserving our energy and making preparations for the longer colder nights.
With the day (consciousness and intention) and night (intuition and emotion) momentarily equal, the ability to synchronize our own inner rhythms is unparalleled during this time. This is reinforced by the fact that the Sun has moved into Libra, which shifts our collective consciousness toward thoughts of fairness and impartiality. The Sun in Libra is objective and open-minded, willing to weigh all sides of an argument and listen to all points of view.
Also on Sunday, the Sun trines — and Venus squares — Pluto. Venus and Pluto rule opposing signs (Taurus and Scorpio respectively) and the square intensifies the polarizing influence. During this time, problems that have been simmering beneath the surface can come to a head and force you to confront your relationship problems head on.
This is not the time to deliver an ultimatum or back someone into a corner. This transit can be volatile and can lead to actions and decisions that can’t be taken back later. Choose your relationship battles wisely during this time — or better yet choose not to do battle at all.
That’s it for this week. See you next week!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
September 16, 2024 – September 22, 2024
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