Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Sept 25, 2016 – Oct 1, 2016:
This could be a busy week, with one planet changing signs (Mars), one planet changing direction (Pluto) and the second New Moon of the month (depending on where in the world you’ are located).
Starting on Monday, there’s a nice Sun / Jupiter conjunction that can see you feeling more confident and enthusiastic. This is a “feel good” aspect that can boost your confidence and see you feeling more upbeat and optimistic. Sun / Jupiter transits are said to be lucky, but they can also be overindulgent. So don’t get too carried away.
It’s a good time to count the blessings in your life and focus on what you have rather than what you lack.That doesn’t mean everything’s going to be hunky dory. But it does suggest opportunities for all of us to re-align ourselves with more harmonious and conciliatory energies.
That’s the good news. The not so good news is that there’s also a hard aspect between Saturn and the Nodes, effectively turning it into a Saturn t-square with Saturn at “the bendings.” This configuration is said to be fated in some way. It is known for producing crises, and as Saturn represents hard work, discipline, restrictions and obstacles, it can manifest as a series of roadblocks that seem impossible to overcome.
It can also manifest as efforts that are met with resistance in the moment but which may pay off in the end. This is the goal with a challenging aspect like this one, and is especially poignant because Pluto is also turning direct on Monday, for the first time in 5-1/2 months. As Pluto is retrograde approximately half of the year every year, this phenomenon is a part of the natural ebb and flow of Plutonian energy. Just as Persephone — of the Hades / Pluto myth — spent half of year in the underworld and the other half out, Pluto follows a similar natural cycle.
Pluto goes direct at 15 ° Capricorn, conjunct the fixed star Vega. Vega is known as the “messenger of light” (among other things) and is said to be associated with truth, justice and clarity. The Pluto in Capricorn station at this degree is likely to expose things that have been hidden, especially with regards to political or government corruption.
Mars leaves Sagittarius behind and moves into Capricorn — the sign of its exaltation — on Tuesday. As Mars — natally and by transit — refers to what we’re passionate about as well as what we’re instinctively compelled to do, this transit emphasizes the Capricorn inclinations toward tradition, ambition and success, which is generally earned through hard work and over time.
Mars in Capricorn people often have a more serious, soulful, old-school quality about them which can manifest in a variety of ways — all within the parameters of the Capricorn archetype.
As far as this transit is concerned, it’s a good time to put your energy into pursuing your goals and ambitions. Establishing your career. Working on external / worldly pursuits, and fine-tuning your public persona. It’s a good time to streamline your wardrobe, your material possessions and your debts. It’s also good for taking stock of and clearing out all the junk and the dead wood around you, so that you can focus on living a more simplistic, disciplined and organized life.
We have a New Moon on Thursday — the second New Moon of the month for those located in some areas of the world (for those in the east, the New Moon takes place on Friday the 1st). This New Moon is at 8° Libra 15, conjunct the fixed star Vindemiatrix. This is is a rather fatalistic star — associated with Saturn and Mercury, which is also known as the “Widow’s star,” due to its prominence in the charts of many who’ve lost a partner or mate.
But the close conjunction to Jupiter makes this a much more fortuitous New Moon, with references to things like abundance, prosperity and equilibrium. As New Moons always represent new beginnings and opportunities to start anew, this one — in Libra — brings opportunities to be of work on bringing balance back into our lives. The Jupiter conjunction makes this especially important, as Jupiter is known for being overly enthusiastic and for overdoing things. The Libra New Moon encourages you to focus on creating harmony and temperance into your life. Want to know where this takes place in your own natal chart? Check out our free Natal Chart Calculator.
We end the week on Saturday with Venus trine Neptune. This aspect asserts a idealized version of love, beauty, romance and compassion for others. It can bring you closer to loved ones, and see you feeling so connected to them that it’s hard to tell where you end and they begin. You may feel so in sync with those who hold a special place in your heart that you know exactly what they need to feel appreciated.
Use this transit to meditate and reflect, explore your psychic senses and surround yourself with beauty. Write poetry, listen to music, spend time exploring your own dreams and visions and focus on cultivating forgiveness. These are all themes associated with Venus / Neptune aspects, and can help you to actualize this transit in its highest possible vibration.
That’s it for this week, see you next Sunday!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
Sept 25, 2016 – Oct 1, 2016:
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