Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Nov 20, 2017 – Nov 26, 2017:
This week starts on Monday with a Moon in Sagittarius — still New — sextiling Mars, conjuncting Mercury and trining Uranus. As lunar aspects are fleeting, these transits will probably only produce short-lived effects. But in general, these are all favorable contacts that should see you feeling more confident and optimistic.
But Mercury is not only in detriment (by sign), it’s also now officially out of bounds. This is a wild-card energy that can see people making outlandish claims and rash decisions, as well as exhibtting an exagerated sense of self-importance. The last time this happened (with Mercury being both in Sagittarius and out of bounds) was during the US presidential election in 2016.
There are a couple nice sextiles on Tuesday. First we have Venus sextiling Pluto in the morning and then we have Mars sextiling the North Node later that same day. Starting with the Venus / Pluto sextile: this transit bring out the urge to merge in people, so don’t be surprised if a partner or love interest starts trying to get frisky with you. It’s an alluring, seductive aspect that is known for its sex appeal and rarely fails to deliver.
The Mars / North Node sextile automatically pulls in a Mars / South Node trine. This is because the Moon’s Nodes are always in direct opposition to one another. This aspect is all about taking an active role in group Interactions and discussions. It’s about cooperation and collaboration. You don’t want to lead and you don’t want to follow: remember that there needs to be a good balance between give and take with this transit.
Mars / Node transits can bring new people into the fold. People who will spur you on to take risks and to let go of your fears. Alternately it may be you giving the pep talks and helping others to reach their full potential. But don’t try to force your views on others or you could wind up alienating them.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on Wednesday, just as Venus squares the Nodes. As Sagittarius is the sign associated with expansion, evolution and growth, the Sun’s ingress into this sign evokes a shift in consciousness toward higher mind pursuits and may have you thinking about brushing up on your studies or pursuing new information and knowledge first hand. You may be thinking about going back to school or taking a trip abroad.
The Sun in Sagittarius archetype is associated first and foremost with personal expansion. How you manifest that will depending on your own evolutionary state, as well as your current focus and interests. You may experience an increased need for freedom and independence during this time in order to facilitate that expansion, through broadening your awareness of worldly affairs or re-evaluating your belief systems.
The Venus / Nodes square is a bit less fortuituous. It’s in what’s known in classical astrology as “at the bendings.” This is what a planet in exact square to the North and South Nodes is called, and refers to a period of crisis with emphasis on the concept of fate. As Venus represents romance and relationships (among other things, such as money, personal values and beauty / aesthetics) this can translate as problems identifying with these areas.
It can also manifest as feeling backed into a corner in relationship or being forced to choose between love and something (or someone) else. Feeling like it’s time to update your wardrobe, hair, fashion sense or psychical appearance. Being dissatisfied with what you have going in there areas, with the understanding that you need to make changes.
Also on Wednesday, Neptune turns stationary direct at 11 Pisces 28. Neptune is at home in Pisces (the sign it rules), and this forward motion inspires us to realign ourselves with our higher ideals. Neptune in Pisces asks us to step outside of ourselves long enough to think about what we can do the make the world a better place. It’s about putting ourselves in other people’s shoes, striving to understand where they’re coming from, and being willing to accept them even when we don’t understand.
It’s about tapping into the collective unconscious and exploring our intuition. It’s about dreams, visions, illusions and psychic perceptions. It’s a good transit for accessing your imagination and bringing it to life through Piscean forms of creativity, such as song, dance, art, poetry or photography.
Venus and Mars (the traditional “love” planets) are involved in a semi-sextile on Thursday. Semi-sextiles can be a bit uncomfortable, but this one shouldn’t be too bad. Even though Venus and Mars are both currently in detriment, they are also in mutual reception. Additionally, Venus is at the midpoint between Mercury and Mars, creating what is known as a planetary picture.
This configuration (Mercury / Mars = Venus) is excellent for team projects, working collaboratively with others. It’s also good for feeling valued and supported, and for having heart-to-heart discussions with those you love.
On Friday, Mercury squares Chiron. This transit can bring feelings of guilt and regret to the surface. You may be questioning whether you’ve done enough to help others or whether you’ve said the right things. You may also be more gullible than usual so be careful you don’t fall prey to some undeserving culprit’s sob story.
This transit can also bring issues with long-held resentments — and the need for forgiveness — to light. It serves as a reminder that hurtful words are just that: words. You can choose to weild them like a sword or use them to smooth over past transgressions and bring healing for everyone involved.
The Mercury / Uranus trine on Saturday can help. As Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, bringing them together in a harmonious (trine) aspect allows for a much more natural route to higher consciousness. This is especially true with the Moon in Aquarius at the midpoint between these two planets.
Overall, this configuration is great for brainstorming and thinking outside the box. With these two planets in fire signs (Sagittarius and Aries respectively), you should be passionate about your ideas and the way that you express them.
We end the week on Sunday with a nice Venus / Chiron trine in water signs (Scorpio and Pisces, respectively). This transit can see you becoming more aware of your own capacity for giving and for being able to put yourself in other people’s shoes. This is a charitable aspect that compels you to reach into the very depths of your soul — where compassion, forgiveness and understanding all reside — and bring forth that which is within you in order to pass it onto others.
That’s all for now; see you next week!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
Nov 20, 2017 – Nov 26, 2017
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