Weekly Astrology Forecast — March 3, 2025 – March 9, 2025

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of March 3, 2025 – March 9, 2025:

We start this week with Mercury leaving Pisces behind and moving into Aries on Monday. Mercury in Aries is a quick-thinking, somewhat impatient archetype, that wants to get to the point and say what’s on its mind. It doesn’t want to beat around the bush and has little patience for those who do. It invites you to put yourself out there and to express yourself boldly and succinctly.

Although Aries is the esoteric ruler for Mercury, it can be a bit problematic — especially in the earliest degrees. It can indicate impatience and aggressive speech, as well as a tendency to jump to conclusions. It’s better at talking than listening and is not so good at tact or diplomacy, so keep that in mind in your interactions with others.

This could be more pronounced with Venus, Chiron and the North Node also in Aries, but by Tuesday the Moon will have moved into Taurus, helping to balance out some of that fiery Aries energy. The Moon is exalted in Taurus and fairly quiet on this day. It makes two nice aspects to other planets: a sextile to the Sun in Pisces and another sextile to Mars in Cancer.

This could be a day just kicking your shoes off and relaxing at home or just laying low at work. The Moon in Taurus is an earthy, sensuous and calm signature that can be slow-moving and somewhat languorous. It wants to stop and smell the flowers and appreciate the subtle moments. It prefers to savor meaningful experiences, much like someone would savor a meal or a bottle of fine wine.

That Taurus Moon joins up with Uranus in the early hours of Wednesday, just as Mercury sextiles Pluto. The Moon / Uranus conjunction contains a somewhat rebellious or non-conformist flair. And that can be a good thing, as the Taurus Moon can sometimes need a bit of a kick. And it should work well with the Mercury / Pluto sextile, as those are both in forward-moving, energetic, progressive signs.

The Mercury / Pluto aspect is great for putting your head together with like-minded people and having some lively — albeit potentially heated — conversations. This aspect is all about deep thoughts and penetrating insights. But you don’t want to keep these to yourself. The sextile speaks of joining hands with others, and sharing information that causes you to stop and think.

By midday the Moon will have moved into Gemini, and on Thursday it sextiles Venus and conjuncts Jupiter — two more very pleasant aspects. This is also a first quarter moon which is always a waxing Moon involving a square to the Sun. The first quarter moon is tied to home, family, security, emotions and needs (among other things). But it’s an action-oriented Moon as it’s growing in size — or adding some bulk — from our perspective and thus wanting to make its presence known.

Because it’s a Gemini, this is best done in a spontaneous, curious, playful manner. And how better to accomplish that than to add in Venus and Jupiter — known as the lesser and greater benefics, respectively — which are both up for a good time at a moment’s notice. It may be the time to slip those shoes back on and take them out dancing.

Remember that Venus is now retrograde, the only planet to currently hold that distinction. It’s also debilitated by sign (as it’s placed in Aries, the sign opposite its natural ruler — Libra), and by Friday it joins up with several other planets — the Sun, Pluto, Uranus, Saturn and Mercury — to shine a spotlight on Neptune, as it prepares to leave Pisces.

Neptune has been in Pisces — the sign it rules — since 2011. Because of its distance from the Sun — about 2.8 billion miles away! — It takes a very long time to make its way around the Sun one time, which is why it spends so much time in each sign. What’s significant now, is that it’s now at the final degree of Pisces — 29° — which is known as a critical degree. It’s also at the midpoint of several other planetary pairs, making Neptune probably the most significant planet at this time.

The 29th degree of any planet, called an anaretic degree, is said to be fateful. There are strong indications of needing to finish something off, tie up loose ends, and create closure in areas that need to be put to rest. Whether this means relationships, material possessions, unhealthy thoughts and actions, or just outdated belief systems, it’s important to use this time — from now until Neptune leaves Pisces at the end of this month — to take some kind of inventory and see what needs to be released.

The Sun trines Mars on Saturday. This is generally a dynamic and powerful transit, as it involves two naturally energetic planets — the Sun and Mars — in a harmonious 120° aspect. In this case though, with both planets in water signs, some of the fiery initiative associated with them may be a little more subdued.

Even so, the Sun trine Mars aspect is good for putting your plans into action. It’s all about finding your stride and making things happen. It’s self-assured and confident and can be perfect for manifesting your goals. It tells you that whatever you want to attain is completely within your reach and that now is the time to go for it.

By this time the Moon will be in Cancer and by Sunday it’s conjuncting Mars. While the Moon is happy in Cancer — the sign that it rules, Mars is not. That’s because Mars is in detriment in Cancer, the sign opposite it’s exaltation (Capricorn). With a planet that relates to impatience, anger, aggression and self assertion (Mars) lined up with a planet associated with sensitivity, feelings and emotional reactions (the Moon) people are bound to get testy.

This would not be the time to confront a partner or to overwhelm another with emotional outbursts. As this is a highly sensitive placement that can amplify feelings and emotions, it’s probably best to avoid pouring your heart out during this time. A better use for this aspect might be to write down what you’re feeling (journaling) or watch something heartfelt and stirring on the tube. As lunar transits are fleeting, this one will have passed by before you know it and you won’t have to deal with being regretful or embarrassed later on.


That’s it for this week. See you next week!


Weekly Astrology Forecast

March 3, 2025 – March 9, 2025


Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.  




Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.  

Steven Forrest’s Inner Sky and Changing Sky books are classics that every serious astrologer has in their library, as is Tracy Marks’ Art of Chart Interpretation.

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