Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of March 24, 2025 – March 30, 2025
This week starts on Monday with Mercury conjuncting the Sun at 4° Aries. As Mercury’s still retrograde, this is its inferior conjunction, meaning that it’s passing between the Earth and the Sun and is completely obscured from view by the Sun’s bright rays. In the coming days, Mercury will rise again as a Morning Star, once it reemerges from behind those rays.
The Mercury / Sun conjunction is what’s known as combust (or in this case — when the conjunction is exact — cazimi). This is also known as “at the heart of the Sun” which is said to strengthen and energize Mercury’s influence. Mercury conjunct the Sun in Aries is good for taking a stand, saying what’s on your mind, being bold and brave in your communications with others, and putting yourself out there. It’s better at talking than listening and is not so good at tact and diplomacy so keep that in mind in your interactions with others.
Mercury next sextiles Pluto, on Tuesday. This is a recurrence of an earlier sextile between these two planets before Mercury went retrograde. This is a harmonious aspect that can ease the way toward compromise and open communications. It’s great for putting your head together with like-minded people and having some lively — albeit potentially heated — conversations.
In the early morning hours, the Moon joins in, conjuncting Pluto and also sextiling Mercury. This combination brings in an emotional element and in general is going to be all about deep thoughts and penetrating insights. But you don’t want to keep these to yourself. The moon, Mercury and Pluto in any configuration likely to bring profound insights to the table. The sextile speaks of joining hands with others and sharing information that causes you to stop and think.
Mars squares Chiron on Wednesday. This aspect can see you fighting against the urge to put your own needs aside in favor of the “greater good.” While that might seem like a valid endeavor, it can also skew your perceptions and see you fighting for something you may not believe in after all.
With Mars still out of bounds, it may behave a bit like a wild card here: increasing the impulsive and erratic energy already associated with Mars. The Moon assists with a sextile to Chiron, but it forms an inconjunct to Mars at the same time. As the Moon is an Aquarius, it can emphasize the humanitarian aspects associated with Chiron, but the inconjunct to Mars can leave you feeling emotionally out of sorts. During this time, you want to be mindful of these transits and steer clear of confrontations with others.
Venus retrogrades back into Pisces on Thursday and forms a conjunction with Neptune. Both Venus and Neptune are dignified in Pisces, Venus as the planet of exaltation and Neptune as the natural ruler. They come together at 29° Pisces, which is not only the last degree of the sign (called the anaretic degree) but also the last degree of the zodiac. This is a critical degree which is said to be fated. It can see you feeling an urgent need to work through something or tie up loose ends.
This aspect is strengthened by the fact that Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces and Venus is exalted there. Neptune is also the higher octave of Venus. This conjunction is associated with the purest forms of beauty, art and love.
It speaks of fully merging with others — and with the Universe — and in this respect it’s associated with all of those areas that bring us together in ways that we can relate to one another — through things like music, romance, dreams and psychic connections. It’s visionary, mystical and idealistic. It’s also incredibly compassionate and altruistic. On a personal level it can inspire us to strive for ecstasy, nirvana and bliss.
The Moon joins in on Friday, bringing the total number of Water sign planets to five, or six if you include the North Node. And Venus will also rise helically on Friday, meaning that it will reappear on the Eastern Horizon as a Morning Star, after a period of being hidden behind the Sun.
The Morning Star Venus is also referred to as Venus Lucifer and is associated with a more passionate, spontaneous and free-spirited approach to love. This is the “follow your heart” Venus, where the evening star (Venus Hesperus) is associated with following your head.
We have a Solar Eclipse on Saturday at 9° Aries 00′. This is a New Moon eclipse, with both the Sun and Moon occupying the same degree.
The New Moon brings with it opportunities to start fresh and begin anew, and because it falls in Aries this month — the sign associated with Instinct, action, energy, and drive — the emphasis will be on all of those things as they pertain to you personally, as well as the meaning of the house that the Eclipse falls in, in your natal chart.
This eclipse creates a shift in consciousness related to these areas as well as the house it falls in your natal chart. Its effects can last up to six months but will be strongest over the next two weeks.
The Solar Eclipse brings to light what’s been obscured by our emotions — our innermost longings and desires — as opposed to what might be best for us. It causes us to see things in a whole new light, bringing clarity to even our most heart-wrenching decisions.
This can be a wakeup call if you’ve been walking around in a daze but will be a welcome one in the long run. Eclipses tend to force you to “get clear” about your situation and make the necessary changes, even if those changes are ones you’ve been dreading in the past. They can also bring past emotional issues to light, forcing you to confront them head-on.
As we end the week, on Sunday, Mercury retrogrades back into Pisces and conjuncts Neptune just before Neptune leaves Pisces and moves into Aries. It’s as if these two planets are strangers in the night, barely passing one another as one moves forward and the other moves backward (retrograde) while they each change signs.
The Mercury / Neptune conjunction is excellent for meditating, journaling, or any type of creative communication (songwriting, poetry, composing love letters, etc.) It’s also a highly sensitive aspect that favors getting in touch with your intuition and paying attention to your dreams.
Once Mercury moves back into Pisces, it becomes involved in a mutual reception with Jupiter, although both of these planets are also debilitated by sign (Mercury in the sign opposite its natural ruler Virgo, and Jupiter in the sign opposite one of its natural rulers, Sagittarius). The mutual reception can strengthen the natural influences of the planets involved, uniting them together in harmony. In this case — with Mercury in Jupiter’s sign and vice versa, the ability to align our thoughts and ideas (Mercury) with our dreams and visions (Jupiter) should be greatly enhanced.
Also on Sunday — for the first time in 150 years — Neptune leaves Pisces behind and moves into Aries. Aside from one brief period when it retrogrades back into Pisces (between October 2025 and January 2026), it will remain in Aries for another 14 years, or until March 2039.
Neptune moving into Aries signals a time for radical change. Particularly in Neptune-related areas, such as our ideals, our belief systems, our dreams, and our visions for the future. Neptune’s last transit through Aries, beginning in 1861, coincided with the American Civil War, as well as numerous other global events that all had one thing in common: the urge to bring about change, even if it meant you had to fight for it.
As Neptune is an outer — or “transpersonal” — planet, it’s transitory effects are said to be experienced generationally rather than personally. But that doesn’t mean it won’t have a very specific and personal affect on you. To learn more, you’ll need to look at where this transit is taking place in your natal chart as well as the house/s that Neptune rules. Cuz you didn’t
That’s it for this week. See you next week!
Weekly Astrology Forecast
March 17, 2025 – March 23, 2025
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
Steven Forrest’s Inner Sky and Changing Sky books are classics that every serious astrologer has in their library, as is Tracy Marks’ Art of Chart Interpretation.
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- Weekly Astrology Forecast — March 24, 2025 – March 30, 2025 - March 24, 2025
- Weekly Astrology Forecast — March 17, 2025 – March 23, 2025 - March 17, 2025
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