Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of March 17, 2025 – March 23, 2025:
As we start this week — on Monday — the Moon is in Libra and the Sun is conjuncting the North Node, which means it’s simultaneously opposing the South Node. The Libra Moon is known for fairness and objectivity, with an emphasis on sharing and exchanging ideas. It’s good for social interactions that call for cooperation and collaboration, as it strives for balance and harmony.
The Sun / Node conjunction can bring someone new into your life who turns out to play a meaningful role. Particularly in terms of self-actualization or individuation. As the Nodes are said to be karmic in nature, this person may not be “new” at all, but have strong past life ties. The Sun/ North Node contact can also describe a change in direction regarding your social relationships. Examples include aligning yourself with a different group of people or inviting new friends into your circle.
By Tuesday the Moon is in Scorpio and inconjuncting Mercury. This transit can be a bit touchy, as are most transits involving an uncomfortable aspect between Mercury and the Moon. Remember that Mercury’s retrograde, and when you pair it with an inconjunct (150° aspect) involving the Moon, you’re likely to see people getting defensive or taking things too personally.
By the end of the day, that Scorpio Moon we’ll have moved up and formed a trine (120°) aspect with Mars, which is generally much more compatible. But keep in mind that both the Moon and Mars are debilitated by sign, and that Mars is currently out of bounds. It would be best to steer away from heavy emotional triggers during this time and put this energy to better use elsewhere.
On Wednesday, the Sun conjuncts Neptune, with both of them at the anaretic (29th) degree. The 29th (last) degree of any sign — and especially Pisces, since it also marks the final degree in the 360° zodiac — is said to be fated. It represents the tying up of loose ends and can manifest as a sense of urgency or destiny.
This aspect can see you feeling inspired to make your dreams a reality or it can see you escaping into a world of fantasy and delusion. It’s a highly receptive aspect that may see you lacking in boundaries but full of creative potential and Utopian ideals. It can threaten to deplete your energy levels and may see you spending the day dreaming about your long-term goals rather than making any headway toward accomplishing them. But it’s good for fantasizing about the future and envisioning the changes you’d need to make in order to make your dreams a reality.
And then on Thursday, the Sun moves into Aries, marking the onset of the Vernal Equinox, or first day of Spring (in the Northern Hemisphere: it’s exactly the opposite, the Autumnal Equinox and first day of Fall, in the Southern Hemisphere). The Sun in Aries — where it is exalted — signals a time to come alive and see the world through brand new eyes. It’s a time for embracing life fully, without fear or trepidation.
The Equinoxes are also tied to the need to find balance in our lives, with the days and nights of relatively equal lengths. The days get longer (in the Northern latitudes) as the nights get shorter from here on out. It indicates a time to reflect on what areas in our own lives are out of harmony and work toward bringing them back into sync.
On Friday, Venus moves back to form a sextile with Pluto, a recurrence of an earlier sextile between these two planets in February before Venus went retrograde. This aspect emphasizes sexual charm and charisma. It’s a powerful combination that marks a time of increased self-assurance and confidence.
The sextile is all about joining hands and working with others rather than fighting against them. It’s a collaborative aspect that can bring out the urge to merge in people, so don’t be surprised if a partner or love interest starts trying to get frisky. It’s an alluring, seductive aspect that is known for its sex appeal and rarely fails to deliver. With respect to the retrograde Venus, the potential for someone — especially an old flame or love interest — to resurface from your past during this time is also a distinct possibility.
As Venus continues to retrograde back through the earliest degrees of Aries, it joins up with the Sun on Saturday (or the early hours of Sunday in some parts of the world). This is Venus’s inferior conjunction to the Sun, where Venus is closest to the Earth but obscured (occulted) by the Sun’s rays. Even though Venus will be invisible to the naked eye for the next several days, this conjunction is no less significant, especially for those with planets around two degrees Aries in their natal charts.
As Venus represents love, beauty and personal values, this transit can bring you closer to loved ones, or it can bring someone new into your life. It can manifest too as a conduit for clearing up relationship misunderstandings and bringing you and your loved ones back into sync. As Venus is retrograding back to the Sun, it could also bring someone back in from your past. If this is the case, keep in mind that it may not last. But it’s still a good time to tell those you love exactly how you feel.
Right on Venus’s heels, the Sun moves ahead to sextile Pluto, on Sunday. This aspect emphasizes personal power and charisma. It’s a collaborative aspect that represents a time of increased confidence and comfort. It’s good for defining your goals and going after them without feeling the urge to resort to aggression or force.
This aspect is all about working with others rather than fighting against them. It speaks of teamwork and cooperation. With respect to the Sun and Pluto, it’s good for empowering others to stand up for themselves and let their voices be heard.
That’s it for this week. See you next week!
Weekly Astrology Forecast
March 17, 2025 – March 23, 2025
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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