Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of March 10, 2025 – March 16, 2025:
It’s likely to be another busy week for us, with a tight lineup of planets in Pisces and Virgo, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and a planet (Mercury) changing directions.
It all starts on Monday, with the Moon in Leo — in opposition to Pluto — for the better part of the morning. This is generally a very dynamic lunar placement, as Leo is the sign associated with warmth, generosity, vitality and personal charisma, the emphasis is on reveling in the moment, embracing life to the fullest, and setting your worries aside long enough to bask in the light of the day.
But the opposition to Pluto can indicate conflicts and power struggles, among other things. Especially since that same Leo Moon can be self-important and forceful when challenged. If you’re sensing tension from others during this time, your best bet is to disengage — at least until later in the day when the Moon forms much more pleasant aspects to Mercury and Venus. Mercury conjuncts Venus on Tuesday, with Mercury moving forward and Venus moving backwards (in retrograde motion) until they meet up at 8° Aries. This will happen again — albeit in reverse — in early April, when a retrograde Mercury catches up with retrograde Venus in late Pisces.
Venus is in detriment in Aries — the sign of its fall — while Mercury is its esoteric ruler. Together they focus this energy toward relationship issues. They add a layer of passion and depth to interpersonal communications, and may see you revealing more about yourself (and your feelings and intentions) than you’d planned.
A Mercury / Venus conjunction can be quite pleasant. It’s great for lighthearted chatter among friends or playful flirtation between love interests. Because Mercury rules communications and Venus is retrograde, this transit can indicate a voice from the past reaching out to touch base, or it can compel you to reconnect with someone who’s lately been on your mind.
The Sun conjuncts Saturn on Wednesday, bringing with it the structure and discipline that are necessary for formulating long-term goals. The Sun and Saturn are the natural rulers of opposing signs (with the Sun ruling Leo and Saturn ruling Aquarius), which might cause you to assume that they don’t work well together. But they do work very well as a team in certain areas.
They’re both driven, ambitious and motivated to make things happen, especially when it comes to areas like reputation and public standing. If you’re making plans for the future — whether that means your relationship, career or financial goals, etc. — now is the time to do it. The Saturn / Sun conjunction is excellent for doing the work that’s necessary to raise your spiritual vibration, since it takes place in the sign associated with empathy, compassion, intuition and spiritual growth (Pisces).
At this point the Moon is in Virgo, in Gibbous phase, and forming inconjuncts to both Mercury and Venus on Thursday. It’s also waxing — growing larger — in anticipation of the Full Moon lunar eclipse that will take place on Friday. Gibbous is the last phase before the Moon becomes full, and is associated with analysis, precision and discernment. This phase is actually very compatible with the Virgo archetype, in that they’re both looking for ways to improve, refine and perfect.
The inconjuncts to Venus and Mercury can describe a need to remedy imbalances between a desire for lighthearted or flirty banter (Venus / Mercury) and the need to pick apart every word that’s spoken (Moon in Virgo). As with all inconjuncts, the key is finding a way to resolve these internal conflicts, which generally involves finding a happy medium between two competing desires. Because lunar transits are always fleeting, this one will likely resolve on its own in just a few hours.
In the wee hours of Friday here in the US (or late Thursday in some parts of the country and in Western regions of the world) we’ll have a Full Moon total lunar eclipse. It reaches totality at 6:43 am (UT) at 23° Virgo 55′.
The March Full Moon is called the Full Crow Moon in Native American traditions. It’s also known as the Full Worm Moon, Full Sap Moon and Full Sugar Moon, among others. Because the Moon is likely to have a reddish cast during the eclipse, this year it’s also being referred to as the Full Blood Moon.
As Full Moons are said to shine a spotlight on areas in your chart that are affected (by house position and contacts to other planets) you might look to your own natal chart to see where this will play out for you. In general though, the Full Moon is all about gaining perspective and addressing your own role in whatever your life circumstances might be. There’s no room for blaming or rationalizing anything here. It’s important to take ownership of what’s not right in your world, as well as what is.
The Virgo Full Moon describes a need to look more closely at the ways in which we’ve been of service to others. In what ways are we striving to make the world a better place, through the combination of self-sacrifice and self-improvement? This is the essence of the Pisces / Virgo polarity, which illustrates the differences between illusion and fact. It’s about finding that middle ground between what we so desperately want to believe in (Pisces) and what has proven itself to be real (Virgo).
Because it’s an eclipse, it can act as a powerful conduit for change. Eclipses bring a greater awareness to whatever is no longer working for you so that you can release or transform it. It brings to light that which has been suppressed or hidden — even from yourself — along with the incentive to make changes.
Mercury goes stationary retrograde on Saturday, as it does a few times every year. This time it happens at 9° Aries 34′ while still in very close conjunction to Venus (which is also currently retrograde). As always we want to be ready to roll with the punches as far as making plans and developing expectations.
When Mercury goes retrograde, Mercury-ruled things naturally start to go a little haywire. Communications tend to run amok, plans get turned on their head, communications devices (computers, electronics, cell-phones, etc.) and written communications (emails, texts, letters, etc.) get lost or misconstrued. It’s not a good time to sign contracts or legal documents and not a good time to purchase Mercury-ruled items (automobiles, televisions, computers and so on). It will remain retrograde for the next 3+ weeks, when it will change direction again — this time turning back forward — at 26° Pisces 50 (on April 7th).
As the weekend comes to an end — on Sunday — we’re greeted by a Libra moon making one aspect, (a square to Mars) before it goes void of course for the remainder of the day. Moon / Mars aspects are generally temperamental and reactionary. They can be irritable, irrational and defensive.They’re also known for causing people to make mountains out of molehills or jump to conclusions. Because of this, it’s not the time to push anyone’s buttons or allow your own to be pushed. Especially right now with Mars in Cancer, arguably the most temperamental Mars placement of all.
Fortunately, lunar transits are fleeting, and this combination is likely to produce only short-lived effects. Since the Moon is involved, we can expect to see emotional and psychological effects rather than material or external ones. And because it’s in Libra, which is known for being diplomatic and conciliatory, any disagreements can hopefully be put to rest before the moon goes void.
That’s it for this week. See you next week!
Weekly Astrology Forecast
March 10, 2025 – March 16, 2025
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
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