Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Mar 18, 2019 – Mar 24, 2019:
This week starts on Monday with Mercury in sextile to Mars. Both of these planets are in detriment (each in the sign that is opposite of the one it rules), but the sextile is a harmonious aspect that should make up for it. In general, this aspect is great for making plans and then following through with them.
It’s about being on the same page with those you are working with and getting things done with little conflict or aggravation. Keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde, so you want to hold off on signing contracts or making important purchases. But if you’re thinking about negotiating a business deal or want to get your ideas before someone who can help you turn them into reality, this is the time to do it.
The Sun moves into Aries on Wednesday, marking the onset of the Vernal Equinox and the first day of Spring (for those in the Northern hemisphere; for those in the South, it’s just the opposite, ie the Autumnal Equinox and first day of Fall). The Sun in Aries signals a time to come alive and see the world through brand new eyes. It’s a time for embracing life fully, without fear or trepidation.
The Equinoxes are also tied to need to find balance in our lives, with the days and nights of relatively equal lengths. The days get longer (in the Northern latitudes) as the nights get shorter from here on out. It indicates a time to reflect on what areas in our own lives are out of harmony and work toward bringing them back into sync.
Also on Wednesday. Mercury sextiles Saturn and Mars trines Pluto. The Mercury / Saturn sextile is a recurrence of the exact same transit a week ago, before Mercury went retrograde. It’s generally a very disciplined and focused aspect, but with Mercury rx, you still want to make sure you dot your i’s and cross your t’s.
Mars and Pluto bring more energy and drive to the table. Persistence pays off with this transit, especially anything you’re passionate about or that is tied to fulfilling your deepest, most intimate desires. You may be a bit obsessive about pursuing your goals, but the trine makes this process more workable, as it brings the Martian drive and determination into the mix.
On Thursday, we have a Full Moon at 1;42 am UT (or Wednesday at 9:42 pm ET). This takes place at 0º Libra 09, and is actually a Super Moon, so named because it’s perigee (closer to Earth in its orbit) and will appear larger than usual.
The March Full Moon is called the Full Crow Moon in Native American traditions. It’s also known as the Full Worm Moon, Full Sap Moon and Full Sugar Moon, among others.
As Full Moons are said to shine a spotlight on areas in your chart that are affected (by house position and contacts to other planets) you might look to your own natal chart to see where this will play out for you.
The Libra full moon is about fairness and objectivity. It’s good for social interactions that call for cooperation and collaboration, as it strives for balance and harmony at all times. In general, the Full Moon provides an overview of the progress you’ve made since its New Moon counterpoint earlier in the month. Seeds that were planted then will surely have sprouted; do you need to make adjustments or change your course entirely? Now is the time to think about what you’ve accomplished and where you want to go from here.
Also on Thursday, we have Venus sextiling Jupiter and squaring Mars. With respect to the Venus / Jupiter aspect: Among many other things, this transit is good for opening your heart to those you love and expressing appreciation and gratitude for all that you have. It’s good for coming together with others and celebrating your allegiances while honoring and accepting your differences. It’s a time for feeling inspired and optimistic about the future.
That’s important, because it can soften some of the tension associated with the square to Mars, which can indicate conflicts in your relationships. Here we have the love planet (Venus) and the planet associated with action, energy and aggression (Mars) butting heads. Try to keep your passions in check, and remember making love is always more fun than making war.
The Sun conjuncts Chiron on Friday. This aspect is about recognizing your ability to guide and assist others through your own life experiences. It can signify a greater ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and feel what they feel (or draw on your own memories of times when you felt victimized or marginalized in some way). Because of this, you may be more compassionate toward other people’s weaknesses and help them overcome them, even as you struggle to overcome your own.
Keep in mind though that these planets are both now in Aries, rather that Pisces where they spent their last several conjunctions. There’s bound to be more energy put into activism this time around and not a moment too soon. We’ll likely see some more radical social movements picking up steam here over the next several months.
We end the week with Mercury retrograding back to form a conjunction with Neptune on Sunday. This is also a recurrence of an earlier conjunction, back when Mercury was still in direct motion. This aspect is excellent for meditating, journaling, or any type of creative communications (songwriting, poetry, composing love letters, etc.) It’s also a highly sensitive aspect that favors getting in touch with your intuition and paying attention to your dreams.
That’s it for this week. See you next week!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
Mar 18, 2019 – Mar 24, 2019
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