Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Mar 11, 2019 – Mar 17, 2019:
This week starts on Monday with the Moon — still New — in Taurus, at the midpoint between Uranus and Mars. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, meaning that it’s a revered placement. An exalted planet or luminary is said to express its clearest and purest essence in that sign, in this case it’s the calm, gentle, fertile sign of Taurus.
This placement presents opportunities for relaxing, meditating and getting grounded. These are all Taurus Moon activities, with the idea of comfort, luxury, and getting in touch with nature and the earth being the corresponding theme. You might not want to become too complacent though: with the Moon at the midpoint of Uranus and Mars, there’s bound to be some action. In general the Taurus archetype is about building, cultivating and developing, so keep in mind there is work to be done.
The Moon is still in Taurus on Tuesday, and very well aspected. It sextiles the Sun, trines Pluto, sextiles the North Node and sextiles Mercury, all before the day is through. The Moon in Taurus is earthy, sensuous and solid. It’s calm and practical, and can be slow-moving or overly cautious. It prefers to savor meaningful experiences, much like someone would savor a meal or a bottle of fine wine.
It does go void of course around 9:30 in the morning (UT) and remains as such until it moves into Gemini in the afternoon. The void of course Moon is a common occurrence; it marks the period of time between the Moon’s last aspect in one sign and its ingress into the next.
Any aspects involving the Moon are temporary are likely to fly by almost imperceptibly. But that doesn’t mean this period of time will be uneventful. There are still always transits in play: planets interacting with one another and blending or communicating their unique energies. This should be particularly evident when the moon moves into Gemini and trines Venus around 3:45 pm.
This is a more sociable, playful, flirty archetype. It’s more about flitting from one interest to another, gathering facts and information and interacting with others. It’s good for communicating your ideas — in person or on paper — and also good for brushing up on your studies.
On Wednesday. the Sun joins in and sextiles Pluto. This transit works very well with the Moon / Venus trine as they complement one another beautifully, especially in the realm of personal relationships. The Venus / Moon aspect is gracious, accommodating and cooperative where the Sun / Pluto aspect emphasizes personal power and charisma.
This is a time of increased confidence and comfort in going after what you want without feeling the urge to resort to aggression or force. The sextile aspect softens some of that natural Pluto intensity, as does the Venus / Moon trine.
The Sun squares Jupiter and trines the North Node on Thursday. Starting with the square to Jupiter: this aspect can manifest as feeling so expansive and gregarious that you end up biting off more than you can chew (or promising more than you can deliver.) The combination of enthusiasm and benevolence can get you thinking you can do more than you really can. And while your heart may be in the right place, your inability to follow through can get you into hot water.
This aspect is known for over-indulging, over-extending and over-committing. In other words overdoing everything.You may be feeling so jovial and so overconfident that you have a hard time reigning in it and exercising any real discipline.
Also on Thursday, Mars trines Saturn. This is actually a positive counterbalance to the Sun / Jupiter square which can lack discipline and struggle with maintaining personal boundaries. Mars and Saturn can add some discipline and help you to ground yourself. Even though Mars is debilitated in Taurus, Saturn is dignified in its own sign, making this a favorable aspect.
On Friday, the Sun and Mercury come together in an inferior conjunction. This exact conjunction is referred to by classical astrologers as “cazimi” (in the heart of the Sun). It’s influence is said to be heightened and energized by the Sun, but because Mercury is retrograde and essentially “hidden” by the Sun, this aspect can be somewhat problematic. The main thing to watch for is information that is hidden or lacking which can result in making ill-informed decisions.
Because it’s conjunct the Sun, it also squares Jupiter and trines the North Node, just as the Sun did on Thursday. Mercury square Jupiter can be problematic, especially with Mercury retrograde and debilitated by sign. As these two planets make up a planetary pair (as rulers of opposing signs). their influence may be felt strongest in the realm of personal relationships where the potential for things to get distorted is strong. Be careful not to make promises you can’t keep or annoy or others with your outlandish ideas.
The trine to the North Node is all about developing a comfortable rapport with others. It’s about generating a meeting of the minds and communing with those who are on the same page. As the North and South Nodes are always in opposition, the North Node trines Mercury at the same time it sextiles the South Node. Think of this as a relatively painless give and take.
Mercury is still retrograde and repeating the same transits it was involved in over the last couple weeks, but this time, it’s retrograde. On Saturday it backs up to sexitile Pluto again, a recurrence of the same aspect it formed in late February. This transit is big on deep thoughts and penetrating insights, and not so big on idle chit chat.
While Pluto is generally reflective and introspective rather than overtly expressive, you don’t want to keep these ideas to yourself. The sextile speaks of joining hands with others, and sharing information that causes you to stop and think.
That’s it for this week. See you next week!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
Mar 11, 2019 – Mar 17, 2019
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