Weekly Astrology Forecast — July 22, 2024 – July 28, 2024

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of July 22, 2024 – July 28, 2024:

We’ve got a lot going on this week, starting on Monday with the Sun trining Neptune and Mars trining Pluto. Starting out with the Sun / Neptune aspect, you may find that you’re more sensitive to outside influences and also more susceptible to psychic impressions. 

This could be reinforced by the fact that both planets are at the 29th or “anaretic” degree. This degree — the last degree of any sign — is known as a critical degree and is said to be associated with fate. With the Sun involved — especially in watery, sensitive, emotional Cancer — it can indicate a need to work through early childhood traumas and bolstering your self-esteem. Neptune encourages you to heed your inner voice and set aside your limitations, especially those that have been self-imposed.

Persistence pays off with the Mars / Pluto trine, especially in areas that you’re really passionate about or that are tied to fulfilling your deepest, most intimate desires. You may be a bit obsessive about pursuing your goals, but the trine makes this process a bit more workable, and all the more so because Pluto is the higher octave of Mars

These two planets both rule (and co-rule) Scorpio and Aries — two incredibly passionate and powerful signs. Put them in a harmonious (trine) aspect and you’re likely to be focused on manifesting them to their greatest potential. 

The Sun leaves Cancer behind and moves into warm, confident, dignified Leo, also on Monday. The Sun is right at home in Leo, the sign it rules. It can remind you to focus on the more positive aspects of this archetype. Things like honor, integrity, dignity and self expression.

This is a much more comfortable placement for the Sun. Its natural orientation toward passion, assertion and drive is much more aligned with the Leo fire sign energy than the Cancer water sign energy, which is much more passive, emotional and indirect. Use this time to show the rest of the world what you’re made of, but remember the importance of kindness and humility while you’re at it.

But don’t get too comfortable, because on Tuesday the Sun opposes Pluto. This can be one of those “stay out of my way” transits as it tends to pit ego and will against power and control. You might find yourself at odds with someone who comes across as forceful and domineering, and if this is a case your best bet will be to steer clear.

This transit emphasizes the urge to show others that you’re not a weakling or a pushover. But it can result in a contentious standoff, where you find yourself on opposite sides of an uncrossable line. Since no one is likely to give in, you’d be wise to avoid these kinds of scenarios all together. 

Venus conjuncts the asteroid Vesta at 18° Leo on Wednesday. If you remember the mythology associated with the Vestal virgins, for which Vesta was named, you can see how this tiny body can still pack a powerful punch. It’s associated with service, devotion and dedication. It’s naturally autonomous and self-contained, well at the same time being incredibly self-sacrificing.

And if you think that might be at odds with Venus, the planet associated with collaboration, cooperation and partnership (among other things) think again. These two energies blend nicely when the emphasis is put on support, devotion and caring for others. 

On Thursday, Mercury inconjuncts Neptune just before it moves into Virgo. The inconjunct aspect calls for adjustments, and in this case it’s going to mean finding a middle ground between what you know (Mercury) and what you wish for (Neptune). There’s also a potential for some imbalance between how you see things and how things really are.

Mercury both rules and is exalted in the sign of Virgo. So you might want to think of this transit as Mercury going home. As at leaves behind Leo, where the tendency is to think and speak in superlatives, Mercury in Virgo wants to get down to the nitty-gritty. It’s all about dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s, and looking at things from a more strategic, calculated and analytical perspective.

The Sun sextiles Mars on Friday. This aspect is all about taking initiative and making things happen. It’s about being assertive and expressing yourself with confidence and vitality. It’s good for breathing new life into projects that have made it past their point of inception but are still in the early stages. It’s also good for revamping your personal style and putting your best foot forward.

Also on Friday, Chiron (the wounded healer) goes stationary retrograde. Chiron turning retrograde can see us looking at how some of our own life experiences — including those that have brought us pain — have led us to express more kindness, compassion and understanding toward others.

This is a time of turning inward and accessing previously undiscovered gifts. Often it’s those experiences that have broken us down that lend themselves to our greatest strengths. The retrograde encourages us to look within and to break through some of the traumas that have been holding us back.

Over the next 5 months (while Chiron is retrograde) you may encounter people for whom you turn out to be the best facilitator for their spiritual growth. But the “Physician Heal Thyself” axiom also applies here. It is through helping others that you’re most likely to uncover the solutions to many of your own most pressing problems.

In the early morning hours of Saturday, Mercury inconjuncts Pluto while Venus inconjuncts Saturn. Inconjuncts can be a bit uncomfortable, but tese shouldn’t be too bad — as long as you’re honest with yourself and others. This is not the time to play mind games or engage in any power struggles. 

The Mercury /  Pluto aspect can make it difficult to keep intrusive thoughts at bay, while the Venus / Saturn configuration can see you assuming (and expecting) the worst. Try to keep your wits about you and look at things more logically, especially in matters of the heart. You want to be sure that you’re seeing things clearly before you jump to any conclusions.

The Moon is void of course for most of the day on Saturday, until around 5:30 p.m. When it moves into Taurus. It’s still making its way through Taurus for almost all of Sunday ticking off relatively easy aspects to Saturn, Venus, Uranus and Neptune. The Moon is very comfortable in Taurus, the sign of its exaltation.

This Moon is earthy, composed and tranquil. It knows how to appreciate the finer things in life. And endingIt prefers to savor meaningful experiences, much like someone would savor a meal or glass of fine wine. It’s excellent for winding things down after a tumultuous week, and ending the weekend with some quality R&R.

That’s it for this week! see you next week!


Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.



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Weekly Astrology Forecast

July 22, 2024 – July 28, 2024







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