Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Jul 30, 2017 – Aug 5, 2017:
This week starts on Sunday with a void of course Moon in Libra and its ruler (Venus) in sextile to Uranus and square to Chiron.
The void of course Moon can see you feeling aimless or adrift in a sea of uncertainty, but the Libra Moon is known for fairness and objectivity. It’s good for social interactions that call for cooperation and collaboration, as it strives for balance and harmony at all times.
Venus sextile Uranus can ignite an attraction or even bring in a new love interest.This isn’t necessarily a life-altering or even long term connection. It’s more likely to manifest as a playful flirtation or short-lived fling. Don’t focus too much on where it may be heading. Stay in the moment and enjoy it for what it is. It may be fleeting and it may be insignificant but it’s still bound to be fun.
The Venus / Chiron square is more about challenges related to establishing clear boundaries and identifying personal values. You may struggle with figuring out what it is you really want and feeling deserving of it. This aspect can bring martyring tendencies to the surface. Causing you to regret or feel guilty about what would ordinarily make you feel good. And prompting you to make sacrifices that you’re likely to resent later on.
Venus moves into Cancer on Monday. This archetype is sensitive, loving and affectionate. It’s a feminine planet in a feminine sign, and thus oriented toward nurturing and caring for others. It’s sentimental and romantic, but can also be moody, clingy and needy.
Venus’ journey through Cancer — until it moves into Leo on the 26th — s a good time to focus on relationships with family members and to heal any rifts that have developed with them. It’s also a good time for entertaining in your home or for remodeling / renovating. Family reunions, open-houses, birthday celebrations, baby showers, etc. are other ideas.
During this time, the Moon is in Scorpio, and void from about noon on Tuesday until it moves into Sagittarius around 1 pm on Wednesday. The void of course Moon is a relatively common occurrence; it marks the period of time between the Moon’s last aspect in one sign and its ingress into the next.
Any aspects involving the Moon are temporary are likely to fly by almost imperceptibly. But that doesn’t mean this period of time will be uneventful. There are still always transits in play: planets interacting with one another and blending or communicating their unique energies.
Uranus goes stationary retrograde on Thursday. Uranus will be retrograde for the next 5 months. As with all retrogrades, the planetary energy is turned inward, making those sudden flashes of Uranian brilliance and insight all the more real.
Uranus is known as the “great awakener” and loves to shake things up — just to make sure we’re paying attention. It’s a naturally rebellious archetype, but the retrograde makes it less about bucking the system and more about challenging our own deeply personal ideals.
On Friday, Jupiter squares Pluto. This aspect has been moving into position for some time, and can manifest as conflicts or power struggles. You may find yourself dealing with people who are self-righteous, judgmental or even fanatical about their belief systems.
You may also have to look at areas that you yourself have been rigid and unwilling to listen to another’s point of view. This is not the time to get into heated political or philosophical debates; you will find that the line is drawn firmly in the sand on both sides.
The Moon joins in (conjuncting Pluto and squaring Jupiter) on Saturday. Although the Moon is in detriment in Capricorn, there are many positive attributes associated with the Capricorn Moon. It’s good for simplifying and clearing away the debris in your life: the dead wood that has accumulated and stalled your progress.
The Capricorn Moon also refers to getting serious about your goals, your profession and your public standing. It marks a time for establishing priorities: for looking at what’s important and weeding out what is no longer useful for you or conducive to your growth.
That’s it for this week. See you next week!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
Jul 30, 2017 – Aug 5, 2017
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