Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Jul 16, 2017 – Jul 22, 2017:
We start this week on Sunday with a last-quarter Moon in Aries, which forms major aspects to six planets and the Nodes before the day is through.
While you may be resting up from a long weekend or getting yourself ready to start a new work-week, you may have to deal with a few hiccups along the way. The Aries Moon wants to “get ‘er done” but the aspects it forms on Sunday may very well disrupt your flow.
Venus squares Neptune on Monday. This transit can translate as unrealistic expectations and wishful thinking — especially regarding romantic interests. You may have to check yourself if you find yourself spending too much time daydreaming or wondering “what if?”
The Venus / Neptune square is also prone to flights of fantasy. It can be overly idealistic or downright delusional. This is not the best time time to put your stock in others; especially those who’ haven’t proven themselves or who have engaged in dubious practices in the past.
Venus trines Jupiter and Mars trines Chiron on Tuesday. Starting with the Venus / Jupiter trine: this is one of the most peaceful and pleasant aspects we could hope for. It’s a sweet, sensitive, gentle, lovely transit that can throw you into sugar overload.
It brings these two benefic planets into consensus and begs the question “why can’t we just all get along?” It’s good for smoothing over regrets and paving the way for everyone to feel included.
The Mars / Chiron trine is a bit of a gentle warrior aspect. Yes, Mars is also squaring Uranus, but the trine to Chiron can soften some of that erratic and unpredictable energy. It can make it easier for you to acknowledge other people’s points of view and to see value in where they’re coming from.
Mars / Uranus may want to confront those differences but Mars / Chiron wants to honor and embrace them. Think about which of these is going to better serve you down the road and then align yourself with that energy.
Mercury offers some assistance on Wednesday with a trine to Saturn. This aspect is rational. disciplined and focused. It’s also incredibly goal oriented. You can get a lot accomplished with this transit, at home or in the work-place.
If you want to get things done, now is the time to do it. Anything from brainstorming and planning to putting the finishing touches on a complicated project: this aspect says you can get things accomplished.
Mars enters Leo on Thursday. This is a much more comfortable placement for Mars as its natural orientation toward action, assertion and drive is much more aligned with the Leo fire sign energy than the Cancer water sign energy, which is much more passive, emotional and indirect.
Mars in Leo is regal and dignified. It is dynamic and expressive. It’s a confidence-builder and attention grabber. Where is this transit taking place in your natal chart? This will tell you where you want to put your best foot forward over the next 6 weeks, and where your ego, pride and issues related to self-respect are likely to be triggered.
On Friday, the Sun squares Uranus and trines Chiron. The Sun / Uranus portion of this aspect can be combative and argumentative. It pits the ego / will energy associated with the Sun against the rebellious / antagonist Uranian impulse. It can create friction, especially if you sense that someone is trying to tell you what to do or how to act. This aspect can be defiant and combative so if you’re dealing with someone who’s acting like an unruly teenager, your best move is going to be to completely disengage.
The trine to Chiron is much more pleasant. It’s a charitable aspect that can see you looking out a little less for number one and thinking about what you can do for those who need some added support. Whether you want to practice random acts of kindness, work on paying it forward, or just be there for a friend in need, you’ll find that rewards will far outweigh the inconveniences, so take some time to lend a helping hand. You’ll be glad you did.
On Saturday, the Sun moves into warm, confident, dignified Leo just as Mercury conjuncts the North Node. The Sun is right at home in Leo, the sign it rules. It can remind you to focus on the more positive aspects of this archetype. Things like honor, integrity, dignity and self expression. Use this time to show the rest of the world what you’re made of but remember the importance of kindness and humility while you’re at it.
With respect to the Mercury / North Node conjunction, since the Nodes are always polar opposites it will also automatically oppose the South Node. These aspects between Mercury and the Nodes can bring people in that you’re working through past-life karma with (South Node) or creating new karma with (North Node). Of course these are often one and the same.
Pay attention to new people coming in during this time, as well as interactions that trigger you emotionally. These are harmonious aspects (trine and sextile) that should make for pleasant interactions with others, as well as opportunities to work together.
That’s it for this week. See you next week!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
Jul 16, 2017 – Jul 22, 2017
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