Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Jan 28, 2019 — Feb 3, 2019:
This week we have one planet (Venus) and one asteroid (Vesta) changing signs, a planetoid (Chiron) moving through the last degree of its sign, and a handful of complex interactions involving personal and transpersonal planets.
We start the week on Monday, with a first quarter Moon in Scorpio, sextiling Saturn and trining Neptune. The Moon is debilitated in Scorpio but works very well with these aspects, especially since both Saturn and Neptune are currently placed in their own signs. These aspects can make for an increased desire for privacy and alone time. It’s good for getting in touch with your dreams, both literally and figuratively.
Be aware though that this combination can also deplete your energy and see you spending the day dreaming about goals rather than making any headway toward accomplishing them. But it’s good for fantasizing about the future and envisioning the changes you’d need to make in order to make your dreams a reality.
On Tuesday, the Sun and Mercury come together at 9º Aquarius 53. They conjunct at around 9:50 at night (Eastern time). This exact conjunct is called “cazimi” (in the heart of the Sun) so that its influence is said to be heightened and energized by the Sun. The last time this happened (November 27th) Mercury was retrograde, which weakened its influence, but now it’s moving full speed ahead.
Mercury conjunct the Sun in Aquarius is known for independent thought and radical ideas. It’s about being innovative, progressive, open-minded and even a bit eccentric. It’s great for bouncing ideas off of others — especially those who might challenge you to look at things in a different way. It’s not the time though to let your tendency to want to shock people interfere with getting your point across.
The Sun is debilitated in Aquarius, as is the Moon in Scorpio, which is also void of course until the early morning hours. But it moves into Sagittarius on Wednesday, and will form a conjunction to Jupiter before the day is through.
In general, the Sagittarius Moon inspires us to think about travel, adventure, spirituality, philosophy and higher mind pursuits. It takes us out of our comfort zones and gets us thinking about how the other half lives. Add to that the conjunction with expansive, optimistic Jupiter, as we should be ending the day on a very positive note.
On Thursday, Saturn and Neptune form a sextile, for the first time since 1996. Both of these planets lean toward pensiveness and melancholy, so even with this relatively benign aspect (and the fact that both planets are dignified by sign), we might experience a period of wistful reminiscing and longing for the past.
Saturn and Neptune work well together when involved in harmonious aspect — like the 60º sextile. They can be meditative and reflective, although not necessarily inspired. It’s going to be important to look at the glass as half full rather than half empty during this time, and to find something motivates us toward action. Otherwise the potential for wallowing in misery is strong.
With the asteroid Vesta moving into Pisces on Friday, this theme could be reinforced. Not because Vesta in Pisces is particularly morose. As Vesta is the goddess of home and hearth, and Pisces is the sign associated with humility and self-sacrifice, it can manifest as feelings of inadequacy.
This would be a good time to surround yourself with with loved ones, bringing them comfort and allowing them to do the same for you. You’re likely to be more compassionate, understanding and forgiving with this transit, although again not necessarily motivated. We might all benefit some from putting our own needs aside, but we want to be careful not to lose ourselves in our efforts to take care of others.
Fortunately Venus comes along and gets us galvanized on Saturday with a trine to Uranus. This is a fire sign trine which is known for being creative, expressive and exciting. It can bring in a whirlwind romance or rev up and existing relationship without notice. Venus is in detriment in Aries, but that’s not necessarily bad — especially in aspect with Uranus.
With this aspect, it’s generally a good time to change things up a bit, especially in how you present yourself to the outer world. Remember that Venus is in Sagittarius (the sign related to optimism and personal expansion) and Uranus is in Aries (the progressive, forward thinking maverick) making this about putting your best foot forward rather than blending in with the crowd.
Don’t let your passions run away with you though, because Mars is also squaring Pluto at this time This is a high-intensity aspect, so choose where you direct your energy wisely, as the Mars / Pluto square can be aggressive and combative. This is can be a “shoot first and ask questions later” transit.
It can manifest as power struggles and hidden resentments that boil the surface when you least expect it. Find a physical outlet for your frustrations if you don’t want them to come at you from the outside. Martial arts is a good option, or any other type of strenuous exercise.
On Sunday, Mercury sextiles Jupiter and Venus moves into squares Chiron just before it moves into Capricorn. Starting with the Mercury / Jupiter aspect, this transit is great for sitting down and having a heart to heart with a loved one. It’s a light-hearted and engaging aspect that emphasizes sharing, learning and exchanging ideas. It says you can keep things interesting without going too deep; you can have playful and pleasant encounters with others without worrying about stepping on anyone’s toes.
Venus squaring Chiron is a little trickier: this aspect is more about challenges related to establishing clear boundaries and identifying personal values. You may struggle with figuring out what it is you really want and feeling deserving of it. This aspect can bring martyring tendencies to the surface. Causing you to regret or feel guilty about what would ordinarily make you feel good. And prompting you to make sacrifices that you’re likely to resent later on.
But remember, Venus is also moving into Capricorn on Sunday. This archetype understands the value of hard work, dedication and discipline. It’s also responsible and reliable — with money, in your career, in your relationships with loved ones, and especially when it comes to matters of the heart. It represents a time for getting serious about your relationships — or lack thereof. And it’s a time for taking a more practical approach to relationships, whether that means emphasizing head over heart or ticking off a checklist to make sure your partner meets your qualifications.
Venus in Capricorn is all about maturity, wisdom and perseverance. It’s also very conservative. You’re not likely to jump into something impulsively during this time, nor are you going to end something prematurely. You’re more apt to stick things out — even if the going gets rough — and to hold off on getting involved in the first place. But Venus in Capricorn is known for cutting to the chase, simplifying things and creating clarity. In this respect, it’s an excellent time for for taking stock of your relationships, your career and your finances.
That’s it for this week. See you next week!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
Jan 28, 2019 — Feb 3, 2019
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