Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Jan 22, 2017 – Jan 28, 2017:
This week starts on a relatively mellow note and ends with a bang, with both a New Moon (in Aquarius) and Mars moving into its own sign (Aries).
Starting on Sunday, with the Moon in Scorpio in trine to Mars in Pisces, you may feel more like staying in bed or lounging around the house in your pj’s than you will getting out somewhere and putting your mark on the world. This isn’t the most sociable placement for the Moon to begin with, but is good for intimate or one-on-one interactions.
This doesn’t mean that any of us are immune from the rest of the rather tempestuous aspects that are in place right now. Last week’s Mars / Saturn square is still in very tight orb for example. And there’s a Pluto / Jupiter / Uranus t-square that’s been taking place for some time, wreaking havoc on nations and individuals alike.
But as we start our week (and end our weekend), we may all be feeling a little more sensitive and a little more tired than usual, and may be therefore decide to reserve our energy ratherventuring out into the chaos and turbulence taking place in the outer world.
This theme continues into Monday, with Mercury in Capricorn sextiling Neptune in Pisces. On the upside, Mercury is moving forward (in direct motion), but it still hasn’t crossed its shadow point. And while this aspect is generally favorable, this particular sextile can be listless and is prone to melancholy.
This is also a recurrence of the Mercury / Neptune sextile we experienced last month (when Mercury was retrograde). This aspect is excellent for meditating, journaling, or any type of creative communications (songwriting, poetry, composing love letters, etc.) It’s also a highly sensitive aspect that favors getting in touch with your intuition and paying attention to your dreams.
The Sun and North Node are inconjunct on Tuesday — which means that the Sun is also semi-sextiling the South Node at the same time. This configuration can see you questioning who you are and what changes you need to make in this lifetime as part of your own evolutionary process. It can manifest as an existential crisis — however momentary that may be. It encourages you to compare the Self you’re showing to the outer world with the Self you envision deep within.
The Aquarius Sun and Virgo North Node may be at odds with one another, as these signs are naturally inconjunct — meaning that they do not share any common dignity, element or triplicity. But they do have certain things in common: like self-possession and autonomy. Therefore this aspect can be put to good use by focusing on how these bodies can work together. It’s a good time to take personal inventory and see what you can do to make improvements in yourself.
On Wednesday, Venus conjuncts Chiron. This aspect should see you becoming more aware of your own capacity for giving and for being able to put yourself in other people’s shoes. This is a charitable aspect that compels you to reach into the very depths of your soul — where compassion, forgiveness and understanding all reside — and bring forth that which is within you in order to pass it onto others.
Venus next inconjuncts Jupiter — on Thursday. This aspect can see you having a hard time establishing boundaries, especially with respect to personal indulgences. When is enough, or when is it too much? This is what you’ll have to be asking yourself during this transit — especially with both Jupiter and Venus still aspecting Chiron.
Keep in mind though that Venus and Jupiter are currently in mutual reception, which means that they are automatically strengthening one another’s natural influences. Because of this, any discomfort experienced with the inconjunct aspect is likely to be mitigated.
You won’t have to worry about overdoing things for long anyway, since Saturn steps in and squares Venus on Friday. This is a sobering aspect that can see you looking at the glass as half-full, especially with regard to your relationships. This can refer to the fact that you aren’t in one and are feeling lonely as result, or it can refer to an established relationship that has become unfulfilling.
This aspect can expose any weakness in your relationship and if so it’s going to be hard not to ascribe blame. It can see you ready to throw in the towel and walk away.Keep in mind that with all Saturn aspects things are likely to seem much more bleak than they are, so hold off a bit before you make any serious decisions.
This month’s New Moon — on Saturday — falls at 8° Aquarius 15.The New Moon in Aquarius emphasizes humanitarian ideals; recognizing that there’s a place in the world for all of us and that we each have something unique to contribute. It also emphasizes progress, activism and uniqueness. It marks the onset of a period of figuring out who you are as a unique individual and what impact you want to make on the world at large.
The Sabian Symbol for this degree is: “A flag is seen turning into an eagle.” This is a very timely symbol given its references to both politics and patriotism, especially with what’s been going on in the US and many other areas of the world.
According to Lynda Hill, in her book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees of Wisdom, this symbol indicates “the ability, or the need, to be able to speak about your ideals and passions and to spread the message far and wide. You can have powerful messages of serious ideals, sometimes political, sometimes not. One can see a “Flag” and salute it, or not. It usually depends on what the flag is signifying. Your ideas, ideals, gifts, talents, inventions, realizations are all your “Flag.”
At the same time, Mars is moving into Aries, the sign it shares rulership with, with Scorpio. As Mars represents what we’re passionate about as well as what we’re instinctually compelled to do, this transit emphasizes the Arian inclinations toward energy, action and drive. It’s impatient, impulsive and agressive, but can also be somewhat reckless or inconsiderate. That’s because Mars in Aries wants to act first and think about the consequences later.
Given that this takes place at the same time of the Aquarius New Moon, you can expect to see people expressing more radical viewpoints and standing up for what they believe in. The New Moon in Aquarius is focused on individuality and personal freedoms, where Mars in Aries is passionate about righting the injustices in the world — whether real or perceived. So we can expect to end the week with people rallying together, and hopefully making an impact toward positive change.
That’s it for this week, see you next week!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
Jan 22, 2017 – Jan 28, 2017:
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