Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Feb 10, 2020 – Feb 16, 2020:
This week starts with Venus conjuncting Chiron in Aries on Monday. Venus is in its fall in Aries, as the sign opposite Libra which it naturally rules. It can be seen as a bit rash and abrasive, but the conjunction with Chiron shifts the focus away from self-interests and toward understanding the suffering of others.
This transit should see you becoming more aware of your own capacity for giving and for being able to put yourself in other people’s shoes. This is a charitable aspect that compels you to reach into the very depths of your soul — where compassion, forgiveness and understanding all reside — and bring forth that which is within you in order to pass it onto others.
There’s a pair of semi-sextiles (minor 30º aspects) — one between Mars and Saturn, and one between Venus and Uranus — on Monday and Tuesday. As semi-sextiles act as bridges between signs, they can facilitate a smooth transition. The Mars / Saturn aspect can bring some much-needed discipline (Saturn) to the Martian impulse and aggression. And Mars’ penchant for getting things moving can help by offsetting Saturn’s natural tendency to hesitate.
The Venus / Uranus aspect is good for breaking down social and cultural barriers. It can help us to become more aware of our own preconceived ideas about others, especially those are different from us. Venus and Uranus are geared more toward tolerance and acceptance, which can serve to clear away our outdated values and achieve a more open and progressive expression of love.
Venus squares the North and South Nodes on Wednesday. The square to the Nodes is known in classical astrology as “at the bendings.” This is what a planet in exact square to the North and South Nodes is called, and refers to a period of crisis with emphasis on the concept of fate. As Venus represents romance and relationships (among other things, such as money, personal values and beauty / aesthetics) this can translate as problems identifying with these areas.
It can also manifest as feeling backed into a corner in relationship or being forced to choose between love and something (or someone) else. Feeling like it’s time to update your wardrobe, hair, fashion sense or psychical appearance. Being dissatisfied with what you have going in there areas, with the understanding that you need to make changes. It’s not the time to do a complete overhaul however.
There’s another semi-sextile — this one involving the Sun and Pluto — on Thursday. This is another “minor” aspect which is more about energy than action. Each of these planets are currently in a somewhat weakened state, with the Sun debilitated in Aquarius (as the sign opposite Leo, which it rules) and Pluto besieged by Saturn and Mars.
But their both naturally very powerful forces. The Sun is tied to the ego, will and life-force, where Pluto is more about personal transformation. In this case the semi-sextile can buffer some of that intensity and ease the transition between rigid, authoritarian Pluto and Capricorn, and non-conforming Sun in Aquarius.
Speaking of besieged planets, Jupiter is also stuck between Mars and Saturn — at least for the next several weeks. But it’s also in the unique position of dispositing one (Mars) and being disposited by the other (Saturn). This may help to offset some of the other indications that Jupiter is week. Remember it’s also in detriment in Capricorn. Jupiter and Mars will ultimately come together (in Capricorn on March 20th) just a few days before Saturn leaves the sign. But in the meantime we might be wishing for a little more Jupiter and a lot less Saturn and Pluto.
On Saturday, the Sun catches up and semi-sextiles Saturn, while Uranus and Chiron do the same. The Sun / Saturn portion of this transit reminds us to think about whether our egos (the Sun) are getting in the way of pursuing our goals (Saturn). It compels us to make sure we’re not stepping on others’ toes while climbing to the top.
The Chiron / Uranus semi-sextile acts as a sort of buffer between slightly disharmonious predilections. Where Uranus wants to stir things up and rebel, Chiron wants to smooth things over and heal. This aspect says you can do both, as long as you can find a middle ground. Take a minute today to validate yourself and embrace your own odd quirks and flaws.
Look for the value in others too — especially in those you don’t quite understand, such as the outcasts and misfits, or those who are just different from you.This aspect reminds us that there’s a place in the world for all of us, and that acceptance and tolerance can go a long ways toward healing society’s wounds.
We end the week on Sunday with Mars moving into Capricorn, where it is exalted. As Mars refers to what we’re passionate about as well as what we’re instinctively compelled to do, this transit emphasizes the Capricorn inclinations toward tradition, ambition and success, qualities which are generally earned through hard work and overtime.
Mars in Capricorn people often have a more serious, soulful, old-school quality about them which can manifest in a variety of ways — all within the parameters of the Capricorn archetype.
As far as this transit is concerned, it’s a good time to put your energy into pursuing your goals and ambitions. Establishing your career. Working on external / worldly pursuits, and fine-tuning your public persona. It’s a good time to streamline your wardrobe, your material possessions and your debts. It’s also good for taking stock of and clearing out all the junk and the dead wood around you, so that you can focus on living a more simplistic, disciplined and organized life.
That’s it for this week. See you next week!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
Feb 10, 2020 – Feb 16, 2020
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