Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Dec 7, 2020 – Dec 13, 2020:
We start this week on Monday with the asteroid Pallas moving into Aquarius, while Venus inconjuncts the North Node (and simultaneously semi-sextiles the South Node). The asteroid Pallas— named after the Greek goddess Pallas Athena — is often depicted wielding a sword, and is seen as a warrior and an advocate for truth. This asteroid is associated with wisdom, strategy, self-empowerment and creative intellect.
It works very well in Aquarius, the sign most associated with progress and social change. This placement can bring issues with humanitarian causes to the forefront. and can signal a need to stand up and defend those who’ve been marginalized, or who could use some guidance in reclaiming their power.
The Venus / North Node inconjunct is much more accommodating but brings in its own challenges. It can see you feeling at odds between what you value (Venus) and what you see as your life’s purpose (the North Node). The key with any inconjunct aspect is to find a way to make adjustments to satisfy both areas. In this case it calls for you align your ideals with what you see as your calling.
There’s a third-quarter Moon in Virgo on Tuesday. The 3rd quarter moon is linked to career, reputation and outward appearances, among other things. It is said to bring about a “crisis in consciousness,” as the square between Sun and Moon exposes conflicts between our inner and outer selves, as well as our private vs. public personas.
Because it’s in Virgo — sextiling Venus, opposing Neptune and then trining Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn, our collective focus will ultimately shift to areas like health, work, productively, and issues of self-improvement.
The Sun squares Neptune on Wednesday. This transit can see you feeling unsure about yourself and questioning your own self-worth as well as how you may be perceived by others. This aspect can manifest as insecurity, self-doubts, and hypersensitivity to criticism.
You may be struggling to figure out who you really are and what you really stand for. The Sun / Neptune square can cloud your vision, especially with respect to your identity (the Sun). Don’t fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others, or looking for ways to emulate them.
There’s a Venus / Pluto sextile on Thursday, which generally brings out the urge to merge in people, so don’t be surprised if a partner or love interest starts trying to get frisky. It’s an alluring, seductive aspect that is known for its sex appeal and rarely fails to deliver.
Pluto is currently disposited by Pluto (as it’s moving through Scorpio, Pluto’s domain). At the same time Pluto is closely conjuncting its own South Node. As a result, this transit takes on a more meaningful vibration. It can bring about connections that feel karmic in nature, or can manifest as a compelling physical attraction for someone you may not have earlier given a second glance. The desire to connect with others on a deep, intimate, personal level is strong.
The Sun conjuncts the South Node (simultaneously opposing the North Node just as it trines Mars on Friday. The conjunction to the South Node suggests that people you encounter during this time will challenge you to grow karmically, either because of past life ties or because they are facilitators this time around for whatever karmic lessons you’re facing.
The trine to Mars is all about finding your stride and taking initiative to make things happen. This aspect is self-assured and confident. It’s perfect for manifesting your goals. It tells you that whatever you want to attain is completely within your reach and that now is the time to go after it.
On Saturday, Mars sextiles the North Node and trines the South. This aspect is all about taking an active role in group Interactions and discussions. It’s about cooperation and collaboration. You don’t want to lead and you don’t want to follow: remember that there needs to be a good balance between give and take with this transit.
Mars / Node transits can bring new people into the fold. People who will spur you on to take risks and to let go of your fears. Alternately it may be you giving the pep talks and helping others to reach their full potential. But don’t try to force your views on others or you could wind up alienating them.
Mercury squares Neptune on Sunday. As natural rulers of opposing signs, these two planets in such a tense aspect can be problematic. Although Neptune is dignified in Pisces, it’s currently besieged by Saturn and Mars. Mercury is debilitated in Sagittarius and the square between them can manifest as confusion, uncertainty, suspicion and doubt.
It’s not the best time to sign contracts or lay down any concrete plans. It’s best used for tapping into our creative potential. For dreaming, visualizing and conceptualizing. Use this time to get in touch with your spirituality or work on creating something inspiring during this time, and save the nuts and bolts (left brain) decisions for another day.
That’s it for this week! see you next week.
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
Dec 7, 2020 – Dec 13, 2020
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