Weekly Astrology Forecast — Dec 28, 2020 – Jan 3, 2021

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Dec 28, 2020 – Jan 3, 2021:

We start this week with the Sun trining Uranus on Monday. These two planets make up what’s called a planetary pair, as rulers of opposing signs (Leo and Aquarius). Combined with yesterday’s square to Chiron, this is a tricky configuration, as it emphasizes being progressive and innovative on one hand, and struggling with identity and self-expression on the other.

Consider that the Sun is tied to your life force, will and self-expression, while Uranus is tied to thinking outside the box. These two planets in harmonious aspect represent encourage you to march to the beat of your own drum and express your own unique individuality in ways that inspire rather than shock. But the inconjunct to Chiron can manifest as a need to remedy an imbalance between the desire for self-actualization (the Sun) and the urge for self-sacrifice (Chiron).

We have a Full Moon — at 8° Cancer 53′ — taking place at 10:28 pm EST on Tuesday (or at 3:28 am Wednesday UT). This is the last Full Moon of the year (and decade). The December Full Moon is known as the Long Nights Moon (or Cold Moon) in Native American traditions.

The Full Moon each provides an overview of the progress you’ve made since its New Moon counterpoint. Seeds that were planted then will surely have sprouted; do you need to make adjustments or change your course entirely? Now is the time to think about what you’ve accomplished and where you want to go from here.

Because it’s in Cancer — the sign associated with home, hearth, family and security needs — we can harness the Full Moon’s promise and focus on creating comfort and stability in our homes. This is a time for getting in touch with your feelings and expressing them to those you hold near and dear.

On Wednesday, Venus squares Neptune. This can translate as unrealistic expectations and wishful thinking — especially regarding romantic interests. You may have to check yourself if you’re spending too much time daydreaming or wondering “what if.”

This transit is prone to flights of fantasy and can be downright delusional. It’s not the time to put your stock in people who’ haven’t proven themselves or who have engaged in dubious practices in the past.

Venus conjuncts the Moon’s South Node (and opposes the North Node) on Thursday. This aspect signals the entrance into our lives of people we’re karmically linked to from past lives, as well as the exit of those who are no longer facilitating our growth. 

There are elements of fate associated with this aspect. Relationships that start or end during this transit are karmic in nature, so it’s important to treat them as sacred. 

On Friday, Mercury inconjuncts the North Node thus automatically semi-sextiling the South Node. This aspect can see you feeling at odds between what you see as your life’s purpose (the North Node) and where you are with respect to the adjustments that need to made in order to fulfill it. In what ways are you getting in your way and interfering with your progress?

As Mercury is tied to communications and ideas, chances are good you’re going to have to start walking the walk rather than just talking the talk. Think about which of your ideas are outdated or are not aligned with what you perceive as your calling. Because this is a waxing (6th house) aspect, the emphasis should be on working with what you have and on what changes you need to make, rather than actually eliminating anything.

Saturday’s Leo Moon will trine both Venus and Mars, setting up a grand Fire trine. Grand trines are auspicious and with this one — involving the most personal planet (the Moon) and the traditional relationship planets (Venus and Mars) things should be going along just swimmingly in the relationship department.

Also on Saturday, the Earth will be closer to the Sun (perihelion) than it will be for the rest of the year. From a purely symbolic perspective, this can be seen as gaining a better understanding of your Self (the Sun) and getting closer to your own life’s purpose.

By Sunday, Mars will have finally crossed its shadow point — at 28° Aries 08 — which is where it was when it went retrograde back in September. In general. even though Mars has been moving forward again since mid-November, it’s at this stage that you can expect to actually feel your life doing the same. 



That’s it for this week! see you next week.



Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.


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Weekly Astrology Forecast

Dec 28, 2020 – Jan 3, 2021







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