Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Dec 23, 2019 – Dec 29, 2019:
This week starts on Monday with a Moon / Mars conjunction in Scorpio and the Sun squaring Chiron. As Mars is dignified in Scorpio (while the Moon is debilitated there), this aspect can reveal things that are both enlightening and disturbing. It can bring hidden information (and agendas) to light, but it can also manifest as an almost invasive compulsion to expose someone’s deepest, darkest secrets.
While the Moon and Mars in Scorpio emphasizes passion, intensity and desire, the Sun Chiro square can see you needing to remedy an imbalance between the desire for self-actualization (the Sun) and the urge for self-sacrifice (Chiron). Heading up a volunteer program or taking part in something meaningful in community are good ways to actualize this transit.
The Sun movers ahead and trines Uranus on the following day (Tuesday). This aspect is great for flying your freak flag in a socially acceptable way. If you think that’s an oxymoron, consider that the Sun is tied to your life force, will and self-expression, while Uranus is tied to thinking outside the box. It is associated with being progressive and innovative, as well as broadening your range.
The Sun and Uranus represent natural polarities, as the planets that rule Leo (the Sun) and Aquarius (Uranus). With respect to this aspect, the Sun’s natural warmth and charisma joins forces with Uranus’ desire to break down social barriers. As a result, this transit encourages you to march to the beat of your own drum and express your own unique individuality in ways that inspire rather than shock.
On Wednesday (Christmas Day for those who celebrate it), we have a Balsamic Moon in Sagittarius, which conjuncts Mercury in the early morning and then goes void of course sometime around noon. The Sagittarius Moon is is expansive and spirited, with a strong focus on personal and spiritual evolution. It inspires us to think about travel, adventure, spirituality, philosophy and higher mind pursuits. It takes us out of our comfort zones and gets us thinking about how the other half lives.
The conjunction to Mercury ties in with this very well, even though Mercury is debilitated in Sagittarius. It refers to an insatiable thirst for knowledge and an ability to impart both guidance and wisdom to others. It’s capable of listening as well as speaking and gathering information for later use.
This aspect is curious, observant and insightful. It’s capable of seeing things that others cannot see. Its unique vantage point allows gain clarity and perspective by rising above an uncomfortable situation.
We have a New Moon Solar Eclipse on Thursday at 4º Capricorn 06. This is an Annular Solar Eclipse, which takes place at 5:14 am UT.
The New Moon in Capricorn represents a time for simplifying your life and removing all of the clutter that’s accumulated over the last several months and may be hindering your progress. It’s a time for looking at what’s important — or will be over the next 12 months — and weeding out what is no longer conducive to your growth.
The Capricorn Moon also refers to getting serious about your goals, your profession and your public standing. And as this particular New Moon is closely conjunct to Jupiter, it should bring with it a renewed sense of hope, faith and optimism toward the future.
This eclipse creates a shift in consciousness related to these areas as well as the house it falls in your natal chart. Its effects can last up to six months, but will be strongest over the next two weeks.
The Solar Eclipse brings to light what’s been obscured by our emotions — our innermost longings and desires — as opposed to what might be best for us. It causes us to see things in a new light, which brings clarity to even our most heart-wrenching decisions.
This can be a wakeup call if you’ve been walking around in a daze, but will be a welcome one in the long-run. Eclipses tend to force you to “get clear” about your situation and make the necessary changes, even if those changes are ones you’ve been dreading in the past. They can also bring past emotional issues to light, forcing you to confront them head on.
The Sun completes its conjunction to Jupiter on Friday, as the Moon moves ahead toward Saturn and Pluto. The Sun / Jupiter conjunction is a “feel good” aspect that can boost your confidence and see you feeling more optimistic and enthusiastic. Sun / Jupiter transits are said to be lucky, but they can also be overindulgent. So don’t get too carried away. It’s a good time to count the blessings in your life and focus on what you have rather than what you lack.
This shouldn’t be too big a problem since the Moon joining Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn can bring you right back down to Earth. The emphasis here is one discipline and sensibility. You may be the one who people turn to for answers during this time, which can lead to feeling pressured. But that is the hallmark of the Moon / Saturn / Pluto in Capricorn influence: being the one who is looked up to by others, and feeling the weight of responsibility as a result.
Mercury leaves Sagittarius and moves into Capricorn on Sunday, where it will remain for the next three weeks (until January 17, 2020). Mercury in Capricorn is all about establishing a more disciplined and practical mindset. This archetype is excellent for focusing your thoughts and getting clarity and perspective. It’s a good time to take stock of your environment and figure out what you needs to be eliminated. Nothing understands the concept of simplifying better than Mercury in Capricorn so if you’ve been meaning to clear away the dead wood in your life, now is the time to do it.
It’s not the time to let yourself turn into Ebenezer Scrooge though. This archetype is known for being overly cynical and pessimistic. It can focus too much on what’s wrong with this picture and see the glass as perpetually half-full. But because it’s also capable to cutting through the BS and getting to the heart of the matter, you take advantage of this transit by seeing it as a time to finally “get real.”
There’s also a Moon / Venus conjunction in Aquarius on Sunday, that should be visible on the Western horizon just after Sunset. This is generally a very harmonious and accommodating aspect, with emphasis on love, beauty, comfort and companionship, while the Sun / Neptune trine focuses on a more universal or cosmic consciousness. And while it can also make you more susceptible to outside influences, it is overwhelmingly a peaceful, make love not war set of aspects.
That’s it for this week. See you next week!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
Dec 23, 2019 – Dec 29, 2019
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