Weekly Astrology Forecast — August 5, 2024 – August 11, 2024

Weekly Astrology Forecast

Been all those years there’s been highway patrolman killed and throughout the regionHere is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of August 5, 2024 – August 11, 2024

We start this week with Venus moving into Virgo on Monday, just as Mercury — also in Virgo — goes stationary retrograde. Venus is said to be debilitated in Virgo, as it is the sign opposite Venus’ natural Exaltation, Pisces. As such, Venus is not particularly comfortable in Virgo, where the naturally romantic, self-indulgent, partnership-oriented archetype struggles to express itself through the analytical, perfectionistic, service-oriented Virgo filter.

Venus is the “love” planet, representing how you give and receive love and affection, as well as what you find aesthetically appealing. What’s attractive to you? And how do you express love and affection? It also rules “money” as in earning potential and income, how you handle money, what you spend it on, and whether you’re attracting it to you or seeing it run through your fingers like water.

When you add Virgo to the mix, these areas take on a more productive, efficient, detail-oriented flavor. This archetype is analytical, proficient, meticulous and precise. It’s also generally moralistic and highly principled.

On the other hand Mercury both rules and is exalted in Virgo. So it’s generally very comfortable with this placement until it goes retrograde. When that happens, all of the things associated with Mercury — such as communications, ideas, plans and schedules, communications devices (phones, radios, televisions, GPS systems, the postal service, etc.), as well as anything associated with short distance or local travel (cars, bikes, trains, cabs, buses, etc.) — are apt to go a bit haywire.

This is usually not the time to schedule important meetings, sign contracts, book travel, send out invitations, or make promises in general. It’s also not the time to make major purchases, especially anything related to short-distance travel or communications devices. It is, however, a good time to revisit plans and make changes or revisions to projects that may need a second look.

Mercury will move back into Leo and will remain retrograde until the 28th. But it will still take almost 2 weeks to cross its shadow point and officially come to an end. Remember that Mercury retrograde isn’t in and of itself “bad;” it just represents a time when things are unlikely to go as planned. There are a lot of good things that can come out of a Mercury retrograde cycle, such as unexpected gifts and opportunities.

The Moon is also a Virgo by late Monday night, and early Tuesday morning it will cross both Venus and Mercury, forming conjunctions to them one at a time. If you want to be productive, this would be the time to do it — keep it in mind all of the Mercury Rx recommendations above.

But if you wanted to do some organizing, such as color coding your file cabinet, cleaning out your junk drawer, sifting through and eliminating clutter, etc., you almost couldn’t beat the Venus Moon Mercury conjunction in Virgo for getting it done.

The Sun sextiles Jupiter on Wednesday. Jupiter is the planet associated with higher consciousness and spiritual pursuits. This transit refers to a joining of hands between two very dynamic energies, which can propel you toward pursuing your goals with confidence and enthusiasm.

This transit can see you feeling good about yourself, which will draw people to you and open doors where you haven’t even knocked. It’s a relatively passive transit though so keep in mind that it’s going to be up to you to step inside.

Retrograde Mercury moves back to reconjunct Venus on Thursday. This is a recurrence of an earlier Mercury / Venus conjunction (in June) when both planets were in Cancer. As the emphasis at that time would have been more on issues related to home and family, you may find the motivation now to resolve any conflicts that had arisen then,

Communication is key, although with Venus involved you’ll want to exercise compromise and diplomacy. And while it may seem that there are a couple of strikes against this particular Mercury / Venus conjunction (the retrograde Mercury and the debilitated Venus), that doesn’t need to be the case. These two planets work very well together in general and could do wonders for clearing up misunderstandings.

On Friday, the asteroid Juno moves into Libra. As Juno is the goddess of partnership and marriage (among many other things) this is the area you’re most likely to put all that you know and all that you’re learning about relationships to the test.

This is a time for evaluating your relationship choices I’m working on making improvements moving forward. If challenges have risen in this area in recent weeks, you’ll want to look at what changes need to be made. How do you make sure that you’re not spinning your wheels or repeating self-defeating patterns? Because Libra is associated with fairness, objectivity and impartiality, you’ll want to address your own shortcomings as well.

The Sun inconjuncts Saturn on Saturday. This aspect may force you to think about whether your Ego (Sun) is getting in the way of pursuing your goals (Saturn). It can also call for a need to make changes in your life, based on what you perceive is no longer working for you. But those changes won’t be easy. They may require you to reassess certain goals as unrealistic or unattainable.

The Sun / Saturn inconjunct can indicate a need to step up to the plate and start shouldering responsibilities. It may come to you in the form of a “messenger,” such as someone letting you know that their expectations aren’t being met. This aspect also reminds you that you can’t take shortcuts: you’ll have to leave your ego at the door and do the work if you’re going to rise to the top.

The Moon goes void of course in Libra late Saturday night but will have moved into Scorpio as the week comes to an end (on Sunday). It’s not exactly a comfortable placement for the Moon, as Scorpio is the sign of the Moon’s fall. Add to that a square to Pluto, and it can amplify the darker, more emotionally turbulent aspects associated with a Scorpio Moon.

This is not going to be the time to deliver an ultimatum or try to back someone into a corner; in fact, you want to do whatever you can to avoid confrontation during this transit. Fortunately, lunar transits are fleeting and this one will only be in effect for a few hours. That same Scorpio Moon will sextile Mercury and then Venus — bringing with it opportunities for deep meaningful conversations — later in the day.



That’s it for this week! see you next week!


Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.



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Weekly Astrology Forecast

August 5, 2024 – August 11, 2024






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