Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of August 26, 2024 – September 1, 2024:
This week starts on Monday with a last quarter Moon at 3° Gemini. The last quarter moon is tied to career, reputation, professional aspirations, authority figures and how you may be perceived in the outer world.
While Gemini isn’t traditionally associated with these areas, there are plenty of positive attributes associated with the Gemini Moon. Insatiable curiosity for one thing. Playfulness for another. Wit, charm and charisma for a few more. Communications, ideas and plans are big. It’s also good for socializing and interacting with others. These are all areas that you’d be well served to pay attention to as we start the new week.
Venus trines Uranus on Tuesday. This would be a good time to change things up a bit, especially in how you present yourself to the outer world. Remember that Venus is in Virgo (the sign related to refinement, perfection, and self-improvement) and Uranus is in Taurus (the calm, gentle and down-to-earth sign associated with me developing tried and true qualities) making this about putting your best foot forward, rather than blending in with the crowd.
The Moon, still in Gemini, comes up the conjunct Jupiter and Mars — also on Tuesday. This is a great combination for brainstorming and bouncing ideas off of others. It’s also good for engaging in fun, entertaining or lively activities. Going out dancing, performing karaoke or visiting a comedy club with friends come to mind if you’re looking for ways to activate this playful and lighthearted social energy.
Venus opposes Neptune on Wednesday, just before Mercury turns stationary direct. The Venus / Neptune opposition can see you misreading signals or making bad decisions in relationship. It can see you putting your trust in someone who’s just not good for you, are we coming disillusioned with someone who only has your best interests at heart. This is not going to be the time to draw a line in the sand or act on assumptions; chances are good during this time that those assumptions are off.
Mercury ends its retrograde period at 21° Leo 26, and we’ll start moving forward again — also on Wednesday. While Mercury retrograde is known for wreaking havoc with all things related to communications, it going direct doesn’t necessarily bring instant clarity. It just doesn’t work that way. As it goes stationary, it briefly stands still (from our geocentric perspective) as does the current Mercury state.
It will be a couple more weeks (until September 12th) before it crosses its shadow point (the degree at which it went retrograde.) Until that time, even though Mercury is now moving forward again, we can anticipate some of the residual effects of Mercury retrograde — including misunderstandings and miscommunications — even with Mercury moving back into its own sign.
On Thursday, Venus leaves Virgo behind and moves into Libra. As Libra’s natural ruler, we can assume that it’s happiest and most comfortable there (along with Taurus, the sign it co-rules, and Pisces, the sign of its exaltation). Venus in Libra is all about peace, love and understanding. It’s about compromising and accommodating the needs of others in order to preserve harmony and balance in our lives. This extends to relationships of course, as Venus is the “love” planet and Libra is the relationship and partnership sign.
Venus also trines to Pluto on Thursday.m his transit brings out the urge to merge in people; and it can open you up to meaningful connections with others. Whether these are romantic / sexual in nature or just significant in terms of shared interests and ideals remains to be seen.
This transit brings with it elements of magnetism and charisma, so be prepared to make an impact on those you encounter along the way. And don’t be surprised if a partner or love interest starts trying to get frisky with you. It’s an alluring, seductive aspect that is known for its sex appeal and rarely fails to deliver.
The Sun inconjuncts the North Node on Friday, and simultaneously sextiles the South Node. This transit can see you questioning who you are and what changes you need to make in this lifetime as part of your own evolutionary process. It can manifest as an existential crisis — however momentary that may be. It encourages you to compare the Self you’re showing to the outer world with the Self you envision deep within.
The Virgo Sun and Aries Node may be at odds with one another, as these signs are naturally inconjunct — meaning that they do not share any common dignity, element or triplicity. But they do have certain things in common: like autonomy and self-sufficiency. Therefore this aspect can be put to good use by focusing on how these bodies can work together. It’s a good time to take personal inventory and see what you can do to make improvements in yourself.
Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn — where it will remain for — on Sunday. It doesn’t get far; it will only move about 1/2 degree before it goes stationary direct (in October) and then makes its way back into Aquarius (in mid November). Pluto has been in Capricorn for the last 15+ years, and once it leaves it behind it won’t be back for another 220+ years!
As an outer planet, Pluto’s effect by sign is said to be generational. As Pluto is the planet associated with disruption, destruction and transformation — among many other things — and as Capricorn is a sign associated with business, government and authority figures, we can see how these elements have applied. Especially at the tail end of this cycle, as in over the last several years.
Also on Sunday, Uranus go stationery retrograde at 27° Taurus 15. As with all retrogrades, the planetary energy is turned inward, making those sudden flashes of Uranian brilliance and insight all the more real. Uranus is known as the “great awakener” and loves to shake things up — just to make sure we’re paying attention. It’s a naturally rebellious archetype, but the retrograde makes it less about bucking the system and more about challenging our own deeply personal ideals.
Uranus will remain retrograde until January 31st, 2025. At that point it will have backed up only about four degrees. This is because Uranus, as an outer planet, takes a lot longer to go around the Sun (approximately 84 years!) which results in what looks like a very slow moving planet from our geocentric perspective. Uranus is the planet associated with sudden change, and if during this Transit it makes contact with any of your natal planets, this is where you’re most likely to experience that kind of change.
That’s it for this week. See you next week!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
August 26, 2024 – September 1, 2024
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