Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of August 12, 2024 – August 18, 2024:
This week starts on Monday with Venus inconjuncting the North Node, while simultaneously semi-sextiling the South Node. This aspect can see you feeling at odds between what you value (Venus) and what you see as your life’s purpose (the North Node). The key with any inconjunct aspect is to find a way to make adjustments to satisfy both areas. In this case it calls for you to align your ideals with what you see as your calling.
This is a good time to get out under the stars for what is usually a site to behold: the Perseid Meteor Showers, which are visible at this time every year. They should be visible from around 10 pm until sunrise, after the Moon has set.
The same can be said for the next few days as well; you should be able to see up to almost 100 meteors per hour in the early morning hours of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (especially just before dawn).
The Moon is in Scorpio on Tuesday until around 9 am when it goes void of course for an hour and then moves in the Sagittarius. There’s not a lot happening with that Moon other than a square to Mercury which can briefly exacerbate problems with communications. Remember that Mercury’s retrograde, and when you pair it with a square (90° aspect) involving the Moon, you’re likely to see people getting defensive or taking things too personally.
Keep in mind that the Sagittarius Moon is known for being blunt and outspoken. But it’s also known for having foot-in-mouth disease. So pay attention during this time to what you’re saying and how your words are coming across to others. It could save you the trouble of having to apologize later for speaking out of turn.
On Wednesday, Mars conjuncts Jupiter in Gemini, while Mercury inconjuncts Pluto. The Mars / Jupiter conjunction can boost your confidence and rev up your energy reserves. This is a dynamic and action-oriented aspect, and because it’s in Gemini, the focus is on social interactions and the exchange of ideas.
The Sagittarius Moon will come up and oppose those two planets later in the day and then square Saturn. This sets up a t-square involving Mars / Jupiter, the Moon and Saturn, with Saturn at the apex. Although the exact Saturn – Mars / Jupiter Square isn’t exact until Friday, this aspect can throw a wrench into developing plans.
Mercury moves back into Leo on Thursday, where it will remain throughout its retrograde period, and where it will change directions again on the 29th. Mercury in Leo, even moving backward, is dignified, regal and proud. It’s focused on honesty and integrity, as well as commanding respect from others.
With Mercury in Leo, it’s a time for expressing your feelings without hesitation or fear. Mercury in warm, expressive, benevolent Leo wants to impress. It wants to communicate through words and grand or extravagant gestures. Keep in mind though that Mercury is still retrograde and that is forming an inconjunct with Neptune, which can blur the lines between fantasy and reality.
Also on Thursday, the Sun trines Chiron. This aspect is compassionate and caring. It can open you up to the pain and suffering of others that you might normally overlook. It brings empathy and understanding to the forefront and can make it a little easier to put yourself in someone else’s shoes.
Mars squares Saturn on Friday. This aspect is often likened to having the pedal to the metal and driving full speed ahead (Mars) and plowing into a brick wall (Saturn). It can be tremendously frustrating as you’re raring to go and the Universe is putting roadblocks in your path.
No matter what you try to accomplish during this time, know that Saturn has the upper hand and that you will be met with challenges. It’s not the time to engage in any confrontational (or legally questionable) behaviors as you’re unlikely to come out unscathed. Try to respect the wisdom of Saturn and accept that whatever limitations are in place are there for a reason, which will likely reveal itself to you in time.
Saturday’s Capricorn Moon can soften some of the tension associated with that Saturn Mars / Jupiter square, as it sextiles both Saturn and Neptune and then trines Uranus before the day is through. All of these lunar transits involve harmonious aspects, which can go a long way towards smoothing things over.
The Moon goes void of course for about an hour in the evening and then moves into Aquarius, where it will promptly join up with Pluto. As lunar transits are fleeting, the Moon / Pluto conjunction will probably just pass by without notice, especially since it’s the only aspect the moon makes throughout the day.
On Sunday, Mercury squares Uranus. This is a recurrence of an earlier Mercury / Uranus square, which took place on July 21st before Mercury went retrograde. This aspect can bring out the rebel in you and everyone around you. You may feel like bucking the system or challenging other people’s attitudes. This aspect likes to go against the grain so be sure you’re really invested in whatever cause you’re devoting yourself to and not just saying things for shock value.
The Mercury Uranus square can be challenging. It can manifest as an overwhelming need to be “right.” It can be opinionated and argumentative. If you don’t want to risk alienating everyone around you, your best bet will be to bite your tongue and keep your opinions to yourself, at least for the next few days.
That’s it for this week! see you next week!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
August 12, 2024 – August 18, 2024
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