Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Apr 5, 2021 – Apr 11, 2021:
This week starts with the Moon in Capricorn applying to a conjunction with Pluto on Monday. Although the Moon is debilitated in Capricorn — the sign of its Detriment — there are many positive attributes associated with this Moon. Things like wisdom, discipline and maturity, among many others.
The Moon in Capricorn emphasizes a call to look at what’s important, to separate the wheat from the chaff and to simplify our lives. It can also describe a need to get more serious about our goals and professional accomplishments. As such, we want to focus on the more positive aspects of the Moon / Pluto conjunction, things like transformation and inner strength, rather than the more difficult aspects: things like force, domination and destruction.
Venus and Mars come together on Tuesday in a 60° (sextile) aspect. Even with Venus currently debilitated by sign, this transit can bring love and romance to the forefront. It’s is all about going with the flow and staying in sync with your loved ones. It’s good for attracting new people into your life and for collaborating with others, rather than putting up resistance.
Meanwhile, Mars is out of bounds (and also the only planet outside of the “Draconic Bowl” — or North / South Node containment) at this time. We can anticipate Mars to behave a bit like a wild card, although the mutual reception with Mercury can soften some of that Martian aggression and impulsivity.
The Sun conjuncts the asteroid Ceres on Wednesday. The Sun is associated with ego, self-expression and willpower. And Ceres is associated with nurturing others and tending to those who may need a little extra help along the way. So this transit may be more about guiding those who are struggling with their own identities to figure out who they are and to maximize their own potential.
With both of these planets in Aries, this transit marks the onset of a time when you may be more aggressive about getting your needs met, particularly with respect to being nurtured by others. It can manifest as a desire to go after what you want and to assert your own desires more clearly.
The Sun is exalted in Aries, and on Thursday it’s at its exact degree of exaltation, 19° Aries. It’s exalted in Aries (even though it rules Leo) because Aries begins at the vernal point — the first moment of Spring — and as such represents the spark of life from which all everything else is born.
It’s exalted at the 19th degree of Aries because that’s the square root of the 360 degree circle. Mercury, Saturn and Neptune are also favorably posited during this time so lets hope some of that dignified energy rubs off on us; we could use it right about now.
On Friday, Mercury conjuncts Chiron while Mars squares Neptune. The Mercury / Chiron conjunction can bring in opportunities to heal yourself through working with and comforting others. It can be cathartic, permitting you to not only understand exactly what someone else is going through, but to relate to it on a level you weren’t aware of before.
But the Mars / Neptune transit can complicate matters by leaving you feeling disillusioned or confused. It can see you doubting your abilities or questioning other people’s motives. It lacks focus and clarity. It’s ambiguous and prone to flights of fancy. You’ll have to figure out a way to balance these disparate energies if you want to get anything done.
Venus sextiles Jupiter on Saturday, while Mercury sextiles Saturn and the North Node. The Venus / Jupiter sextile is one of the most peaceful and pleasant aspects we could hope for. It’s a sweet, sensitive, gentle, lovely transit that can throw you into sugar overload.
The sextile is sometimes seen as a minor aspect but it’s strengthened here because both of these planets are in their own signs. It is a conciliatory aspect that begs the question “why can’t we just all get along?” It brings the two benefic planets together to smooth over disappointments and hurt feelings and make everyone feel included.
The Mercury / Saturn sextile is thorough, rational and logical. It makes it easier to get a grip on things as it forces you to rely on facts rather than conjecture. But Mercury is also sextiling the North Node, which Saturn also trines. This adds an element of
For those in the West, we have a New Moon on Sunday, at 22° Aries 24. It occurs at 10:30 pm Eastern Time, or Monday at 2:30 am UT.
As New Moons bring opportunities to plant seeds that we can coax to maturity over the 28-day lunar cycle, this begins a time where we can focus on exploring the many possibilities before us.
As Aries is associated with fresh starts and new beginnings, this should be a time for taking a leap of faith and going after your heart’s desires.
As we all know, the Moon is “new” when it’s conjunct the Sun, and in this case they’re right in the middle of a 5-planet lineup, with with Chiron and Mercury on one side and Venus on the other. The theme here (since these planets are all in the warrior-sign of Aries) is one of taking a stand, strengthening our convictions and advocating for those who can’t do it for themselves.
That’s it for this week! see you next week.
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
Apr 5, 2021 – Apr 11, 2021
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