Here is the Psychic Scoop Astrology Forecast for the week of Oct 4 – Oct 10, 2015:
On Monday the Sun and Jupiter are in a semi-sextile or 30° aspect, an aspect which may see you vacillating between your life purpose (Sun) and ideals (Jupiter). This aspect is a similar to a pendulum that is slowing down its momentum and finding its center. The focus shifts from Sun (ego, will, purpose, Self) to Jupiter (expansion, evolution, aspirations, growth) and back again until it finds a place to settle, somewhere in between.
It requires you to be resilient and to adapt to your ever-changing goals. The semi-sextile aspect bridges the gap between your spiritual and material needs. Finding a way to satisfy both of them — without losing sight of who you are as a person — is what this aspect is all about.
On Tuesday, the Sun squares Pluto while Mercury sextiles Saturn. The Sun / Pluto square can be extremely volatile. It can erupt into power struggles or confrontations with others. Intense anger (rage), trust issues and overreactions are all potential manifestations of this transit, which can fortunately be tempered by the Mercury/ Saturn aspect.
Mercury sextile Saturn makes it a little easier to “get a grip” and see things from a more rational perspective. It puts the Sun / Pluto paranoia under a microscope and forces you to see things as they are rather than jumping to conclusions. It forces you to rely on facts rather than conjecture and can get you thinking logically rather than irrationally.
Mars opposes Neptune on Wednesday. This aspect can be idealistic but unrealistic. Reaching for dreams that are impossible to attain. It can also manifest as self-delusions and misplaced trust. Duplicity. Sabotaging your goals through self-destructive behaviors. It’s not the time to engage in illegal or immoral activities (but then when it is ever the time to engage in those things?). Keep a wary eye on anything that seems too good to be true or too tempting to pass up.
On Thursday, Venus enters Virgo, after having spent the last four months in Leo (aside from a brief foray into Virgo at the end of July, before it turned retrograde). Venus is debilitated in Virgo but in mutual reception with Mercury, which can not only soften the blow but bolster the advantages of both planets.
Venus and Mercury in mutual reception unites the Venusian aspects of love and beauty with the Mercurial aspects of communications and ideas. It’s a good time to express your feelings of love and affection for another, and very good for any form of creative or artistic self-expression.
On Friday, Mercury goes direct at 0° Libra. After having been retrograde for the past few weeks, this change in direction can be a welcome relief. But it will take some time (until the 24th actually) to cross its shadow point and fully leave the retrograde behind. The Sabian symbol for this degree is “A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it.”
Remember that Mercury and Venus are in mutual reception, which makes this image all the more poignant. Mercury (the dart) piercing Venus (the butterfly) unites these two energies beautifully. Because these two planets are also in semi-sextile, the concept of holding hands and bridging the gap between two disparate energies comes into play.
The North Node moves into Virgo on Saturday, which means the South Node enters Pisces at the same time. This shifts the collective focus from one-on-one relationships to finding your life purpose and being of service to mankind. The Sabian Symbol for the North Node’s degree (29° Virgo) is “Having an urgent task to complete, a man doesn’t look to any distractions.” This implies a sense of duty that relies on dedication and focus.
Ask yourself what you can do to satisfy your own needs for personal and professional fulfilment while making an impact on the outer world. This is the mission behind the Virgo / Pisces polarity — finding your own calling while at the same time being of service to others.
That’s it for this week, see you next Sunday!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
Weekly Astro Forecast — Oct 4 – Oct 10, 2015
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Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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