Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Feb 7, 2016 – Feb 13, 2016:
This is a busy week with lots of planetary activity and fortunately most of it very harmonious. We start with a Venus / Mars sextile on Sunday, which brings love and romance to the forefront. This transit is all about going with the flow and staying in sync with your loved ones. It’s good for attracting new people into your life and for collaborating rather than putting up resistance.
Keep this in mind as there’s also a Sun and Mars square on Sunday which is bit less interested in cooperation and a lot more apt to be defiant. The square aspect pits one planet’s energies against the other, and with the Sun debilitated in Aquarius and Mars dignified in Scorpio, Mars is likely to win. Mars is action, energy and drive — all commendable traits. But pit it against the Sun (ego, will, personal expression) and it can bring out the less savory Martian impulses, like anger, aggression and impatience.
On Monday, Mercury trines the North Node and Venus sextiles Chiron. The Mercury / North Node trine is all about developing a comfortable rapport with others. It’s about generating a meeting of the minds and communing with those who are on the same page. As the North and South Nodes are always in opposition, the North Node trines Mercury at the same time it sextiles the South Node. Think of this as a relatively painless give and take.
The Venus/ Chiron sextile may see you becoming more aware of your own capacity for giving and for being able to put yourself in other people’s shoes. This is a charitable aspect that compels you to reach into the very depths of your soul — where compassion, forgiveness and understanding all reside — and bring forth that which is within you in order to pass it onto others.
There’s also a New Moon on Monday, at 19° Aquarius 15″. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “A Big White Dove; A Message Bearer.” This degree speaks of bringing news from afar, and not just good news, but conciliatory news. Hopeful News. Messages of Peace, forgiveness and surrender for the greater good.
The New Moon in Aquarius emphasizes humanitarian ideals; recognizing that there’s a place in the world for all of us and that we each have something unique to contribute. It also emphasizes progress, activism and uniqueness. It marks the onset of a period of figuring out who you are as a unique individual and what impact you want to make on the world at large.
Tuesday’s Mars / Chiron picks up where Venus lets off and takes the message of the New Moon a step further. Chiron is known as the wounded healer, indicating an ability to bring comfort and solace to those who need it, even when we’re struggling with finding it in ourselves. And as Mars represents action and initiation, wouldn’t it be nice if we personally delivered those messages of compassion, forgiveness and hope?
This aspect is loaded with kindness, empathy and understanding. It’s capable of loving the unlovable and forgiving the unforgivable. There’s an unparalleled capacity to accept people as they are, knowing that we’re all just doing the best that we can.
On Wednesday Venus trines — and the Sun inconjuncts — Jupiter. This combination is optimistic, enthusiastic and benevolent, and can see you feeling so good about yourself that others respond in kind. Those feelings of goodwill are infectious and can result in opportunities that come to you through unexpected channels.
Be careful not to overdo it though. The Sun / Jupiter inconjunct has a tendency to go over the top. It can have you feeling so expansive and gregarious that you end up biting off more than you can chew or promising more than you can deliver. The combination of enthusiasm and benevolence can get you thinking you can do more than you really can. And while your heart may be in the right place, your inability to follow through can get you into hot water.
This aspect is known for over-indulging, over-extending and over-committing. In other words overdoing everything. You may be feeling so jovial and so overconfident that you have a hard time reigning in it and exercising any real discipline.
Venus trines the North Node (and automatically sextiles the South Node) on Thursday. This aspect can bring new people into your life who feel familiar and who can be instrumental to your evolutional process. This aspect is karmic in nature, meaning that the people you meet during this time are here to propel you toward your destiny — and vice versa.
Your actions and interactions can have far reaching repercussions so make sure you treat the people you meet during this time (and all times) with dignity and respect.
Friday’s Sun / Node configuration — with the Sun inconjuncting the North Node and semisextiling the South Node — can see you questioning who you are and what changes you need to make in this lifetime as part of your own evolutionary process. It can manifest as an existential crisis — however momentary that may be. It encourages you to compare the Self you’re showing to the outer world with the Self you envision deep within.
The Aquarian Sun and Virgo North Node may be at odds with one another, as these signs are naturally inconjunct — meaning that they do not share any common dignity, element or triplicity. But they do have certain things in common: like autonomy and self-sufficiency. Therefore this aspect can be put to good use by focusing on how these bodies can work together. It’s a good time to take personal inventory and see what you can do to make improvements in yourself.
We end this week on Saturday with a Jupiter / Mars sextile just as Mercury moves into Aquarius. The sextile between Jupiter and Mars brings with it an abundance of energy and enthusiasm. It inspires us to think about travel, adventure, spirituality, philosophy and higher mind pursuits. It takes us out of our comfort zones and gets us thinking about how the other half lives.
This combination is softened somewhat by the fact that these two planets are in sextile which is a bit more gentle and harmonious. Still there’s an added bit of confidence and bravado that can see you making big plans.
Mercury in Aquarius is all about thinking outside the box. Looking toward the future. And figuring out your own unique contributions to society. It’s innovative and progressive. It’s open-minded, far-reaching and can be a bit eccentric. Use this time to explore your individuality and to think of ways to let your brilliance shine.
That’s it for this week, see you next Sunday!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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Weekly Astro Forecast — Feb 7, 2016 – Feb 13, 2016
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