Here is the Psychic Scoop Astrology Forecast for the week of Aug 2 – Aug 8, 2015:
Saturn goes direct on Sunday, after spending the last 5 months in retrograde motion. This shifts the focus from going back and redefining your goals to moving forward with a new and improved perspective. This is a somewhat simplified explanation of what happens when Saturn changes direction but it can serve you well to compare it to a car changing gears.
If you think of a retrograde cycle — in this case Saturn — as backing out of your driveway or going in reverse, you can see how it gives you a chance to look in your rear-view mirror and see what needs to be changed or moved out of the way. Before you can move forward again, you have to shift into neutral and then idle for a minute (this is when the planet stations right before it turns direct) and then start shifting through the remaining gears as you gather momentum and move toward your destination.
In the case of Saturn this applies to the structure of your life — including any obstacles and limitations — as well as your personal boundaries and your long-term goals. Where do you see yourself five years from now? Or ten? What held you back in the past that still needs to be addressed before you can move forward? These are questions you turn to Saturn for, and depending on where it falls in your natal chart (and where this current change in direction is taking place) this is where you’ll find your answers.
Mercury and Uranus are in trine on Sunday too. As Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, bringing them together in a harmonious (trine) aspect allows for a much more natural route to that higher consciousness.
For most of the week Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are all in hard aspect, with Jupiter squaring Saturn on Monday, Venus and Jupiter conjuncting on Tuesday and Venus squaring Saturn on Wednesday.
Even though these aspects become exact at different points during the week, you can’t really separate them from one another. It’s basically a Venus / Jupiter conjunction which squares Saturn.
This configuration delivers a healthy dose of hard cold reality (Saturn) to the overly-idealistic Venus / Jupiter conjunction. It can throw a wrench into your plans or act as a wakeup call, especially if you’ve been riding along on fumes rather than paying attention to the road.
Mercury and Mars join in on Thursday. First Mercury conjuncts Venus / Jupiter and squares Saturn. This is more of that “wakeup call” energy, with a reality check thrown in for good measure. Following along with that same analogy, you might think of it as driving down the highway and checking out the scenery along the way (Venus / Jupiter) when suddenly you run over a nail. The scenery is still there and it’s still breath-taking, but now you have to get out and fix your tire. That’s Venus / Jupiter square Saturn.
Fortunately for you Mars is there too, making a nice trine to Saturn. Mars / Saturn trines are not particularly lucky. But they do present opportunities as long as you’re willing to work for them. See that service station down the road? It’s only a couple miles away.
Mars isn’t happy in Cancer: this is the sign of its debilitation. But it is trine to Saturn and that aspect alone makes it a little easier to bear. It says that you know there’s work to be done so you might as well do it.
On Friday, Mercury moves into Virgo, where it’s most at home (along with Gemini, which it shares rulership with). Mercury both rules and is exalted in Virgo, making it not only more comfortable there but purer in expression. It’s good for getting down to the nitty gritty and figuring out ways to make everything better.
You want to be careful not to scrutinize everything to death or to be too focused on what’s wrong with every picture, but this signature is great for fine-tuning and perfecting whatever needs a little sprucing up.
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
That’s it for this week, see you next Sunday!
Weekly Astro Forecast
Aug 2 – Aug 8, 2015
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Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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