Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of April 10, 2016 – April 16, 2016:
This week is made up of a host of Mercury transits — some good and some not so good. Either way, there’s an ongoing theme of networking and interacting with others, as well as exchanging information and ideas.
The Sun also continues moving through Aries, the sign of its exaltation (and just past the degree of its exaltation, at 19° Aries). This is a powerful transit and may be just what’s needed to overshadow some of the more difficult aspects, such as a Moon / Mars opposition on Sunday with Mercury in hard aspect to them both.
This combination can be both stressful and tense, with the Moon in Gemini and Mars in Sagittarius — signs associated with the thoughts, ideas and communications. Conflicts involving the exchange of ideas, as in politics, religion, philosophy and belief systems are likely to erupt.
You may find yourself at odd with others, especially with Mercury inconjuncting Mars (and semi-sextiling the Moon). You may be feeling anxious or restless.Or you may feel the urge to speak your mind without putting enough thought into how your words will be received by others.
Mercury /Moon / Mars combinations can also manifest as carelessness or reckless behavior so try to get a hold on your emotions before you end up alienating people.
Things ease up by Tuesday when the Moon moves into Cancer and Venus trines Mars just as Mercury moves into sextile with Neptune. The Venus / Mars trine brings love and romance to the forefront. This transit is all about going with the flow and staying in sync with your loved ones. It’s good for attracting new people into your life and for collaborating with others.
As this a fire sign trine, the energy is more ardent and passionate, but the emphasis is on collaboration and cooperation rather than resistance. But all is not perfect, as Venus is in detriment in Aries and Mars is slowing down in preparation for next week’s change in direction. Still this transits weighs much more on the side of making love than it does on making war, so take advantage of it if you have the opportunity.
The Mercury / Neptune sextile is excellent for meditating, journaling, or engaging in any type of creative communications (songwriting, poetry, composing love letters, etc.) It’s also a highly sensitive aspect that favors getting in touch with your intuition and paying attention to your dreams.
Continuing with the lineup of Mercury aspects this week, we have a trine between Mercury and Jupiter on Thursday. Here we have two natural polarities — the natural rulers of the 3rd and 9th houses — joined together in harmony. We have Mercury — the planet associated with communications and ideas — trining Jupiter — the planet associated with benevolence, good will and generosity.
Among many other things, this transit is good for opening your heart to those you love and expressing appreciation and gratitude for all that you have. It’s good for coming together with others and celebrating your allegiances while honoring and accepting your differences. It’s a time for feeling inspired and optimistic about the future.
Mercury makes one last appearance (for the week) on Saturday, as it inconjuncts Saturn and trines Pluto. The inconjunct to Saturn can see you questioning the value of your own thoughts and ideas. it can have you feel uncertain or insecure about what you believe in, and can have you feeling shy about expressing it. This transit can have your mind playing tricks on you. Wondering “is what I have to say important enough to say? Am I even sure about what I think?”
You feel like you’re being put on the spot or that you are being challenged by those who think they know better. But the trine to Pluto can act as your saving grace. It adds depth to the equation and helps you to pull your ideas together into one stream of consciousness. It’s good for doing research and looking for hidden information, and is also good for deep, soulful meaningful conversations that get to the heart of the matter.
That’s it for this week, see you next Sunday!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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Weekly Astro Forecast — April 10, 2016 – April 16, 2016
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