Soul Mates and Soul Contracts


The philosophies and knowledge that psychics and all metaphysical teachers embrace, are all something we as individuals come to through study and what feels right or what has proven out to us in reality on a personal basis.

The lessons never end.

I am of the philosophy that Soul Mates are people with Soul Contracts.

The soul contracts are soul agreements that were made together between both souls before you and the other soul ever came to this world.

These Soul Contracts make the two individuals Soul Mates. I believe that those soul contracts are to be fulfilled, as they are what you have chosen together, before you came to this lifetime.

You can view Soul Contracts as a blueprint for your life together with a person. It is this contract that makes you Soul Mates.

I believe that the stumbling blocks or obstacles in your life in all aspects are there for you to learn. They where put there while you were writing out your soul contracts.

You and your soul mates agree to teach each other the lessons you agree to learn.

Even the hard lessons are given and accepted in these contracts out of love. So, you have given you and your soul mates this opportunity to learn and grow.

Ultimately, you also wrote the outcome when you laid out this blueprint for this lifetime. Let me also note that you have many soul mates, not just one. There is a misconception about that.

Each soul mate is not necessarily meant to be the love of your life. You are in the soul contracts to teach and learn from each other because you have shown love for each other on a higher plane.

Okay. So your next question is going to be about Free Will. Free will is the freedom of choice as you move toward the destination you have already planned within the Soul Contracts.

You can get to Miami if you take Hwy 95 or the Turnpike it is your choice and the challenges / lessons you will face along those roads. Ultimately, you still get to Miami. 😉

Love and Blessings!







I am available for phone and chat sessions through my personal chat website. If you don’t see me available you can also schedule an appointment with me by leaving me a message below. I’ll get back with you within 24 hours.  I look forward to speaking with you!


You can also read more of my articles right here on the Psychic Scoop website.


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