Partial Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) on September 17, 2024

There will be a partial Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) that occurs on September 17, 2024, at 25 degrees and 40 minutes of Pisces.

The Full Moon Planetary Aspects for September 17, 2024 at 7:34.13 PM Pacific Time

The Full Moon is in the zodiac sign of Pisces and is in an opposition with the Sun in the zodiac sign of Virgo = This aspect brings something to a head, secrets are revealed, the Moon tells you how you feel (a gut feeling, instincts, intuition, sensitivity, mood swings, emotions, private self, hidden secrets, emotional well-being, sub-conscious and the relationship with the mother).

The Sun tells you how you will deal with your feelings (the ego, personal power, vitality, the role you are playing, leadership, authority, self-expression, health, consciousness and the relationship with the father).

The Opposition = A conflict within yourself needs to be resolved. You will need to solve a problem to overcome the opposition. When the tug of war is resolved, then growth and development are achieved.

About the Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon)

The South Node (lunar eclipse path) is associated with where you are coming from and what you have learned. The North Node (solar eclipse path) is associated with where you are headed and what you will learn.

The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) represents the time of an ending, closure and transition. This will be the time when you will release something and let it go and although this release might be painful, you will make a huge breakthrough. The timing of the Full Moon eclipse has a six-month shelf life on this transforming event.

The South Node (lunar eclipse path) is your hometown. Why? You have already been there in a recent experience, past experience, or a past lifetime. The South Node represents your experiences, talents, abilities, and it’s your stepping-stone that leads you to the North Node. The South Node is a cozy place to stay until you are ready to dissolve the relationship tie and form a new relationship with the North Node (solar eclipse path). The North Node is your life’s mission, destiny, soul growth, and what you need to develop in the present lifetime.

Read your rising sign


Aries rising sign: The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) moves through your 12th house of self-undoing. Pisces rules this house of a hidden realm. About Pisces: You will need to listen to their entire story to win them over, if you do not want to listen to their story, then they might decide to make you invisible.

Aries in the 12th house suggests a drastic change regarding an ending. You might set up boundaries to soothe yourself and to keep someone out of your space, or you will be forced to deal with a hidden issue that came out of the closet, or you will be challenged to deal with a hidden enemy.

The 12th house is associated with endings, what is hidden, skeletons in the closet, hidden enemies, secret societies, spirituality, karma, the subconscious, spiritual experiences, meditation, messages through visions, dreams, intuitive gifts, illusions, empathy, selfness-helping others, no boundaries, secrets, addictions, challenges, break-downs, mental health, pain, jails, institutions, hospitals, fears, self-destruction, hidden weaknesses and large pets.


Taurus rising sign: The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) moves through your 11th house of community. Aquarius rules this house of networks. About Aquarius: If you are a needy person, then you will get challenged because Aquarius does not like to be around needy people.

Taurus in the 11th house suggests that you might be inflexible and have a hard time adapting with your community and want to end this experience. You will re-evaluate your friendships and make a decision to align yourself with new friendships.

The 11th house is associated with hopes, wishes, dreams, long term goals, gains, social media, new technologies, networks, sharing knowledge, large events, retirement (more successful after retirement through networks), communities, friendships, relationships associated with groups of like-minded people, social acquaintances, organizations, alliances, fraternities and memberships.


Gemini rising sign: The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) moves through your 10th house of career and public life. Capricorn rules this house of public recognition. About Capricorn: If you are a person that just likes to do the bare minimum, then you will be their least favorite.

Gemini in the 10th house suggests that you are going through an ending. You might decide to leave your career, or you might be experiencing a change with your reputation status because of a toxic environment.

The 10th house is associated with career, public status, public status, public life, lots of rules, fame, notoriety, occupation, ambition, government, military, the father, authority figures, executives, business life, ranking, political position, your standing, honor, achievements, life’s mission and destiny.


Cancer rising sign: The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) moves through your 9th house of higher learning. This house is ruled by Sagittarius. About Sagittarius: If you are looking for a shoulder to cry on, then you need to look elsewhere because negativity and emotional chaos destroy Sagittarius.

Cancer in the 9th house suggests that you are going through an ending and a change of attitude with your views on religion, philosophical beliefs, political beliefs, education, traveling, and taking a vacation have drastically changed.

The ninth house is associated with religion, churches, spirituality, visions, intuition, belief system, Akashic records, law, legal matters, publishing, teachers, father guides, mentors, college, higher learning, philosophy, prophecy, foreigners, foreign travel, foreign languages, long distance journeys, airlines and vacations.


Leo rising sign: The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) moves through your 8th house of transformation. This house is ruled by Scorpio. About Scorpio: The worst thing you can do is ask them to trust you. Once you do this their radar will go on full throttle and they will sleep with one eye open.

Leo in the 8th house suggests that you are experiencing some transformation or feel like you are being put to the test with a karmic relationship, intimate relationship, inheritance, or lack of support with someone you trusted.

The 8th house is associated with the support you receive from other people and how you achieve wealth or debt from the association with your partner or spouse: insurance, legacies, stocks, bonds, taxes, inheritances, wills, bonuses, windfalls, student loans, mortgages, legal matters, sex, intimacy, sexuality, intimate relationships, crisis, transformation, life or death situation, esoteric arts, hidden knowledge, metaphysics, spiritual lessons and karmic lessons. This house also is associated with money coming your way from a divorce, will or inheritance.


Virgo rising sign: The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) moves through your 7th house of committed relationships, a marriage partner, exclusive partner, or professional partner. This house is ruled by Libra. About Libra: They need peace, balance, and cooperation in relationships and when they are dealings with others. Losing your temper, name calling, throwing out vomit accusations will be something they will not forget.

Virgo in the 7th house suggests that you are going through an ending and have decided to leave a long-term relationship, or business relationship, or you might be dealing with an open enemy and need to examine your close relationships.

The 7th house is associated with partnerships (business and committed relationships), marriage, unions, one on one clients, clientele, lawsuits, contracts, mediation, agreements and open enemies.


Libra rising sign: The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) moves through your 6th house of day-to-day activities. This house is ruled by Virgo. About Virgo, the worker. To stay on the right side, you might need to put your hand on the bible or the constitution and read every page and be prepared to pass a test.

Libra in the 6th house suggests that you are going through an ending to the way you use to take care of yourself. You are paying more attention to your health, or starting a diet you can live with to shed extra weight, or you might leave your job because the working environment is toxic.

The 6th house is associated with daily routines, work, work environment, health, hygiene, food, employees, service, skills, servants, paying a karmic debt, small pets, clothing, sickness, detox, cleansing, healthy habits and natural remedies.


Scorpio rising sign: The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) moves through your 5th house of creativity. This house is ruled by Leo. About Leo: They do not like to be wrong or criticized.

Scorpio in the 5th house suggests that you are going through an ending. You have decided to let go of someone you are dating, or you might let go of your personal business because it is struggling, or you will let go of an old hobby that no longer serves you.

The 5th house is associated with creativity, romance, dating, playtime, acting, sex, sexual affairs, lovers, parenthood, children, artistic pursuits, hobbies, games, gambling, sports, fun, vacations, business (your business), projects and creative expression.


Sagittarius rising sign: The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) moves through your 4th house of home, family, roots and your private life. This house is ruled by Cancer: About Cancer, the quickest way to lose Cancer is to be unkind because they are very sensitive.

Sagittarius in the 4th house suggests that you are going through an ending and have decided to move, or you are experiencing an unexpected event with a family member that will have a life changing effect on you.

The 4th house is associated with your home, family, close people who feel part of the family, heritage, the mother, the house, land, property, upbringing foundation, psychological foundation, core values, private life and inner self.


Capricorn rising sign: The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) moves through your 3rd house of communications. This house is ruled by Gemini. About Gemini: You need to take the ride with them because they are open to change and do not want to get stuck in one place.

Capricorn in the 3rd house suggests that you are going through an ending with your car because it has too many problems, or you are going through a broken relationship with a neighbor, sibling, cousin, niece, nephew, co-worker, or with someone in your immediate environment.

The 3rd house is associated with communications, thinking, speaking, learning, writing, mental abilities, planning, sales, marketing, business, media, advertising, publicity, campaigns, blogs, websites, lower education up to 12th grade, immediate environment, short journeys, local travel, transportation, neighbors, siblings, cousins, nieces, nephews, co-workers, local environment and telepathy.


Aquarius rising sign: The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) moves through your 2nd house of values and material possessions. This house is ruled by Taurus. About Taurus: Do not tell them to hurry up or you might step into a huge pile of cow poop.

Aquarius in the 2nd house suggests that you are going through a hard time with your financial situation, and you are seeing a decrease with what you can spend, or you are dealing with unexpected expenses.

The 2nd house is associated with your values, personal earning, physical possessions, money, finances, budgets, gains and losses, hording, security, wealth, bankers, resources, investments, collections, self-values, personal self-esteem, talents, voice, food and diet.


Pisces rising sign: The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) moves through your 1st house of self. This house is ruled by Aries. About Aries, the best way to get close to Aries is to support their goals and not get in their way when they are on their mission to achieve something important.

Pisces in the 1st house suggests that you are going through some major changes with your appearance or personality regarding the way you relate to the people around you.

The 1st house is associated with your ego, image, expression, soul-purpose, inner motivation, physical appearance, embodiment, attitude, self-awareness, how you respond to others, how others perceive you, what comes naturally to you, physical vitality, personal projects and goals.





The Author of the Hero Tarot Deck.
The cost of the deck is $27.50 plus shipping. Contact me if you are interested.
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