This week’s question comes from a new mother who is looking for some spiritual guidance.
She has a 19-month old son who is the love of her life. But since his birth and she returned to full-time work, she says her life feels completely out of balance.
She has no time/energy for her own needs and put on a lot of weight and has begun to feel completely disconnected from her friends, her creator, and her own soul’s direction.
She realizes there’s no easy answer, and being told to “just make time for herself” feels laughable. She wants to know how to get some balance back into her life without sacrificing time with her child.
Here Melodie takes a look at her concerns with a three tarot card spread using the beautiful Morgan Greer Tarot as well the birth information that was supplied with her question.
Here it is:
Hi there and thank you for your question. In looking at your birth chart I can’t even begin to tell you how timely your questions are based on what’s happening for you astrologically.
First of all, Jupiter — the planet related to personal expansion and higher-mind pursuits — is currently retrograde and has just crossed over your Leo Sun. This means that it’s moved back into your solar 12th house — the area related to the unconscious, psychic perceptions and spirituality, among many other things.
Jupiter in the 12th is all about getting in touch with your higher power. It can be isolative and it can feel like the support you’re looking for from others is just not there. The 12th house can “hide” some of Jupiter’s external benefits, but the basis for that is the inspiration to turn inward, find your own inner voice and develop your own personal relationship with God.
Speaking of “personal expansion,” Jupiter crossing over the Sun is known to contribute to weight gain, and that will hopefully be something you can get a handle on as this transit completes.
Jupiter will turn direct in April and start moving forward again until it crosses your Sun in mid-June — for the last time in this particular Jupiter cycle. This is important as it ties up an entire 12-year cycle. I feel that this will energize you again and shift your focus back toward outer-world pursuits.
This transit is tied to travel, education, spirituality and — as stated above — personal expansion. It takes you out of auto-pilot and places you in situations that promote evolution and change. In this respect it’s also known to be “lucky” as it opens doors that might not have otherwise be opened, and then spawns the enthusiasm and optimism that is needed to step in.
Your other important transit is Saturn squaring your natal Venus right now (since around the end of December). Saturn is also getting ready to retrograde (in about 10 days), and can bring to the surface some of the hurt and loneliness you’ve felt over the last few months. This transit will ease up over the next several months with one last pass in October. Does this means you’re going to be lonely for the next 8 months? No. But there are going to be a few recurrences of this theme — the one now, another in May and the last one in October, before all is said and done.
The Saturn Venus square can be difficult in that it tends to emphasize what’s wrong with this picture rather than highlighting what is right. It refers to feelings of discontent (similar to those indicated in the question you submitted). But it’s also ultimately empowering as it clears away a lot of unrealistic hopes and expectations and forces you to face reality. Sometimes that reality is painful but more often than not it’s the thing that prompts you to make necessary changes, which in the end can only be a good thing.
As for the tarot — I had to really think about this spread. While it clearly shows you striving for balance (Two of Pentacles, first card), it also appears to recommend more “down time” than I assume you were looking for when submitting your question.
But I feel that it actually confirms what shows up astrologically and will probably make sense to you as well. Here’s the spread:
Looking at these three cards as your current position (Two of Pentacles), your call to action (Four of Swords) and your outcome (Queen of Swords), I concluded that this is an incredibly empowering spread.
It does talk about the need for balance as stated above. The Two of Pentacles says that you’re very adept already at multitasking and wearing many different hats, but that you need to figure out how to prioritize rather than giving an equal amount of attention to everything pulling at your sleeves.
The Four of Swords encourages you to “take a break” — I hope this isn’t quite as laughable as the recommendation to “make time for yourself.” This card is called “Truce” in some decks and speaks more of getting centered than probably any other card.
It speaks of thinking, pondering and reflecting but not necessarily doing. And in light of your current transits as well as the cards on either side, I’d say it is mostly about regrouping. The Four of Swords can also relate to taking up meditation or yoga, journaling, paying attention to your dreams, going on a retreat, or even just getting away some much needed R & R.
As your outcome card the Queen of Swords may surprise you. You may be used to seeing yourself as Queen of Wands (with respect to your Leo Sun). But I think it fits very in this context as it talks about getting clarity, taking back your power and making decisions that are based on knowledge and intellect rather than sentiment and emotion.
The Queen of Swords is about taking care of your own needs — which in the end will only enhance your relationship with your son. It’s not about being selfish; it’s about getting clarity and turning that into purpose which will almost guarantee you success toward achieving your goals.
Overall I absolutely feel that you can restore the balance in your life. But this seems to be about way more than “balance.” There’s a theme here of becoming more autonomous and self-possessed rather than bending to the will of others.
In looking at the rest of your chart (with your Virgo Venus and Aquarius Moon) I’d say this is not only attainable for you but fits you quite well.
All the best!
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