
I have been seriously involved in the study of astrology for over 40 years. I first encountered astrology in 1972, when my college roommate bought Linda Goodman’s classic on the subject, “Sun Signs”.

Like many people I read my Sun sign horoscope in magazines and in the newspaper for fun but in 1981 I had my chart done for the first time by a professional astrologer in Arizona.  Wow, it was an eye opener!  I was astounded at how much correct information she gathered about me from that natal chart.  I loved the geometry of the chart and the way she explained it all. I knew then I had to learn more about this remarkable body of knowledge.

I embarked on an informal course of study on my own for a several years, reading current books like Secrets from a Stargazer’s Notebook by Debbi Kempton Smith and Horoscope Symbols by Rob Hand, along with many other astrology authors. I then received formal training with many prominent astrologers, among them Robert Hand, Terry Warneke, Noel Tyl, Jeff Green, Marion  March, Michael Lutin, Jim Lewis, John Frawley, Kenneth Johnson, Dennis Harness, Joni Patry, Kapiel Raaj and most recently, Sam Geppi.

Because astrology is a passion of mine, I will always pursue more knowledge on the subject. I completed the Level 2 certification course in Vedic astrology in 2017 with Sam Geppi and the American Academy of Vedic Arts and Sciences.

My first profession was interior design, where I have found astrology to be a valuable adjunct, showing me when to start a project, when to do the creative work, and when to do the research and sourcing work. It also revealed which clients were going to be the most receptive to my design style.

Astrology can provide valuable information that can be translated to anyone’s personal and professional life. It is one of my goals to assist people in opening up to the profound insights that astrology can provide in all matters in life, whether it be with life’s big decisions or simply the best time to get a makeover or take a foreign trip. This kind of knowledge about timing is powerfully supportive to anyone’s life path.

I also have a background in Feng Shui, having studied with Brayden Zeviar, Stephen Post and Grandmaster Professor Lin Yun of the Yun Lin Temple in San Francisco. In addition to that esoteric body of knowledge,

I am a practitioner of the Japanese hands-on healing art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, beginning my studies with their organization in 1990. I feel very fortunate to have been guided to these profound wells of ancient knowledge as they help me stay balanced and centered to inform my life’s decisions and provide support for the astrological guidance I give as well.

I do my consultations in person when in Arizona and New Mexico but primarily do them as telephone sessions, which I record for my clients for future reference.

I accept Paypal, Venmo and Zelle for payment for services rendered.

For first time clients the charge is $160.00 for approximately 75 minutes which I record and email to them after the session via Subsequent sessions for transit updates, astrocartography, solar returns and progressions are $108.00 for approximately an hour. I also do synastry, the comparison of one’s natal chart to another’s chart and electional charts for business startups, wedding dates and any other things a person would like an auspicious time to begin something.

Please feel free to reach out to me to schedule a session below and I’ll get back with you as soon as possible.

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