Gemstones and Crystals

Gem stones and crystals

Today I’m introducing a new weekly column on some of the many different gemstones and crystals that are not just beautiful to look at, but are said to have powerful healing properties and qualities.

I’m hoping that this column will inspire you to learn about their meanings, what they are meant for, how to use them, and how to care for them.

I’ll provide a photo of each crystal or gemstone along with information about it. I’ll try to present a few different gemstones or crystals each week, in the hopes that you’ll be inspired to purchase some and add them to your collection.

Green Fluorite is a Crystal that is good for learning, focus, and healing. The element is Air and the chakra is the heart.

Known as the “Genius Stone”, Green Fluorite is intricately connected to the subjects of learning intelligence, and concentration.  In fact, It’s believed to not only enhance focus but also to open the mind to new concepts and ideas.

Acting as a stimulant for the brain, Green Fluorite simultaneously extends its’ healing energies to the heart.  Aligned with the Heart Chakra, this crystal  is thought to assist in overcoming heartache, healing emotional  wounds and reopening our hearts to love.

When to use:  While studying or learning new skills, during brainstorming sessions, when trying to solve a problem.

Where to put it:  If you have a designated space for reading, place Green Fluorite nearby.

Special Care:  Regularly cleanse under cool, running water and recharge under the gentle light of a full moon.

Affirmation: “Learning is a lifelong adventure and I am an eager explore.”

Tiger’s Eye is a gemstone that’s good for Self confidence, success, and empowerment. The elements are Earth and Fire and the Chakra associated with this gemstone is Sacral.

In the 16th century, Tiger’s Eye was deemed more valuable than gold due to its exceptional rarity.  Its name goes beyond a mere association with color, it intentionally evokes the essence of the jungle’s ruler – the tiger.

Like this majestic creature, Tiger’s Eye encapsulates strength, courage, and drive.  Known as “The Shapeshifter, this gem intives you to embrace your inner strength and willpower, rewarding you by attracting opportunities, success, and transformative experiences into your life.

When to use it: During job interviews, when speaking in public, facing tough decisions, or setting boundaries.

Where to put it: Place it near a mirror to help improve your self-confidence and self-image.

Special Care:  Clense under lukewarm running water and recharge in sunlight for renewed energy.

Affirmation: “I am proud of who I am, and I stand tall in my own unique strength.”



Quiet Sound
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