Free Tarot Reading

free tarot readingThe 12-Card Astrology Spread: This tarot spread can provide answers to just about any question you can ask. It’s based on the 12 astrological houses as they correspond to the different areas of our lives. 

Each house placement represents a different area, with particular emphasis on the houses that are associated with your question. A career question for example, may emphasize house placements that are different than those related to a relationship question. 

Stay tuned for more freebies, coming soon! 


I developed and refined this version of a 12 card tarot spread by combining the classic astrological houses with tarot symbolism.

I feel that the Mary-El Tarot  accompanies this spread beautifully. This deck was created by the phenomenal painter, alchemist and tarot artisan Marie White and is used by generous permission.

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