Happy Birthday Aquarius!
Here are some astrological highlights for the month ahead.
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month
Lunations: This Month’s Full Moon occurs on February 3rd at 14° Leo 47″.
The New Moon takes place on February 18th at 29° Aquarius 59′.
Retrogrades: Mercury turns direct on February 11th at 1° Aquarius 18″; Jupiter is retrograde for the entire month of February.
Ingresses: Sun enters Pisces on February 18th; Venus and Mars enter Aries on February 20th.
Aries — March 21-April 19: It may take you a few weeks to get your bearings this month, with a line up of planets moving through your 12th house. While you won’t be lacking for social opportunities, you could surprise even yourself by turning them away. The early part of February could see you wanting to isolate more, or seek out the company of those you’re already close to. The Full Moon on the 3rd spans your friends and lovers sectors, so don’t think this means you’re going to be “alone.” But you’re more apt to want to participate after Venus and Mars (your relationship rulers) move into your sign on the 20th. After that — watch out! The Moon will be in Aries then too, joining Uranus and the South Node. You can set some of your fears (delusions and paranoia — 12th house boogey-men) aside and start showing the rest of the world what you’re made of. Venus and Mars are conjunct on the 22nd making that a good time for romance. Don’t get too carried away though — this aspect can increase your libido and enhance your sex appeal, but it’s going to take a lot more than that to build a solid relationship.
Moon in Aries: Feb 21, 22 and 23
Taurus — April 20-May 20: This month you’re going to be stepping outside your comfort zone and working on expanding your social horizons. Your ruling planet (Venus) spends the first three weeks of February in your friendship sector, conjuncting your friendship ruler (Neptune) on the 1st. There’s a lot of “warm fuzzy” energy associated with this conjunction, so be careful. As it can blur the lines between love and friendship, you’ll need to establish clear boundaries if you’re worried about crossing any lines. This aspect can complicate relationships but is great for taking care of friends or devoting yourself to a cause. In the meantime if you’ve got an idea you’ve been wanting to present to the higher-ups at work, this is a good time to do it — especially after the 12th. While you may have been timid or unsure of yourself in the past, you’re going to not only find your voice at this time, but also see that others are interested in hearing what you have to say. This applies to other areas as well — not just on the job. While you may have felt misunderstood or unsupported by others in the past, this series of transits say it’s time to stand up and make yourself heard.
Moon in Taurus: Feb 23, 24 and 25
Gemini — May 21-June 21: Saturn continues its slow trek (2.5 years) through your relationship sector, prompting you to take a serious look at your relationships. This means you’ll be looking at how healthy your relationships are and your own contributions to their relative health. You’ll be working on getting to the heart of the real you, thus eradicating some of the misconceptions you’ve held onto about who you really are. This is a period of “coming out” — at least to yourself. What masks have you worn or stories have you told that you now find yourself needing to remove? This is what you’ll be working on this month as you explore the inner workings of your relationships (and in turn, yourself). Your relationships will improve because you’re more in touch with your needs, and those needs will become clearer as your relationships become better defined. In the meantime, your ruler (Mercury) turns direct on the 11th, in your 9th house — the sector related to growth and personal expansion. Between that and the slew of planets moving through your public sector, this could be the perfect time for you to introduce the new and improved you to the rest of world.
Moon in Gemini: Feb 25, 26 and 27
Cancer — June 22-July 23: This month should see you throwing yourself into your studies — whether that means formal education or a personal quest to further your understanding of an area that’s long held a fascination for you. Between a lineup of planets moving through your 9th house — the area associated with travel, personal expansion and higher learning — and a Full Moon (your ruler) conjunction with Jupiter on the 3rd, you’ll be spending a good part of the month trying to satisfy your thirst for knowledge. You may be a homebody for the most part, but this month has you spreading your wings and expanding your personal horizons. Travel is favored — as is long distance communications — especially after the 18th. You may receive an invitation or visit from afar. Don’t pass this opportunity up if you can help it. After the 20th, your career takes center stage, as Venus and Mars move into Aries and your career sector. Mars is the ruler of this area and is at most home (in its purest state) there. By the 26th you should be firing on all cylinders so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. You can end the month on a good note, especially where your career is concerned.
Moon in Cancer: Feb 1, 2, 27 and 28
Leo — July 24-August 23: The Full Moon in your sign on the 3rd should give you an opportunity to reflect on what you’ve accomplished so far this year. Want to make changes? This is the time to look at how far you’ve come and make the necessary adjustments. You don’t have to actually make them just now — remember Mercury is still retrograde. But this Full Moon can give you a nice overview of your current trajectory which in turn helps in rephrasing your goals. Between its conjunction to Jupiter (your romance ruler) and its trine to Uranus (your relationship ruler) you can bet this is mostly going to be tied to love. If you’re not where you want to be in that area starting thinking about being a more active participant in your relationship destiny. Mercury goes direct on the 11th — just in time for Valentine’s Day — right on the cusp of your relationship sector. After that point the desire to express yourself and to communicate your needs to others should start producing results. The urge to merge is strong for you all month long, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and take a few new romantic risks.
Moon in Leo: Feb 2, 3 (Full), 4 and 5
Virgo — August 24-September 22: Although you’ll be focusing a lot on work this month, it’s probably not going to feel a lot like “work.” Unless what you do is creative, inspiring and personally fulfilling. With your ruler (Venus) conjuncting Neptune in Pisces and moving through your work sector for the first few weeks of the month, you’ll more likely see it as a joyful experience than a chore. Your relationships with co-workers should flow smoothly, with emphasis on team-work and mutual support. Your relationships with loved ones — particularly relationship partners — will heat up later in the month. Starting on the 20th, when Venus and Mars (your relationship rulers) move into your partnership house, your focus will shift toward more intimate and one-on-one encounters. This is a great romance aspect as it brings together the planets related to love (Venus) and sex (Mars). But the energy shifts too — from a soft, gentle, loving dynamic into one more fiery and passionate. Especially around the 22nd. If you’re not currently in a relationship, what are you waiting for? There’s no time like the present says Venus, Mars and the Moon all in Aries. And if you are, you can count on your partner turning up the heat around that time.
Moon in Virgo: Feb 5, 6 and 7
Libra — September 23-October 22: Although you’ll be focusing a lot on work this month, it’s probably not going to feel a lot like “work.” Unless what you do is creative, inspiring and personally fulfilling. With your ruler (Venus) conjuncting Neptune in Pisces and moving through your work sector for the first few weeks of the month, you’ll more likely see it as a joyful experience than a chore. Your relationships with co-workers should flow smoothly, with emphasis on team-work and mutual support. Your relationships with loved ones — particularly relationship partners — will heat up later in the month. Starting on the 20th, when Venus and Mars (your relationship rulers) move into your partnership house, your focus will shift toward more intimate and one-on-one encounters. This is a great romance aspect as it brings together the planets related to love (Venus) and sex (Mars). But the energy shifts too — from a soft, gentle, loving dynamic into one more fiery and passionate. Especially around the 22nd. If you’re not currently in a relationship, what are you waiting for? There’s no time like the present says Venus, Mars and the Moon all in Aries. And if you are, you can count on your partner turning up the heat around that time.
Moon in Libra: Feb 7, 8, 9 and 10
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: Your creative juices are flowing this month as are your romantic sensibilities. Your romance ruler (Neptune) and your relationship rulers (Mars and Venus) are all moving through your 5th house — the area associated with creativity, self-expression, romance and children — for most of the month. It’s a good time to indulge in play, whether that means getting in touch with your inner child or taking a light-hearted approach to romance. You’ll have to let your guard down if you want to receive the full benefit of these transits, but don’t go overboard: there’s a potential for getting so caught up in the moment that you lose sight of your original objectives. By the 18th you’ll have six planets in this sector, making this one of the most promising months for romance in quite awhile. Later on your focus shifts to work and professional aspirations. You’ll be more invested in going after what you want (career-wise) than you will be in putting in time. Don’t forget to acknowledge those who support you though as your desire to make things happen can seem aggressive and one-sided. Put that accommodating energy that’s served you so well in the past to good use this month if you want to see favorable results.
Moon in Scorpio: Feb 10, 11 and 12
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: You could be keeping the home fires burning this month rather than putting yourself out there in the world, which is your usual preference. Between your ruler (Jupiter)’s current retrograde status, Saturn in the early degrees of your sign, and a pile up of planets moving through your home and family sector, you’re less likely to be feeling sociable and more likely to give in to the urge do disengage. This can be a period of profound soul searching for you, getting in touch with your needs and desires as opposed to bouncing ideas off of others. You can get a lot done around the house too — such as throwing yourself into projects that need attending to in your home. Landscaping, remodeling renovating etc. This isn’t going to prevent you from going stir-crazy: you’re bound to want to venture out — especially later in the month when Venus and Mars move into your romance sector — on the 20th. Speaking of romance, your relationship ruler (Mercury) is retrograde until the 11th. Reconnecting with an ex is one possibility but if so expect it to be short lived. Wait until after it goes direct if you want to start something new.
Moon in Sagittarius: Feb 12, 13 and 14
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: You’re going to be doing a lot of networking this month – whether that relates to online interactions or just bouncing back and forth between all of your ties with friends and family. You may be called upon to pitch in with other people’s projects as you’re going to be seen as a bit of a jack-of-all-trades. The odds of your saying “yes” to everyone and of biting off more than you chew are high, especially between the 5th and 12th. If you’re not careful you can wind up getting sick as you’re more apt to push yourself to the limits rather than let anyone down. You’ve got a ton of energy which could be put to good use if you’re quick enough and savvy enough to funnel it into something that grabs your interest. An on-line community, website, or volunteer opportunity are all excellent options. This should be a very intuitive period for you as well: you’re seeing how “signs” you encounter in the outside world apply directly to your life (synchronistically). Pay attention to your dreams and visions and don’t forget to record your interpretations; as they could come in handy for problem solving later on.
Moon in Capricorn: Feb 14, 15, 16 and 17
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: You’re taking a serious look at money this month – as in how you make it, save it, spend it and blow it. With Six planets moving through your financial sector — and your 8th house ruler (Mercury) retrograding back to the earliest degrees of your sign, it’s a good time to take stock of your finances. As these transits start moving ahead — particularly after the 11th, it’s going to be all about putting a plan into action and sticking to it. You’re looking at your values in general – i.e., what’s important to you beyond material concerns. You may be surprised at the things you learn about yourself this month. What you have to offer others (as in a assistance or charitable donations) are also going to be considered. The New Moon takes place in your sign (at the last degree and last minute of Aquarius) on the 18th. As the Moon rules “work” for you, you can use this as a springboard for launching a new business plan or sending your career aspirations out into the ethers. It;s also a good time for taking a class, learning a new language or submitting your work for publication.
Moon in Aquarius: Feb 17 and 18 (New Moon)
Pisces — February 20-March 20: This month could see you experiencing an almost altered state of awareness. With your ruler (Neptune) at home in its own sign and conjuncting Venus (exalted in Pisces), your intuition and psychic perceptions will be enhanced. This is also a great romance aspect, where you find yourself in tune with another — even when you’re not in close proximity. You express your feelings without words, and understand where the other person is coming from in the same way. The Sun and Mercury moving through your 12th house — and Mercury retrograde until the 11th — reinforces this dynamic. You should be feeling more creative, more expressive and more inspired during this period. Take care of your health though as there’s so much emphasis this month on the more ethereal and other-worldly concerns that the signals your body is sending you may be the last thing on your mind. The Full Moon on the 3rd can bring health issues to the forefront so don’t ignore them. The New Moon on the 18th is minutes away from your sign — and also takes place in your 12th house. Follow your intuition, heed your inner voice and allow your dreams to show you the way.
Moon in Pisces: Feb 18, 19 and 20
Feburary 2015 Horoscopes
This horoscope first appeared on the Ask the Astrologers website.
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