Evangeline Grace

Evangeline GraceMy name is Evangeline Grace. I am an internationally acclaimed psychic and clairvoyant.

I am known for accuracy and timelines. As a Spiritual Advisor, Career Consultant and Life Coach, my insight is for those who believe there is a higher power waiting to be respected, acknowledged and asked for assistance.

I have over 25 years’ experience in career and business forecasting. I am published internationally on the subjects of Spirituality and Religion, Reincarnation, Wicca, African Magic, Love and Money Magic, also Tarot, Occult, Dream Analysis, Numerology, Eastern Philosophy, Kabbalah, Love and Relationships.

I am a Licensed Psychic/Clairvoyant, fully initiated in the European, African and Egyptian systems of magic. From England to Africa, I have advised some of the world’s most prominent figures.

In 2004, I collaborated on a biography with fellow Psychic Tisha Bibb that was profiled on Oprah. I was personally taught by Caroline Myss, author of Sacred Contracts.

I am a recognized Tarot Master, as well as an expert in Soul Mate and Twin Flame Connections, Love Connections, Cheating & Divorce.

I have been a professional Psychic and Practitioner for over 30 years and combine my experience, knowledge and clairvoyance to bring you the most Accurate, Honest Guidance for your situation.

Now Offering: Life Purpose / Destiny Readings

Understand your Life’s Purpose and Keys to Fulfilling Your Destiny

A Life Destiny / Purpose Reading is done psychically and individually for you. It will also guide you to unlock and develop your psychic talents. It is not computer generated. It is NOT a reading where questions are asked. Though the reading is based on a method of numerology it is still up to my psychic interpretations when evaluating your numbers. Numerology is just another form of tool to use for divination. Some of the suggestions to make your life purpose all it can be, as far as exercises and the Spiritual Law’s, are Universal principles. These laws were keyed specifically to your life path according to your calculations of numbers. A very elderly gentleman in England taught me how to do the numerology readings over 20 years ago. He was excellent and I think he even now helps me with my numerology readings.

~ Note: This is not a reading where specific questions are answered. It is based solely on your date of birth and through a method called the Life-Purpose System described in The Life You Were Born to Live: A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose by: Dan Millman.

** If you would like a psychic reading or past life reading that is an additional fee.

A Few Answers to Frequently Asked Questions:

How a reading works: I will tell you Your Life’s Purpose, Life Path Issues (in Health, Relationships, Talents, Work and Finances), the Keys to Fulfilling Your Destiny and the Spiritual Laws enabling you to change your life. Founded on the principle that the Universe works according to laws as real as the law of gravity, Your Life’s Purpose/Destiny reading provides specific laws for your individual life path to help you transform you health, your relationships, your work, and every other facet of your life.

These laws are not merely rules, suggestions, or codes of ethical behavior; rather, they transcend the dictates of human society to express a higher order. They are Spiritual Laws or Universal Principles. The validity of Spiritual Law does not require or depend upon any kind of belief–gravity works whether you believe it or not. If you follow the advice and exercises suggested through your reading, you will see how quickly you will be on the road to achieving your true destiny and purpose in life.

Regarding accuracy: Perspective is key with Your Life’s Purpose/Destiny Reading: If the material doesn’t seem to apply to you, it may be a matter of interpretation. I may be describing a negative situation you have already worked through. OR, I may describe a positive trait or quality you have not yet manifested. You may not yet have confronted a particular issue; it may not yet have surfaced in your life.

Sometimes we block, resist, or remain unaware of our deepest issues. If you feel an emotional charge regarding an issue, or strongly disagree about it applying to you, discuss the issue with close friends or relatives who know you well. This is a reading that should be saved and reflected and reevaluated as time goes on. You will discover that you find something new each time you go through the material. Life situations, relationship difficulties, and challenges serve as mirrors that do not lie. In the reflection of our daily life, we come to know ourselves.

Timing is NOT addressed in this reading.

** No one is 100% accurate and I would be suspicious of anyone who tells you that they are. My Accuracy is around 98%…but that is also up to how you implement the information I give you.

Communication method: Accuracy is not affected by method of communication.


A reading is somewhere between 7 and 10 Detailed PAGES, about 3000 to 4000 words. Your questions are answered as completely and as detailed as Spirit reveals and will directly relate to YOU PERSONALLY. The reading can be a combination of spiritual and practical.

** Please include your DATE OF BIRTH, This is essential. If you would like to know about another’s LIFE PURPOSE and DESTINY, that must be a separate reading/purchase.

Method of Divination: The method of divination used to discern Your Life’s Purpose/Destiny, dates back to the Pythagorean school of ancient Greece and is a form of Numerology. It is simply a tool which I use to confirm what I clairvoyantly/clairsentiently already see/feel for you and your situation. This reading is NOT ASTROLOGY.

Response time: As soon as I receive notification that the reading has been purchased, you will receive an email from me asking to please email me your DATE OF BIRTH. This is all I need. NO specific questions will be answered. You will receive your reading within 48 hours (but usually ASAP).

~ DISCLAIMER: You must be at least 18 years of age. Your reading will in no way constitute medical diagnosis OR treatment of any illness: mental or physical. I AM NOT a Medical Dr. or a Lawyer. Any answer regarding law or health is strictly my opinion. I am not responsible for the outcome of any choices that you have made or make as the result of your Reading(s). This reading is strictly for entertainment purposes. All purchases are non refundable.

I look forward to helping you!
Blessings to you!


I am available for live phone and chat sessions, payable through PayPal. Feel free to pop into my Chat room if you see me live. Or you can also schedule an appointment with me by leaving me a message below. I’ll get back with you within 24 hours.  I look forward to speaking with you!






You can also read more of my articles right here on the Psychic Scoop website.

Evangeline Grace
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