Connecting to angels can be a beautiful way of connecting to Spirit. This week’s topic for discussion is using crystal therapy to help you connect to these high vibration beings that exist in our reality.
To begin let’s discuss angels briefly. Angels are an extension of our source, and are loving, light beings that can help us in our everyday life. They are ministers of the Divine, and bring Divine energy and healing energy. There are different classes of angels such as guardian angels, archangels, and the ministry of angels. From my experience when clients are first connecting to angels it is best to start with their guardian angel, because the guardian angel is often familiar energy. This is the angel that has been with you from birth, and has a mandate to follow you through your entire life experience.
In the list below you will find crystals that can assist you in your journey with the angels.
First Type of Crystals for Angelic Connection: Amethyst
Amethyst is purple in color and forms in geode structures. Etymologically the term amethyst comes from the word that means sober, and this crystal can assist us in sobering our own energy so that we are better able to connect with higher vibration beings. Amethyst is also great in assisting to increase our spiritual awareness as well as our ability to see into the spirit.
Second Type of Crystals for Angelic Connection: Angelite
Angelite is a beautiful soft blue color. It has a very soothing energy or vibration, and can assist us in accepting the calming and peaceful energies that the angels bring to us when we interact with them. This crystal boosts our ability to see and experience these higher frequency beings, because it allows us to magnetically attract their soothing energy. This crystal is also a great one to use to assist in your communication with the angels, both in the giving and receiving of spiritual messages.
Third Type of Crystals for Angelic Connection: Seraphinite
Serephinite is a wonderful healing crystal. It is green with white striations through it that look like angel wings. This is how this unique crystal got its name. This crystal is wonderful in bringing in healing energy from the angels, and is a wonderful way to connect with the archangel Raphael-the angel of healing.
Fourth Type of Crystals for Angelic Connection: Selenite
Selenite is a high vibration crystal. It is a bright white color, and when it reflects the light it often has a glowing aura. This is the crystal that will help you gain a strong momentum in your desire to connect with angels. It can often quickly bring in their vibrations when your intention is set on encounter. I have a large selenite tower in my office that I often turn to when I am doing a reading, because it has the ability to intensify spiritual connection.
Third Type of Crystals for Angelic Connection: Sodalite
Sodalite is a beautiful blue color and often has green and yellow veins. This crystal is another one that is great for communication, and can assist you in building your conscious awareness to the angels and their messages. This crystal is ideal for connecting your heart and mind to the messages that the Divine brings through angelic messengers.
Working with the angels can be a fun and healing spiritual exercise. Their job is to assist us on the planet, and point us in the direction of our Divine source, which is love. Using crystals can certainly increase your ability to see and hear from angels, but remember that spiritual and intuitive practice is just that, a practice. Be gentle with yourself as you are learning to connect with these energies. The best way for me to explain how angels communicate is this- their fruit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, and self control. These are the qualities that angels bring, and these feelings are evidence of their arrival.
This is by no means a complete list of crystals for angelic connection, but they do represent a good place to start if you want to incorporate crystals into your healing and spiritual practice. One thing to remember about crystals is they respond to intention. They can certainly aid us in discovery and assist us in bringing about change, but the reality is that if we remain unwilling to change in certain areas of our lives the crystals themselves will have little effect. It is important with all healing practices that you take a holistic approach, and adopt methods that assist you in many ways. Crystal energy is often subtle, but when someone aligns their intention with it through action it can create wonderful results. My prayer is that each person reading this article will find the strategies that work best for them to bring healing to themselves and therefore the planet.
I’m available for personal readings and chat sessions. Please email me to schedule a session or chat live with me when you see me available.
Please also visit my website: The School of Insight.
You can also read more of my articles here on Psychic Scoop.
I look forward to speaking with you!
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- Crystal Therapy: Three Crystals for Meditation - September 22, 2015
- Crystal Therapy: Three Crystals for Fitness - September 15, 2015
- Crystal Therapy: Five Crystals for Angelic Connection - September 8, 2015