Articles By Safina

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About Safina

My name is Safina and I am a Psychic Visionary, Astrologer, Tarot Master and author of ‘Tarot Boot Camp.’ I learned the Tarot through my life experiences and the visions I received from my spiritual connection, and the Ascended Masters that were assigned to me, which I met through my visions and dreams.

Tarot Card of the Week — Page of Swords

Page of SwordsTarot Card of the Week: Aug 31-Sept 6
The Pony Express

This week you might deliver or receive an unexpected message. You or another person might expel the gusty west winds and create a storm to bring something out into the open, or put an end to something, or deliver unexpected news or gossip!

The Page of Swords is called “The Pony Express Card” in my deck, the messenger who delivers important messages. The message represents the unexpected box of chocolates that Forest Gump talked about, and Forest said, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get!”

The Page of Swords brings you into a new fragile beginning or ending, and the arrival of the unexpected west winds… We have a saying here in California, “When the Santa Ana Winds are blowing, anything can happen!” 

You arrive at the path of the unexpected west winds… The Page of Swords is the “Pony Express” who delivers important messages (good or bad). You’ll deliver or receive an important letter, email, text, phone message, or you may hear or spread gossip. You may lose something or lose someone dear to you. You could also experience unexpected weather or transportation problems!

The Invisible Man: Part 2 of 12

Invisible Man

This week, the 12-part series called “The Invisible Man” continues.

This series came about as a result of a client who was struggling with a breakup and seeking questions about the demise of her relationship.

To Recap: The client whom we will call “Annie” was stuck at the cross-roads for many years regarding this breakup, which she never saw coming…

Annie is a long time client of mine, and she asked me to go into detail about a man she was engaged to in the past.

We will call this man James Bond…

Annie thought she knew James Bond inside and out, but when the relationship ended, unexpectedly, without closure, she realized she did not know him as good as she thought she did!

The Invisible Man: Part 1 of 12

Invisible Man

This week, we begin a 12-part series called “The Invisible Man.”

This series came about as a result of a client who was struggling with a breakup and seeking questions about the demise of her relationship.

The client whom we will call “Annie” was stuck at the cross-roads for many years regarding this breakup, which she never saw coming…

Annie is a long time client of mine, and she asked me to go into detail about a man she was engaged to in the past.

We will call this man James Bond…

Annie thought she knew James Bond inside and out, but when the relationship ended, unexpectedly, without closure, she realized she did not know him as good as she thought she did!

Venus Retrograde: Murphy Might Be Hanging Around…

venus retrograde

Venus retrograde is here again… Murphy might be hanging around, so be careful with the decisions you make regarding personal and professional relationships, but also the decisions you’ll make spending your hard earned money!

Retrograde motion refers to a planet that appears to be moving backward as seen from the Earth. Symbolically, it signifies “unfinished business” or the “do-over” and as the opposite of direct motion, it allows something to be done over again.

Venus turns retrograde every eighteen months. During this time you might be attracted to someone or something you really want; however, you might run into a restriction that won’t let you achieve what you desire.

Tarot Card of the Week: Eight of Swords


Tarot Card of the Week: August 10 – August 16

Are The Furies Visiting Your Thoughts?

You arrive at the path of the furies visiting your thoughts… The Eights represent the status of your relationship. In the distance, there are nasty storm clouds hovering over the mountains! These storm clouds represent the storm of uncertainty that is brewing in the Archetypes thoughts!

This week you might feel trapped in an uncomfortable situation that is self-inflicted through fear, or the consequence of a choice you need to make. You’ll need to make the effort to free your thoughts from being jailed in the situation, or feeling hopeless, or feeling sorry for yourself, or feeling like you’re experiencing another stinging event that is out of your control!

You need to remember that fear will paralyze you straight in your tracks if you let it, and you won’t be able to act on what needs to be done. Do you fear confrontation? Do you fear hurting someone and burning your bridges? What do you fear this week?

Decode And Learn The Secrets Of Symbols And The Stories They Tell… You’re going to break out of this self-inflicted situation rather quickly because the mountains in this card are close.

When the mountains are close they represent a fast timing, but when the mountains are far away they represent the opposite!

Ask a Psychic: Can We Salvage Our Relationship?

Can we salvage our relationship

This week’s question comes from a man who has questions about a recent breakup with his long-term girlfriend.

She broke up with him (via email) in April and then again after a brief union in the middle of May.

He says he’s had a difficult time dealing with some of the obsessiveness in the relationship, as has she, but that she has been resolute about not wanting to reunite at this point.

He’s been looking at the astrology behind this breakup and notices that it coincided with the recent Pluto retrograde cycle as it moved back and forth over their natal Venuses.

He wonders whether this transit is inclined to make it more difficult to bring resolution or whether there’s still hope for the two of them to reconcile. At the very least he wants to remain friends; he doesn’t want to lose the connection entirely. 

The Angel Messenger

The Message Might Be Gentle Or Roar Like The Lion…

After work, on a cloudy Friday afternoon, I decided to take a drive and go shopping because I wanted to buy a bed skirt to match my new comforter, so I headed off to Sears.

On the way to Sears, I heard this strong, abrupt voice say, “Go home right now!”

After I heard this strong voice ordering me to go home, I started to shake and almost lost my ability to drive just as I was pulling into the Sears parking lot.

I wondered what the heck this was all about, I was being told to go home right now and not shop! The Voice said “No” to shopping!

The experience shattered me, and I had to sit in my car for a good ten minutes to calm myself, after I pulled into the Sears parking lot.

Tarot Card of the Week — Strength

Strength-MythicTarot Card of the Week: July 20-July 26
The Inner Strength Of Your Spirit

This week you might need to stand up for yourself and face a situation that feels like the hot fiery Sun. If you do not stand up for yourself and head for the hills, you’ll end up in your cave of fears or procrastination!

In Mythic Tarot and Greek Mythology, you meet Heracles, a mortal that became a god. Heracles was known as one of the greatest hero’s because he faced and conquered the biggest and most ferocious lion, Nemean.

In the Strength card, Nemean represents a metaphor for the Sun, a situation that feels hot and burning, easily raging out of control and requires you to stand up for yourself and face the ferocious lion within, or the outer lion that roars at you!

The Strength card shows Heracles entering a cave – the cave represents a metaphor for your inner hidden fears, and fear can stop you straight away, if you let it!  With determination, you can conquer almost any fear, for it truly exists in your mind.

You need to tap into your inner strength and face the situation that roars at you with all your courage and strength to become the hero that wears the skin of the lion, who faces the heat of the ferocious Sun!

Welcome To The Major Arcana Destiny Cards

The Major Arcana represent the destiny cards, each depicting the rapturous joys and doleful sorrows that every man and woman comes to know throughout life’s long course of fortunes. For me, the Major Arcana have taught basic life lessons.

I learned the Tarot using the Rider-Waite Tarot, and I continue with this deck to this very day, as I feel my strongest bond to the “Rider-Waite Tarot Deck.” The Major Arcana symbolize immensely powerful archetypes that evoke the profoundest thoughts and life experiences that, one way, or another, will weave themselves into the story of your life.

Psychic Safina

Welcome to Psychic Scoop and thank you for visiting my profile! My name is Safina and I am a Psychic Visionary, Astrologer, Tarot Master, and author of ‘Tarot Boot Camp’.

When you come into my chat, we will start with your heartfelt questions, together with your name, D.O.B. and the city, state and country you were born in so I can pull your birth chart. This way I’ll be able to see very clearly where you’re headed and what opportunities or obstacles lie on your path in front of you.

I will say a prayer, open a channel to my spiritual connection and pull a Celtic Cross Tarot spread to see what advice or obstacles the cards reveal about your situation.