Articles By Psychic Aura

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About Psychic Aura

I am available for chat and phone sessions, offering a variety of payment options. Learn more about me and schedule a session with me through my Psychic Scoop profile page.

Does this Relationship Have a Future?

One of the most common questions I get from clients is about the future of a new relationship.

The beginning of a new relationship can be an exciting time!  We are, of course eager to know how this new relationship will unfold.

Numerous studies show that the success of a relationship depends on certain commonalities we share and our willingness to stay present with the other person.

When we are focused on the future it can steer us away from enjoying the moment. It can often consume us – creating lots of negative thought patterns and worry thoughts.

These thoughts can impact on the present dynamics of a relationship in its formative stages – taking us from really being in the now. New connections can stir up old feelings from our past and relationships can test us in many ways. This is a time for exploring the building stages of a new relationship and really tuning into that person.

Spotlight Reader of the Week – Psychic Aura

This Week’s Featured Reader is Psychic Aura, a trained psychologist, relationship coach and Past Lives Therapist with certifications in Hypnotherapy, Psychology, Theta Healing and Law of Attraction Counselling. She is also a certified Yoga Teacher.

She has been reading in person and online for over 25 years. Her psychic abilities and psychological background have given her immense insight into the human condition. She loves doing Consultations for those who are looking to Grow, Renew, Reinvent and Re-energize in difficult and uncertain times. Her firm belief is that NOW is a time of opportunity!

Her style is a mix of Clairvoyance, Coaching, Counselling, Inspiring and ALWAYS empowering. She is clairvoyant, empathic, third generation psychic who has trained as a Certified Angel Intuitive TM and Medium with Doreen Virtue, the author of the Angel and Fairy Cards.

Tarot Card of the Week: Two of Cups


Two of Cups

Tarot Card of the Week: Aug 1, 2016-August 7, 2016

Two of Cups

One of the most common things I hear from people is about the future of a new relationship.

If you are looking for love or have recently met someone then this is the card you want to draw as a present or future card in a reading. This week’s tarot card is the Two of Cups from the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot.

On this card two lovers are facing each other, offering their cups and sharing their feelings. The beginning of a new relationship can be an exciting time! We are, of course eager to know how this relationship will unfold!

There is alchemical energy in this card – It depicts the beginning of the bonding process. The future energy of this relationship is determined by how things are in the present and the other cards surrounding it.

This card can also indicate reconciliation, partnership and harmony and cooperation. Or a situation where there is a meeting of minds, heart and souls. The Two of Cups is about the power of love in all its forms and its uniting force.

Tarot Card of the Week: Perception



Perception – Emerald Stone:
“The heart knows what the eyes cannot see.”

Tarot Card of the Week: Feb 22 – Feb 28, 2016


This week’s card is “Perception,” from the Chakra Wisdom Oracle deck by world renowned psychic, Tori Hartman.

A princess wanders into her untended garden and finds a beautiful and brilliant emerald stone. The stone speaks and tells the princess to open an old wooden door. She enters a dark corridor and the door slams shut.

Afraid, she moves forward until her hand falls upon another door. It opens to reveal the same garden she left behind; only now it is beautiful, filled with flowers, butterflies, and birds. It is magnificent and familiar.

This card is about transformation in the heart, a shift in perception, the unknown and a promise of a richer experience in life.

We can ask ourselves: What in my life needs tending?

The Emerald Stone represents our heart chakra, which resonates with the colour green and radiating bright green healing light. The butterflies speak of transformation, rebirth and possibility. The little birds represent viewing things from a higher perspective.

The princess is turning away from the darkness of the door and towards the light beautiful and abundant garden.

Tarot Card of the Week: The Hermit


Tarot Card of the Week: Oct 26 – Nov 1

The Hermit

This week’s card is The Hermit from the Art Through the Eyes of the Soul Oracle, by Cheryl Yambrach Rose. This is a stunning deck containing the artists empowered oil paintings based on sacred sites and their mythology.

Key statements for this card are: Develop the gifts you have been given. Speak Your truth. Share your wisdom with others. Shine your light.

Depicted on this card is Mount Shasta, the sacred mountain in North Carolina. This dormant volcano is a vortex — a portal to higher dimensions of consciousness.

It is said that this area of mountain range was once part of Atlantis and Lemuria where a highly advanced society lived. Mount Shasta holds the position as the root or base chakra of the world.

Poet Godfre Ray King wrote of Shasta as this: Shasta! O Mount Shasta! What Secrets do you hide, What dwells within that Heart of Yours, What Light does There abide?

The Hermit stands on her narrow path of initiation. She holds up the Lamp of truth to guide those below in the darkness.

Be Engaged in the Now

wayne dyer

This week one of the greatest motivational speakers and self help authors of all time, Dr. Wayne Dyer departed the earthly plane. As a tribute to our beloved Dr. Dyer I am choosing a card from his Inspiration Cards Deck. Written on the card are these words:

“Thinking about where you’ve been or what you did wrong in the past are impediments to an inspired life. When you’re inspired you’re actually engaged in the now. In an infinite and never ending Universe there is no past.”

Tarot Card of the Week: Eight of Cups


Tarot Card of the Week: August 3 – August 9

Eight of Cups

This week’s card is the Eight of Cups from the Druid Craft Tarot  created by Stephanie Carr-Gomm, Philip Carr-Gomm and Will Worthington.

Are you on the right path in regard to relationships, career or a yearning for something more meaningful in an area of your life? Do you have a deep desire to take some sort of action, or even relocate to a new area? Perhaps you are needing a retreat to recharge?

The Eight of Cups indicates it may be time to ask yourself what you can do to bring a deeper satisfaction and meaning to your life.

You may be seeking a deeper meaning to an area of your life or need to focus on your personal truth or pursue deeper, more spiritual goals at this time.

Thus, the Eight of Cups is often reflective of the start of a journey of discovery, particularly on an emotional and spiritual level.

Is something calling you that you are prepared to walk away from? Or are you holding on to something that needs to be let go?

How to Create a Conscious Relationship

As caretakers of our planet we are starting to become more conscious at all levels of our being.

As we evolve and expand our consciousness we are also being awakened to create conscious relationships.

Wherever we are on our relationship journey, creating a conscious relationship can be the most wonderfully fulfilling kind of relationship a person can have.

Conscious relationships require a certain level of awareness that can take us into a deeper sense of who we are.

Ask a Psychic: How Can I Attract Love into My Life Again?

attracting love

This week’s question was submitted by a widow who recognizes that she’s developed some blocks in attracting a new relationship into her life.

She’s been single since her husband passed away 9 years ago and is now in her 50’s. She is young for her age and very active physically and mentally.

She has many close friends and is active in her community. She’s involved in study and loves to travel and has a strong spiritual connection to life.

While she has many interests that are very fulfilling, she longs to have a partner to share things with. After having grieved the loss of her husband and learning to accept his passing, she now wonders what she can do to attract a relationship for this time in her life.

Healing Your Relationship with Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a pink quartz crystal that resonates with the energy of love.

It is no wonder that it is known as the Love Stone as its energy is profoundly effective in attracting new love, intimacy and romance.

This soft essence of this crystal is also symbolic of peace and calm energy. Thought to have been used as a love stone as far back in history as 600 B.C, the properties of this gemstone are also very effective at healing personal relationships.

The soft soothing energy of this crystal will resonate out into your entire aura.

Like all crystals it is a profound amplifier of energy. Because Rose Quartz is a heart chakra stone, its energy aligns with the heart area. With a sublime and balancing energy it can also assist in physical problems.

Psychic Aura

Hello! My name is Psychic Aura and I Help People Unite with their soul purpose.

Have you been searching for: Greater harmony and fulfilment in Relationships? Your most divine ideal partner in love, friendship, business? Your voice and freedom in relationship? Greater levels of excitement, joy, and infinite possibility as you engage passionately with life?

Release of what prevents you from loving yourself deeply and experiencing yourself as divine essence? A clear connection with your higher power, inner guidance, and soul purpose?

I love doing Consultations for those who are looking to Grow, Renew, Reinvent and Re-energize in difficult and uncertain times. I believe that NOW is a time of opportunity!

Creating Your Own Personal Mission Statement

What is your purpose in life? What is your unique contribution to the world, one that is uniquely yours?

What gets you out of bed and fired up on those days when life doesn’t seem so wonderful?

And what do these questions have to do with attracting and building your ideal relationship?

When you get clear on your life’s mission, you also get clear about how to live to accomplish your mission, making relationship decisions and choices.

In this way you can take much of the guesswork out of what you need to do to have true love in your life.

Once you are in touch with your life’s mission, you will have a clear picture of the kind of partner who will help, not hinder, your efforts. No more wandering if you should tell someone they need to treat you better. You will have no time or energy for anything less.