Here is the Psychic Scoop Astrology Forecast for the week of Aug 23 – Aug 29, 2015:
This week starts with the Sun entering Virgo on Sunday. Thus begins the last month of the Summer for those in the Northern hemisphere and the last week of winter for those in the Southern hemisphere.
Weekly Astro Forecast — Aug 16 – Aug 22, 2015
Here is the Psychic Scoop Astrology Forecast for the week of Aug 16 – Aug 22, 2015:
We start the week with the Sun conjuncting Venus and Chiron in semi-sextile to Uranus on Sunday. Both of these transits are separating, meaning that they are moving away from one another.
Leo New Moon Card Reading: Results
As promised — here are the results for the Leo New Moon Card Reading that was posted on August 12th.
If you haven’t had a chance to pick a card, run over to our Facebook Fan page and select one before you read any further. You can also select a card from the original New Moon Reading post.
This month’s results are posted below.
These cards reveal your specific message for the August New Moon which takes place on Friday August 14th at 10:53 am EDT. We’ll do the same for the Virgo New Moon — which is also an eclipse — next month (on September 13th).
The Sabian symbol for this degree is: “A Carrier Pigeon Fulfilling Its Mission.” This is a powerful symbol that refers to the importance of messages that we both send and receive. What is it you have to say during this cycle? Now is the time to find your voice. What message is the Universe trying to send to you? Now is the time to listen.
The following cards were selected to represent nine different areas of focus. They’re also tied to the Moon’s conjunction to the planets as she moves through her 28-day lunar cycle.
Leo New Moon Card Reading: Pick a Card!
What does the next lunar cycle hold for you? Which of these hidden influences will be most significant for you with the upcoming Leo New Moon?
Relax and choose one card and then post your answer in the comments section below. You can also post your answer on the Psychic Scoop Facebook page.
The results with your specific message will be displayed at the next New Moon which takes place at 21°Leo 30′ on Aug 14, 2015, at 10:53 am (Eastern time).
The Sabian symbol for this degree is: “A Carrier Pigeon Fulfilling Its Mission.” This is a powerful symbol that refers to the importance of messages that we both send and receive. What is it you have to say during this cycle? Now is the time to find your voice. What message is the Universe trying to send to you? Now is the time to listen.
The following cards were selected to represent nine different areas of focus. They’re also tied to the Moon’s conjunction to the planets as she moves through her 28-day lunar cycle.
They will be turned over and revealed — with a special message for you — just prior to Friday’s New Moon.
Weekly Astro Forecast – Aug 9 – Aug 15, 2015
Here is the Psychic Scoop Astrology Forecast for the week of Aug 9 – Aug 15, 2015:
Mars moves into Leo on Sunday, joining the Sun, Venus and Jupiter. This is a much more comfortable placement for Mars as its natural orientation toward action, assertion and drive is much more aligned with the Leo fire sign energy than the Cancer water sign energy, which is much more passive, emotional and indirect.
Weekly Astro Forecast – Aug 2 – Aug 8, 2015
Here is the Psychic Scoop Astrology Forecast for the week of Aug 2 – Aug 8, 2015:
Saturn goes direct on Sunday, after spending the last 5 months in retrograde motion. This shifts the focus from going back and redefining your goals to moving forward with a new and improved perspective. This is a somewhat simplified explanation of what happens when Saturn changes direction but it can serve you well to compare it to a car changing gears.
August 2015 Horoscopes
Happy Birthday Leo! Here are some highlights for the month ahead.
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:
New Moon: The New Moon occurs on August 14th at 21° Leo 30′.
Full Moon: This month’s Full Moon occurs on August 29th at 6° Pisces 06′.
Retrogrades: Saturn goes direct on August 2nd at 28° Scorpio 16′; Venus, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are retrograde for the entire month of August.
Ingresses: Mercury enters Virgo August 7th; Mars enters Leo August 9th; Jupiter enters Virgo August 11th, the Sun enters Virgo August 23rd, Mercury enters Libra August 27th.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:
Weekly Astro Forecast – July 26 – Aug 1, 2015
Here is the Psychic Scoop Astro Forecast for the week of July 26 – Aug 1, 2015:
We start the week with a bang as Uranus turns retrograde on Sunday. As with all retrogrades, the planetary energy is turned inward, making those sudden flashes of Uranian brilliance and insight all the more real. Uranus is known as the “great awakener” and loves to shake things up — just to make sure we’re paying attention. It’s a naturally rebellious archetype, but the retrograde makes it less about bucking the system and more about challenging our own deeply personal ideals.
Weekly Astro Forecast – July 19 – July 25, 2015
Here is the Psychic Scoop Astro Forecast for the week of July 19 – July 25, 2015:
Mercury squares Uranus and trines Chiron on Monday. The square to Uranus can be challenging. It can manifest as an overwhelming need to be “right.” It can be opinionated and argumentative. If you don’t want to risk alienating everyone around you, your best bet will be to bite your tongue and keep your opinions to yourself, at least for the next day or so.
Cancer New Moon Card Reading: Results
As promised — here are the results for the Cancer New Moon Card Reading that was posted on July 13th.
If you haven’t had a chance to pick a card, run over to our Facebook Fan page and select one before you read any further.
You can also select a card from the original New Moon Reading post.
Cancer New Moon Card Reading: Pick a Card!
What does the next lunar cycle hold for you? Which of these hidden influences will be most significant for you with the upcoming Cancer New Moon?
Weekly Astro Forecast – July 12 – July 18, 2015
Here is the Psychic Scoop Astro Forecast for the week of July 12 – July 18, 2015:
On Monday, Mercury trines Neptune and the Sun squares Uranus. The first part of this configuration is quite pleasant. It opens up the psychic pathways that lead us to our dreams. Mercury trine Neptune is incredibly perceptive. It provides unparalleled access to the collective unconscious. You may find yourself experiencing profound psychic insights or instances of synchronicity and deja vu.