Follow the Path of the Buddha
Did you ever heard the saying…”Nothing to fear, but fear itself!”?
It should be a statement taught to memorize in 1st grade to ensure we do not miss that train…that at times seemingly elusive train named happiness (not same as the streetcar named desire…:).
Contrary to what the title might have sounded like, this is not a religious article.
Spotlight Reader of the Week – Pat
This Week’s Featured Reader is Pat. She has very firm spiritual values and believe in practicing prayer and meditation daily, before and after each reading to access divine information and put your needs and situation in higher hands.
She has been offering her gifts professionally more than 30 years, with over 10 via internet. She is fully bilingual, both English and Spanish speaking.
She believes that we attract what we focus on and that we have the right and the power to reach the divine in us, our higher consciousness, and in the universe to obtain the blessings that were meant for us to receive and enjoy.
Angel Reading: Sandalphon
Hello! dear client and friend, I was compelled to start a monthly meditation to connect with the angels and guides, and what better time than the beginning of each month?
We can all benefit from learning to access their loving guidance and assistance, especially in challenging times. Their presence in our lives can help us to better navigate the path ahead.
Each angel or archangel that comes forth symbolizes a group of messages, attitudes and lessons in their own. Leaving a brief explanation of those meanings and the different tasks that they are assigned to give us both a general broad, and personal reference that each of us can interpret and incorporate into our own different lives and present circumstances.
Therefore, I have decided to allow the name of the angel or archangel in question to come forth psychically. I will then follow some information about the angel selected.
Choosing Between a Psychic and a Medium
What is the difference between a Psychic and a Medium? A Psychic reader and a Tarot reader? A Psychic adviser and a Psychic reader? You probably heard the saying, a Psychic is not always a Medium but a Medium is always Psychic.
This is generally true, but it needs to be clarified so that it can be better understood. A Psychic Medium is a channel that is able to connect two worlds — the world of the living and the world of the departed — having the faculty or gift of canalizing the spirits of the departed and capturing their messages or communicating directly with them.
This usually implies that a Psychic Medium can also get information for the living using such channels or via their guides, angels or higher consciousness directly.
However not all the Psychics have been born or are able to develop such faculties. This is like saying, all bakers are cooks but not all cooks are bakers. So, yes this is true and we understand this distinction, however — even within this basic partition — there is an area where waters get murky.
Soulmates & Twin Flame Relationships
What are the best ways to deal with Soulmate relationship issues while at the same time maximizing their potential for success?
There are three main steps to accomplish this, as outlined below:
First of all, you want to treat your Soulmate relationship the same way you would any other relationship that you’re hoping will reach its full potential: to fulfill your needs and desire and to be loved and happy in, which should be the main goal of any love relationship.
Secondly you need to follow your intuition, let your love flow out and listen to your heart.
Finally, you want to make sure that you are dedicating your time and energy to someone that values you and is ready to respect you and love you the way that you deserve.
This is not only essential for your well being in any type of relationship but is the very essence and goal of Soulmate relationships and particularly with Twin flames. Since this is the very goal of love and particularly spiritually-connected relationships: to inspire, motivate and challenge your partner to achieve their spiritual missions and growth.
How to Get Honest and Accurate Psychic Readings
How can you make sure that you are really getting the most honest accurate reading? Often we tend to believe this is not something a consultant can control or have any participation with.
Well, the truth is you do! There are several things that you can be aware of to make sure that this is what you will and are getting in your reading.
A lot of that is based on who you are choosing as your reader yes, but even on that subject it will make a big difference to make sure you consult with experienced readers who’ve been working a number of years or extend enough time for a reputable company that specializes in spirituality, psychic, and tarot readings.
And even within that system there are some recommendations, as here on Psychic Scoop we’ve been handpicked and tested for accuracy.
Another obvious way is to verify if the reader has regular clients and read their reviews. A reliable honest reader will have repeat clients and good ratings overall. There can be always the one or three stars, etc., as some clients unfortunately come to the reading too upset or vulnerable and not ready for truth or disappointed with the results, a 100 percent perfect connection with each reader might not always be established on the same way or time. However, the good ratings need to be grossly outnumber the bad ones.
Earth Angels
“I feel like I don’t fit in. I always felt that I was a social outcast. When I was in grade school, the other children always told me I was weird…”
“I feel lonely because most of my friendships are one-sided, where I never get to discuss my own troubles. Most often I know what people are about to say, and people get irritated with me because I finish their sentences”.
These are some of the statements often heard from people whose reincarnated spirits have an origin, either in their last life’s or more often from other planes of existence, such as the angelic, elemental (nature’s angels) or interplanetary realms, etc.
My name is Pat and I practice and live up to my spiritual values in my readings and every advice I give you.
I have very firm spiritual values and believe in practicing prayer and meditation daily, before and after each reading to access divine information and put your needs and situation in higher hands.
All your needs and wishes for love, happiness, abundance, health and the resolution of your problems, are important to me.
I believe we attract what we focus on and that we have the right and the power to reach the divine in us, our higher consciousness, and in the universe to obtain the blessings that were meant for us to receive and enjoy.
Internet, Social Media: a Curse or a Blessing?
Many are the well-known advantages to modern technology in the online, digital world in our modern daily life with its busy schedules and high demands in the workplace.
However, many are the issues and even serious problems that the misuse of this media can bring us, both immediate and long-term family and relationship problems.
Such problems can arise through misunderstandings and the untimely use and abuse of social media apps, such as whatsapp, facebook and so on. Not to mention the risk and all too real problem of internet addiction to digital social media.