Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of March 17, 2025 – March 23, 2025:
As we start this week — on Monday — the Moon is in Libra and the Sun is conjuncting the North Node, which means it’s simultaneously opposing the South Node. The Libra Moon is known for fairness and objectivity, with an emphasis on sharing and exchanging ideas. It’s good for social interactions that call for cooperation and collaboration, as it strives for balance and harmony.
The Sun / Node conjunction can bring someone new into your life who turns out to play a meaningful role. Particularly in terms of self-actualization or individuation. As the Nodes are said to be karmic in nature, this person may not be “new” at all, but have strong past life ties. The Sun/ North Node contact can also describe a change in direction regarding your social relationships. Examples include aligning yourself with a different group of people or inviting new friends into your circle.
Venus Retrograde — Turning Love Around
Venus — the planet associated with love, romance, beauty, money, material possessions and personal values — will be retrograde from March 2, 2025 until April 14th, 2025.
From an astrological perspective, retrogrades motivate us to review, revisit, refine and resolve challenges that are holding us back from progressing in the area related to the planet involved.
They may relate to unfinished business from past lives, or they may refer to repeating patterns in our present lifetimes. Either way, the presumption when that planet is Venus is that the challenges faced are love and relationship challenges. This includes the entire spectrum of “relationships”: romantic, familial, social, etc.
Why He “Pulled Away” — And How to Bring Him Back
We’ve all been there. To hell and back that is.
We’ve all found ourselves caught in the throes of a new romantic connection that seemed so perfect in the beginning and then died out so suddenly that we were left reeling in the aftershocks and wondering what happened?
It usually goes something like this: We meet a man who seems so promising and full of potential in the beginning that we allow ourselves to get caught up in a whirlwind romance, one that has all the markings of a long term relationship.
He comes on like gangbusters, ardently pursuing and letting us know in a multitude of ways that he’s into us.
Spotlight Reader of the Week – Melodie
This Week’s Featured Reader is Melodie. She is a professional astrologer and spiritual advisor with more than 30 years’ experience. She is proficient in astrology, tarot, numerology, feng shui, the enneagram and many other mystery schools.
While she does consider herself psychic, she absolutely subscribes to the belief that we all participate in our destiny. For this reason her forays into the psychic sciences has repeatedly led her back to the fascinating, interminable and wondrous world of astrology.
She is a writer, teacher and counselor — but most of all a student — of this fascinating study. She has an extensive clientele, both locally and internationally, thanks to the advent of the internet age. She writes horoscopes and tarotscopes for numerous psychic sites. She is a member of AFAN, NCGR, ISAR as well as numerous other astrological organizations.
She is provides monthly tarot scopes on the Ask the Astrologers site, where she contributes to an advice column as well as articles on eclipses, retrogrades, ingresses and other astrological phenomena.
Weekly Astrology Forecast — Mar 30, 2020 – Apr 5, 2020
Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Mar 30, 2020 – Apr 5, 2020:
We start the week with Mars leaving Capricorn behind on Monday and moving into Aquarius, where it will remain for the next 6 weeks (until May 13th). Mars transits bring action and energy to the area of a natal chart where the transit occurs. It also affects planets in a natal chart that it forms aspects to, which are in turn influenced by the sign placement (in this case Aquarius) as well as the house Mars is placed in and rules in the natal chart.
Mars in Aquarius is progressive, innovative, and forward thinking. It can also be eccentric and rebellious. It’s independant and individuated, with things like innovation, open-mindedness and social consciousness among its unique characteristics, It’s a champion for the underdog and not afraid to stand up out for those who have been marginalized or mistreated in some way.
Weekly Astrology Forecast — Mar 23, 2020 – Mar 29, 2020
Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Mar 23, 2020 – Mar 29, 2020:
With Saturn now in Aquarius — where it remain until the end of June before it temporarily retrogrades back into Capricorn — it’s no surprise that group and social activities have been limited for many of us. As this is the only planet in an air sign this week, and since it just so happens to be the one associated with limitations and restrictions, those restrictions are likely to be even more pronounced.
How ironic then that Monday’s two main transits (Mars conjuncting Pluto and Venus sextiling Neptune) are historically linked with sex and intimacy. Among other things. These planets are paired up nicely, with Neptune being the higher octave of Venus and Pluto being the higher octave of Mars. Venus, Mars and Neptune are all also dignified by sign.
Weekly Astrology Forecast — Mar 16, 2020 – Mar 22, 2020
Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Mar 16, 2020 – Mar 22, 2020:
We have a lot happening this week, with three planets (Mercury, the Sun and Saturn) and an asteroid (Pallas Athena) changing signs, a five-planet lineup in Capricorn and the first day of Spring.
Starting on Monday, Mercury — now in direct motion — re-enters Pisces, where it will remain for the next three weeks (until April 12th). It crosses its shadow point (the degree at which it went retrograde) on March 30th. Until that time, even though Mercury is now moving forward again, we can anticipate some of the residual affects of Mercury retrograde — including misunderstandings and miscommunications — especially since Mercury is in the sign most closely associated with the same.
Weekly Astrology Forecast — Mar 9, 2020 – Mar 15, 2020
Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Mar 9, 2020 – Mar 15, 2020:
This week starts with Venus sextiling the North Node (thus automatically trining the South Node) on Monday. This transit can bring people into your life who feel familiar and who want nothing but the best for you. This aspect is karmic in nature, meaning that the people you meet during this time are here to propel you toward your destiny — and vice versa.
Venus is very comfortable in Taurus — the sign it co-rules along with Libra. It ties in nicely with the sextile aspect, which is all about assistance and cooperation, Keep in mind that your actions and interactions can have far reaching repercussions during this time. So make sure you treat the people you meet with dignity and respect.
Weekly Astrology Forecast — Mar 2, 2020 – Mar 8, 2020
Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Mar 2, 2020 – Mar 8, 2020:
This week we have both Mercury and Venus changing signs, Mars moving back into bounds, and the Moon increasing in light and dimension as it moves toward the first Super Moon of the year.
But before all that happens, we have a first quarter Moon in Gemini on Monday, and Venus squaring Saturn on Tuesday. The first quarter Moon is tied to home, family, security, emotions and needs (among other things). This is a very sociable Moon, and while it may not be the time to try to delve too deeply into any one thing, it’s great for connecting and interacting with others.
Weekly Astrology Forecast — Feb 24, 2020 – Mar 1, 2020
Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Feb 24, 2020 – Mar 1, 2020:
This week starts with Mars conjuncting the Moon’s South Node (and thus automatically opposing her North Node) on Monday. This is a rather tense aspect that encourages you to be mindful of your actions (and your reactions), The South Node is tied to karmic events and repercussion, pay attention to what you’re putting out there at time time.
This transit is also about determining your role in group interactions. Remember that there needs to be a good balance between give and take: don’t try to force your views on others, or you could wind up alienating them.
Weekly Astrology Forecast — Feb 17, 2020 – Feb 23, 2020
Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Feb 17, 2020 – Feb 23, 2020:
This week we have a planet (Mercury) going retrograde, the Sun changing signs and a New Moon in early Pisces. Starting with the Mercury retrograde, it’s official just after midnight UT on Monday (late Friday in the US). We all know that Mercury retrograde means things are likely to go haywire — especially all things related to communications, communications devices and local travel — like automobiles, train and bus schedules and so on.
Communications tend to run amok, plans get turned on their head, communications devices (computers, electronics, cell-phones, etc) and written communications (emails, texts, letters, etc.) get lost or misconstrued. It’s not a good time to sign contracts or legal documents and not a good time to purchase Mercury-ruled items (automobiles, televisions, computers and so on).
Weekly Astrology Forecast — Feb 10, 2020 – Feb 16, 2020
Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Feb 10, 2020 – Feb 16, 2020:
This week starts with Venus conjuncting Chiron in Aries on Monday. Venus is in its fall in Aries, as the sign opposite Libra which it naturally rules. It can be seen as a bit rash and abrasive, but the conjunction with Chiron shifts the focus away from self-interests and toward understanding the suffering of others.
This transit should see you becoming more aware of your own capacity for giving and for being able to put yourself in other people’s shoes. This is a charitable aspect that compels you to reach into the very depths of your soul — where compassion, forgiveness and understanding all reside — and bring forth that which is within you in order to pass it onto others.