What is Black Magic?
- In some Pagan communities black magic is simply applied magic that is done in a negative manner. Traditionally, Black magic can include but is not limited to:
- ~Magical workings that impact free will of others
- ~Magic performed to bring about destruction or harm like with cursing or hexes.
- ~Magic invoking the spirit realm for a negative purpose
- ~Magical workings that are baneful and restrict or eliminate the actions of others.
However, black magic doesn’t have the kind of power you may think. The only way you can give black magic any power is if you believe in it. The simple truth is there are only two forces in the universe, Negative and Positive forces, the co-exist. So it’s natural in the nature to create your reality with positive and negative thoughts.
Tarot of the Week: Five of Pentacles
Tarot Card of the Week: June 6 -June 12, 2016
Five of Pentacles
The New Mythic Tarot is one of my favorite decks. All cards represent the characters in mythology that are our archetypal selves.
Homer told the story of Daedalus, who is represented in the Five of Pentacles. Daedalus was a proud man, full of ego. He was one of the greatest artists of his time and built an incredible labyrinth in Crete. He thought himself so brilliant that no other person could come close to what he could accomplish. The only one was his nephew Perdix, who was just as talented as he.
In this card he killed his nephew out of jealousy and he creeps away from his workshop in darkness of midnight. The workshop behind him is adorned with pentacles at the door as a symbol of his great success. He must walk away from that success now to hide the murder and jealousy he committed.
A very sad story of ego and pride. So the Five of Pentacles is a warning card. When you see this in the reading you could be suffering a number of things. Loss, being the first, since Daedalus regretted his actions and went away in pain, therefore leaving us the fable, that we should be careful or AWARE of how we are seeing others.
Tarot of the Week: Strength
Tarot Card of the Week: May 16, 2016- – May 22, 2016
A beautiful woman sits over a lion. She appears calm and without fear as she is surrounded by wild beasts. If you look closely on the card, she stretches out her hand it may be a glow of inner energy. She has given a golden touch to each of the big cats and has captivated them into her power. The strength of her gilded hands has overcome the cats with total and pure enlightenment. In a moment of grace, your crown chakra is opened in your inner nature awakens to your inner strength which is greater than your natural wildness
The woman as a representation of our higher selves has tamed the lion, our shadow self. She has tamed our base passions and desires that need to be controlled. And so this card is about having inner strength in order to gracefully deal with life and its problems in a manner that examines our courage and compassion.
The Strength card doesn’t necessarily mean brutal physical strength, but that inward strength we all have. This card reflects a compassionate approach. When you see this card in a reading you are like the woman who offers love and patience to the dangerous lion in order to tame him. Your treatment of others with love and compassion will get you exactly what you want.
Office Romance: Fun for Some, But Not for Everyone
It all started off innocently enough. He was the new guy at the office. She was a co-worker. But then something happened. He started flirting with her, and spinning her head with cool jokes and funny pictures. They would sit together and give each other knowing looks at office meetings. They got each other’s jokes. Then one day their eyes locked, their hands touched and the “magic” happened, they started falling in love.
Tarot Card of the Week: Ten of Swords
Tarot Card of the Week: March 28 – April 3
Ten of Swords
The man in this card seems to be going through a tremendous amount of suffering, he doesn’t have just one sword at his back but 10! It appears he is going through some terrible misfortune. But the truth is he is going through a lot of DRAMA, not TRAUMA. A lot of the things he may be suffering are due to lack of faith or struggling upstream -through a path that seems very dark.
This week, I’m using the Legacy of the Divine Tarot, created by digital artist Ciro Marchetti. Inspired by the Rider-Waite, this exquisite and magical deck takes you into the heart of fantasy, yet the illustrations adequately portray the human “feeling” we all experience at one time or other.
The suit of Swords in Tarot represents the element of Air. These cards are associated with change, force, power, oppression, ambition, courage and conflict. Like the other suits in tarot, they represent the human condition.
Not every day is the happy day we wish it to be, we sometimes have to resist forces outside ourselves and forces that turn us to the dark side of thinking. It can be a constant battle.
How to Get Over a Broken Heart
If your partner broke up with you and your heart feels like a sledgehammer tore it apart, you have one of two choices:
You can either wallow in the pain of it all and can carry on with your negative thoughts and berate yourself, thus making yourself MORE miserable; OR you can do something completely different and choose to get over him/her as quickly as possible.
During the first few days and even the first few weeks of losing the one you loved, you should first allow yourself to go through the various stages of the grieving process.
It is good to know what these stages are so you can cut through the chase, by experiencing them and getting over it.
In Trivial Pursuit of St. Patrick – Bits and Pieces You May Not Know
Born of a well-to-do family, kidnapped and sold into bondage, St. Patrick is the most popular saint of Ireland and the United States. How this slave became a saint, is a story that captures the imagination.
St. Patrick was a Roman citizen born in Britain, of a fairly well-to-do family. When he was 16-years old. He was kidnapped by a group of Irish pirates and taken as a slave to Ireland where he spent six years tending sheep until he had an opportunity to escape and go home.
In St. Patrick’s writings “The Confession” he wrote how tending sheep, and his connection to nature brought him to a better understanding of God and helped him convert to Christianity.
According to legend, St. Patrick heard a voice telling him he would go home soon and that his ship was ready. He ran from his master, and traveled 200 miles to port where he found a ship and persuaded the captain to take him on board. After three days of sailing they landed in Britain where everyone left the ship.
After walking for 28 days in the wilderness, and becoming faint with hunger he ran into a herd of boars, where he killed one and ate and had enough energy to finally make it home. When he finally got home he dedicated himself to studying Christianity and then returned to Ireland as a missionary.
Ask a Psychic: Long Distance Love
This week’s question comes from a woman who’s developed a love connection a man she’s been been friends with (online) with for the past two years.
Both of them were involved with other people at the onset of their friendship: she was married and he was involved in a long term committed relationship. But over time as their other relationships ended, they’ve grown closer and now admit to having much stronger feelings for one another.
Our client, whom we will call Candice, says she feels a little silly getting so emotionally invested in someone she’s never met in person, although they do speak on the phone and text or Skype daily. They’ve also begun to openly express feelings for one another.
Her love interest (we’ll call him Terrell) has been an incredibly support for her during the fallout of her marriage and throughout her divorce and she returned the favor once his own relationship ended several months later.
Are There Spirits Among You?
How can you tell?
The hair on the back of your neck stands up when you walk into a room. A cool breeze touches your cheek and there is no open window. You see movement out of the corner of your eye but there is no one there. You take a picture and an unexplainable shadow shows up. Could there be spirits among you? Someone trying to contact you? Could it be your own spirit guide or angel? Perhaps it is someone you know who has passed on and is trying to communicate? At other times you may feel a sort of overwhelming presence, a feeling that someone, or someone you know is right there with you. A feeling that is so strong that you could swear it is true! That a ghost or someone you’ve known and loved is sitting in the same room with you.
Tarot Card of the Week: The Devil
Tarot of the Week: Jan 18 – Jan 24, 2016 ~ The Devil
12 "You were the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. 13 You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, Beryl, onyx, and jasper, Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes Was prepared for you on the day you were created. 14 You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.” Ezekiel 28:12-14
The Color of Roses and Their Meanings
The rose is perhaps the most beloved flower of all flowers. Its fragrance has captivated kings and queens and has inspired full rose gardens that are spectacular to see.
Fossil evidence of roses indicate that the flower has probably been in existence for 35 million years. This long history as a perfume and medicine during the reign of the Roman Empire is legendary because of its uses in everything from celebrations to healing skin rashes and indigestion.
5 Ways to Stop Being “The Other Woman”
It all starts innocently enough. At first you may share glances of humor, secretly laughing at a co-worker or work environment. Then small conversations, or quips, and jokes turn into long and serious conversations. Then you can’t wait for work to start so you can see each other again. Slowly the conversations turn into caresses, and then passionate moments in the break room or long lunches at a motel room. The connection is unbelievable because you seem to be in sync at every moment. All seems well, you feel you finally found your soulmate after a long search, except for one thing, he is married.