Articles By Chrisalis

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About Chrisalis

I am an international psychic with an extensive client base and also write articles and horoscopes for several psychic sites. My readings usually focus on the present and immediate future but also look at the past to see where the problems you are facing right now have originated.I am available for skype, chat and phone sessions, offering a variety of payment options. Learn more about me and schedule a session with me through my Psychic Scoop profile page.



I am an international psychic with an extensive client base and also write articles and horoscopes for several psychic sites.

My readings usually focus on the present and immediate future but also look at the past to see where the problems you are facing right now have originated.

This can help you in finding your best way forward as it can show you how to change patterns in relationships and take control again.

Sometimes you may feel confused and not sure of your way forward. To help ground yourself before speaking with me you may wish to ask yourself the following questions. What is going on for me at the moment? What is it that I need or want? How do I make it happen?

Tarot Card of the Week: Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups

Tarot Card of the Week: July 27 – Aug 2, 2015

Nine of Cups

It’s as if fate steps in this week to take you by the hand and lead you down a path you may wish to explore again.

This path may specifically be to do with your love life and as you are in a state of blissful happiness this week your love life may also take on a new path of its own.

With Venus now retrograde there is a sense of the past catching up with the present and all looks pretty bright and rosy when it comes to your love life.

If you have been looking for inspiration or a “sign” from the Universe when it comes to your love life then this is the week it may hit you. You may hear from someone from your past or feel as if you are drawn to contacting someone you have been out of touch with for a while.

You may also feel as if you should be doing something but with the Nine of Cups things can just generally come to you. It is a card of success and wishes coming true.

There is a sense that if you gazed into the centre of this image you would be drawn into a hypnotic trance where only the centre really mattered and everything around it was on the outskirts.

Ask a Psychic: What Do Our Transits Hold?

A client who we’ll call Anna wrote in to ask about her and her ex-lover’s current and upcoming transits.

She had been seeing a man for a year and a half before he broke up with her — completely unexpectedly — in late April.

At the time he told her he was confused about his feelings and was thinking about someone he’d met and dated before.

Anna was blind-sided by this breakup and says that at the time she thought things were going very well. She does have some knowledge of astrology herself and has looked into each of their transits trying to make sense of things.

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius — January 2015

Mercury Retrograde

Just after the sun goes into Aquarius right on a New Moon on January 20, 2015 we are visited again (on the 21st) by that pesky little thing known as Mercury turning retrograde.

This time it is in Aquarius which is the sign of geniuses as that lightening quick energy of Uranus (Aquarius’ ruling planet) mingles with Mercury (planet of communication).

You can imagine many things can go wrong with the combination of Mercury retrograde in Aquarius and you are not far off the mark there.

Be prepared for thoughts just hitting you out of nowhere and then be prepared for feeling frustrated in not being able to follow them up.

You might also want to give some thought to electrical gadgets going haywire and making sure that everything is in tip top shape so no further damage can be done.

Personally, I like the sound of Mercury retrograde in Aquarius. It should bring out some plans that are about your future, allow you to see things from different angles that you may not usually take into consideration and also not keep you as heavily bound down as some of the other signs Mercury could’ve turned retrograde in.

THE LOVE FILES: Strengthening Boundaries

Strengthening Boundaries

NO is such an empowering word!

You may have heard the word boundaries and thought yours were good but if you have found yourself feeling you are put upon within a relationship or by others in general then you need to take another look at your boundaries.

Do you find it easy to say no and mean it?

Try it. The next time you do not want to do something and you know that if you say yes you will feel put upon and unhappy that you have done so, try saying no.

It may be difficult at first but if you keep practicing saying “no” to things you do not want to do it will get easier and the payoffs to you to may be great.

The reason for this is twofold.

Firstly, you can gauge the other person’s reaction to you saying no and see how far they will try to push you to get you to do what they want. Secondly, it gives you a sense of empowerment that you can use the “no” word. The more you use it and hear yourself using it the easier it becomes to say “No”.

THE LOVE FILES: Giving Too Much

Giving Too Much

If you have been giving of yourself, your resources, your time and energy to a relationship and not getting anything in return what have you not tried?

The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

The person doing all the giving in a relationship is setting themselves up to always be in the role of “giver.” The other person who is usually doing very little to keep the relationship together has been programmed that they do not need to do anything as you are doing it all for them.

If you step back a bit they may, and usually do, pick up the slack and give back to you some more in time, affection, talking things through, etc but this usually ends as soon as you start giving again.

THE LOVE FILES: Your Relationship History

Relationship History

Have you ever sat down and wondered why you draw the same type of person into your love life giving you the same negative outcome to the relationship?

Let’s face it if you were drawing the right type of person into your love life you would have a better chance at a positive outcome.

There may be something you are playing out from your childhood or what you saw and experienced within your parents’ relationship that you are equating with love. However, if your parents’ relationship was not that great and let’s face it many are not as they are only doing the best they can with the past experiences they have then you may find yourself repeating their pattern without consciously being aware of it.

Sometimes you will find your parents had a great relationship but you have been drawn into bad relationship choices yourself and put at the receiving end of someone else’s idea of what a relationship is all about. Let’s call this living up to your partner’s expectations of what love is and how a relationship is meant to proceed and there’s about as many different types of expectations as you can imagine.

THE LOVE FILES – Relationship Series

Love Files

Ever wondered why you feel so drawn to someone and they are not possibly that drawn back to you? Wondering what you can do about it or how to protect yourself and your own boundaries?

There are actually many ways you can strengthen your boundaries ensuring you are not pulled into a situation you do not want to be a part of.

Sometimes relationships can feel as if they are all a blur with no real rhythm or reason as to what the rules are or how they are meant to work. We all have different thoughts on what we want our relationships to be and sometimes we miss that what we want is not what the other person actually wants.

Over the next few weeks I will be looking at the following as well as other areas of your relationship that you have questions on and giving you advice on changes you can make.