How to Get Honest and Accurate Psychic Readings

psychic readings

How can you make sure that you are really getting the most honest accurate reading? Often we tend to believe this is not something a consultant can control or have any participation with.

Well, the truth is you do! There are several things that you can be aware of to make sure that this is what you will and are getting in your reading.

A lot of that is based on who you are choosing as your reader yes, but even on that subject it will make a big difference to make sure you consult with experienced readers who’ve been working a number of years or extend enough time for a reputable company that specializes in spirituality, psychic, and tarot readings.

And even within that system there are some recommendations, as here on Psychic Scoop we’ve been handpicked and tested for accuracy.

Another obvious way is to verify if the reader has regular clients and read their reviews. A reliable honest reader will have repeat clients and good ratings overall. There can be always the one or three stars, etc., as some clients unfortunately come to the reading too upset or vulnerable and not ready for truth or disappointed with the results, a 100 percent perfect connection with each reader might not always be established on the same way or time. However, the good ratings need to be grossly outnumber the bad ones.

There are however several important things to keep in mind when thinking about getting a reading, particularly a love reading if wanting to get a good accurate honest reading with the highest chance for accuracy.

One important factor has been already slightly mentioned and that is to resist the temptation of going to do a reading rushing with the tears in your eyes, right after have been stricken by love disappointment and hurt feelings. At that moment your emotions are more vulnerable and your mind is not as clear as to make sure you use your time wisely and ask the important questions you might need to ask. Emotional vulnerability might lead you to misunderstand and overreact in the time of the reading, which would impede you to have a clear head enough to ask further related questions in that moment.

A very good advantage in readings, is being able to reread the transcripts later, which we have access to here in this site, but you want to be able to have your questions and doubts and your head clear on the time of the reading to maximize your investment.

Finally, and actually leaving the most important point of what to do and in this case what “NOT to do” to help an honest reading, I would like to add the following advice.

It is crucial to have an open expectant mind to the answers or comments we will be given during the reading, in spite of obviously having some favorite or preferred answers to our questions that we might have, especially when asking if a particular person has similar feelings or thoughts as our own, if there is potential in a certain relationship or friendship in having a romantic future together and so on.

At times the answers or messages that guides, angels or spirit, rely to the psychic or medium during your reading are unexpected and even surprised the reader him or herself, and it might be that their causes or effects won’t be apparent or shown to the consultant till later in time.

Other times the consultant will reply with a feeling of satisfaction for the warning in times of doubt or even glad to have seen her suspicions and intuitions having been confirmed, whether this were good or bad. But in any case, it is very important that, in our eagerness of finding happiness in success in life, we do not attack the reader with leading questions and plunge into a reading that will seed a lot of confusion, doubt and trepidation to both reader and consultant, in trying to both answer your question in the most compassionate honest and constructive way to give you not only the truth but alternatives to improve your life and near future, especially if those are given spontaneous by the guides and angels.

For example, if you are blurting questions every 2 seconds such as, “Does he loves me and thinks I am the woman for him? And is it true that he doesn’t miss at all his ex-wife who drove him crazy and stole all his money, right? He told me so and it is true because blah blah blah….and HOW LONG UNTIL he asks me to marry him and will we be happy after we get married and have 2 kids?” without even having a near future vision or perdition yet of even getting married or that there will be children in the picture even if that is to occur with the person you are asking about in the reading that you just met yesterday…..would not be the best way to allow the time and space for angels giving you useful messages and advice and for the reader to give you the most concrete answers to questions that can be answered most accurately in each and every case.

If you need just inspiration to have faith on a pretty inspiring picture to activate wishful thinking and bring up your spirits that might be what you want, but is this what you need?

A lot of wishful thinking resulting in self-deceiving false hope might be what results from such an scenario and I find this a dangerous path for both psychic and consultant, which might turn around later and project her anger and broken dreams, in form of blaming the reader for faulting at delivering the fairy dream they came to the reading with.

To resume, Leading on the answers during a reading is a form of self-sabotage the truth and the help to begin with that prevents you from really listening to the possible answers that would have help you much more in your situation or problem, present place in time and circumstances.

This is Pat, Angel’s messenger and I lovingly bless you!





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The beautiful image used on this page comes from John Waterhouse’s famous painting, “The Crystal Ball,” 1902

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